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Posts posted by Baloo22

  1. From The Hill, "CBO: 'Fiscal cliff' deal carries $4 trillion price tag over next decade" By Peter Schroeder

    "The Senate deal to avoid the "fiscal cliff" will add roughly $4 trillion to the deficit when compared to current law, according to new numbers from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The CBO determined Tuesday that the package, hammered out late Monday evening by Vice President Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), would — over the next decade — come with a $3.9 trillion price tag."

    The figures detailed in this article are from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) which is generally relied upon for non-partisan number crunching in these situations. This feel-good charade that has just passed does virtually nothing in getting federal spending under control. It is just one more immature kick of the can a little further down the road.

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  2. I have been through TSA check in the USA many times. No problems. Treated very well. Of course, I don't walk in there with a such a big chip on my shoulder!

    Been through Airport Security, Immigration, and Customs in a number of different countries and I have never had any problems with any of them. I do it the same way every time. I put a smile on my face, treat them with courtesy and respect, answer their questions honestly and politely, and amazingly, I don't run into all these problems the whiners are crying about.

    Remove that knot-headed, entitled attitude, and also the big chip on your shoulders, and you will have a much better experience! thumbsup.gif

    And what gives you great insight into my attitude towards the authorities. I pitch up at the desk all smiles and pleasantries, but because I am an Alien, I am treated like garbage and yes do end up leaving the airport with a chip on my shoulder. All I say to the Americans is you should try going through your own entry clearance if you don't hold a US passport or are travelling with someone holding a US passport. When I was flying there I was going on business so was well dressed and had all my business plans for inspection but was still accused of trying to illegally obtain work. If the guy doing the accusing has a gun and attitude I just smile politely take his abuse and leave, now my contracts go elsewhere.

    I have gone through immigration, customs, and airport security in over eleven different countries and have never had problems. Amazing!!

    I hear the whiny blah-blah about immigration in this or that country,and yet when I go there; no problems. Amazing!!

    Been through one country's airport security screening with physical pat-downs and guys with submachineguns on each side to ensure compliance. Put the smile on my face matched with a good attitude and guess what; no problems! Amazing!!

    Heard all the whiny blah-blah about TSA from both Americans and non-Americans, yet every time I go through TSA screening; no problems. Amazing!!

    I've even taken personal weapons through U.S. Customs with no problems. Of course, I had the proper paperwork, cooperated with their inspection, and had a good and cooperative attitude. Guess what; no problems! Amazing!!

    I have met many other people from both Asian and European countries that have gone through U.S. immigration, customs, and TSA with no problems and pleased with the experience. Amazing!!

    So how do I (and many, many others) avoid all these horrible problems when going through immigration, customs, and airport security? If it's not my good disposition and mature attitude, then it just must be my charm and good looks! smile.png

    Boy I hope those rose tinted glasses never fall off you might be blinded. I travel the globe on business and never had issues before in any country until the blessed trio of US Customs, Immigration and TSA. Now reading other posts maybe I got the dirty end of the stick as it was LAX, but there is no excuse for the rudeness shown to travellers by the civil servants of that country. I have the option to take my business elsewhere and have done. I am not anti American and once past the unpleasantness of the airport had a great visit but I refuse to suffer the ignorance of the authorities when I can go elsewhere. Arriving in Jakarta is more pleasant than LAX.

    "Boy I hope those rose tinted glasses never fall off you might be blinded."

    It's not rose-tinted glasses. It's using my brain, and thinking things through! thumbsup.gif

  3. I have been through TSA check in the USA many times. No problems. Treated very well. Of course, I don't walk in there with a such a big chip on my shoulder!

    Been through Airport Security, Immigration, and Customs in a number of different countries and I have never had any problems with any of them. I do it the same way every time. I put a smile on my face, treat them with courtesy and respect, answer their questions honestly and politely, and amazingly, I don't run into all these problems the whiners are crying about.

    Remove that knot-headed, entitled attitude, and also the big chip on your shoulders, and you will have a much better experience! thumbsup.gif

    And what gives you great insight into my attitude towards the authorities. I pitch up at the desk all smiles and pleasantries, but because I am an Alien, I am treated like garbage and yes do end up leaving the airport with a chip on my shoulder. All I say to the Americans is you should try going through your own entry clearance if you don't hold a US passport or are travelling with someone holding a US passport. When I was flying there I was going on business so was well dressed and had all my business plans for inspection but was still accused of trying to illegally obtain work. If the guy doing the accusing has a gun and attitude I just smile politely take his abuse and leave, now my contracts go elsewhere.

    I have gone through immigration, customs, and airport security in over eleven different countries and have never had problems. Amazing!!

    I hear the whiny blah-blah about immigration in this or that country,and yet when I go there; no problems. Amazing!!

    Been through one country's airport security screening with physical pat-downs and guys with submachineguns on each side to ensure compliance. Put the smile on my face matched with a good attitude and guess what; no problems! Amazing!!

    Heard all the whiny blah-blah about TSA from both Americans and non-Americans, yet every time I go through TSA screening; no problems. Amazing!!

    I've even taken personal weapons through U.S. Customs with no problems. Of course, I had the proper paperwork, cooperated with their inspection, and had a good and cooperative attitude. Guess what; no problems! Amazing!!

    I have met many other people from both Asian and European countries that have gone through U.S. immigration, customs, and TSA with no problems and pleased with the experience. Amazing!!

    So how do I (and many, many others) avoid all these horrible problems when going through immigration, customs, and airport security? If it's not my good disposition and mature attitude, then it just must be my charm and good looks! smile.png

  4. Pattaya Police Officer under investigation following shooting at Colonel’s apartment

    PATTAYA:--A Senior Sergeant Major who is currently undergoing disciplinary action after he refused to comply with newly enforced regulations imposed by the new Pattaya Police Chief is suspected of shooting a 12 bore shotgun in the direction of the Colonel’s apartment which is located at the rear of Pattaya Police Station.

    The original incident is thought to have occurred in the early hours of New Year’s Day. Attempts to cover-up the story were unsuccessful leading journalists to report on the incident early on Wednesday morning.

    Police Colonel Suwan claimed that the incident was witnessed by other officers who often use the area at the rear of the station to eat and smoke cigarettes. The officer, who is thought to have been in a drunken state, is accused of being armed with a 12 gauge shotgun and fired multiple times at the windows of the Colonel’s apartment

    FULL STORY:http://www.pattayaon...nels-apartment/ pattaya-one.jpg

    -- Pattaya One 2013-01-03

    "Attempts to cover-up the story were unsuccessful leading journalists to report on the incident early on Wednesday morning."

    Now that's interesting. Not surprising, but interesting. Interesting that it was actually put into the news article.

  5. Why don't you just fly?

    why stuff around getting to and from airports and pay all that extra for overweight luggage

    when this is far more convenient and just as comfortable ?

    I guess it's a matter of opinion. IMO, glued into a seat for 7 to ???? hours rocketing down highways is not an especially comfortable or appealing choice.

    Another option is the train. This website, "The Man in Seat 61, Bangkok<-->Chiang Mai" shows some of the choices on train travel between Chiang Mai and Bangkok. The have both daytime and overnight sleeper trains. Yes, they can run late sometimes, but that can happen on a bus also. I traveled up to Chiang Mai from Bangkok last year on an overnight sleeper, 2nd class and had a nice trip. Had a dining car, so you can go up and grab some food and have a beer. Stretch your legs, meet other people, etc. Personally, on a long trip like that, I'll choose train over bus, even if it takes a bit longer. But, to each his own!

    Another option is fly. The OP's planned trip is in June. I just checked their website and Air Asia has some of their "promo fares" available in June for Chiang Mai-->Bangkok. Some days as low as 590.01baht. Now, that is just you and carry-on luggage. Other things are extra. As you step through the booking process, you have the option to select extra baggage, specific seat, in-flight meal, etc. You can choose yes or no as you want. It's about a one-hour flight. I flew that trip with them last September. Booked it far in advance and got their "promo fare". I had no problems. Worked well for me. Even if you have extra luggage, it may still be a workable option for you.

    • Like 1
  6. There is a thread called "Name and Shame" on Tripadvisor now, inviting members to submit the names of establishments that practise dual-pricing. http://www.tripadvis...ad-Bangkok.html Looks like that have targeted Siam Ocean World's facebook page for their dual-pricing...150% more for foreigners? Some comments already popping up there.

    This could get interesting if the social site crowd turns their attention to other dual-pricers. Here is their facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SiamOceanWorld

    Looks like Tripadvisor has zapped that page. Followed the link and all it says now is "This content has been removed."

  7. I applied for and received my Non-Immigrant O-A visa (multiple-entry) in 2011. Sent the packet from western Washington State to the Thai Embassy in Washington, DC via Fedex. Included all the documents listed on their website and pre-paid Fedex envelope for the return. Got it back less than three weeks later with no problems and no additional questions asked. That included the Fedex shipping time there and back.

    As BM lopburi3 stated, you can get almost two years out of one multiple-entry O-A visa. When you first arrive, you get a one-year stamp. Do a "border run" or trip outside Thailand and return a few days prior to the "Enter Before" date and then you get another one-year stamp. Remember that if you leave Thailand after the "Enter Before" date, and want to return on that visa, you will need to get a re-entry permit before leaving.

  8. I will be visiting CM on the 10th by bus for a short visit and it sounds like the bus station is going to be a good experience. I will retturn to Nakhon Sawan on the 14th, ideally I would like to purchase my tickets for the return before travelling back, is there anywhere I can get details of what time the departures are and who provides a service to Nakhon Sawan?

    Another option is train. A number of different trains going from Chiang Mai to Nakon Suwan. You can check them out on the State Railways of Thailand website.

  9. I didn't fancy a taxi so I took the Makkasan Express a couple of weeks back. Waited 30 minutes between ticket purchase and train arrival/departure so that was an hour after actual landing. Usual 12 minute ride. A security guard at Makkasan recommended the walk to Asoke-Din Daeng for a taxi but one miraculously just showed up. Then it took the usual 45 minutes through the gridlock to the bowels of Sukhumvit.... about 2 hours from late morning touchdown to early afternoon check in. I reckon arriving the night before is still the only way to get to morning business meetings on time.

    Did something similar about three months ago. An alternative route is to take the ARL Express to Phaya Thai (they were selling round-trip ticket for 150baht) and then the BTS to Asok Station. I only had one small suitcase, so that made it a little easier!

  10. I don't really want to start a separate thread because it's still about pests. I find the geckos are more annoying than ants. They shit all over the floor and kitchen benches and they can easily wriggle their way into closed windows and fly screens. It's not often I can sight them as they're so good at hiding and even if I catch a few and throw them out it's not long before new ones take up residence. Any ideas about keeping these guys away?

    I have always heard that you want to have those geckos in your house. They eat many of the "bad bugs". I have relatives that live in Hawaii (local family in Hawaii for generations) and they always have some geckos in the house. Told me they are one of the best bug control friends you can have. I've got at least two of the small "jing-jok" geckos in my room and I have not noticed a huge gecko-shit problem. Maybe I just don't have enough of them! biggrin.png

  11. ""What they really need now is a bus service from town. Tuk Tuks, Song Taews and Taxis aplenty, but they all charge roughtly the same - ten times the usual fare for song taews. ""

    If you go through the termial to the parking lot you can get on a songteaw to intown locations for 20 baht, tell them where you want to go and they will put you in a car going that way, they pack it full, 12 people ...... ah luxury travel.

    No think you will have to walk through to Geawnawarat Rd for that - but only a short walk. The car park Songtaews all want 200-300 baht or more - to anywhere.

    Returned from a trip to Chiang Rai about two weeks ago. Walked right to the front of the station and caught a song-theow after it dropped some people off. Forty baht to go to Kad Suan Kaew area. It was a shared ride, not solo, three others in the truck. Problem was, it was about 7pm and the traffic was sloowwwww! It was my second time using the Arcade Station and I've found that it usually cost more to get a song-theow to go out there.

    I agree that a bus service is needed. Not just to the Arcade Bus Station, a real city bus system. But of course, they will also need police that will not permit "competitors" to block the buses, etc. They would be able to save some baht by refurbishing/cleaning some of the bus stops that are still here and reuse them!

  12. An author of a blog in Connecticut, "For What It’s Worth", has entered the fray in a "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander" way. He has gathered together and published the phone numbers, addresses, and other information on the The Journal- News publisher and others at The Journal News involved in the publishing of the personal info of gun-permit holders. His article is "Sauce for the goose or, home address and phone number of Journal-News publisher"

    Apparently, a number of other "citizen journalists" are also joining in the effort. Looks like The News Journal is learning that publishing personal information is like throwing around a double-edge axe!

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  13. I was going to move to Chiang Mai but this recurring issue has tipped me over the balance and I think I'll stay in Sri Racha for the meantime.

    Not a bad idea to wait until about mid-April at least. At least this past year, the rains started cleaning things up around that time. I've already got my Chiang Mai--->Bangkok train ticket and condo-rental reservation down south for three months. I'll be out by Feb 1. Of course, it's easy for me. I've got two suitcases and freedom. I know it's different for those with work and/or family up here. And the Thai people, especially the poor people, that are stuck and have to breath the crappy air during the smoky season. It's a crying shame. I've been here for about 10 months now and really like Chiang Mai. (Except for the smoky season!)

  14. Why is it that among Western democratic countries US citizens believe they need to be armed to protect themselves against their government and attempt to block all controls to access semi/automatic weapons, limits on ammunition purchases and magazine capacity.

    As mentioned earlier, even much of modern, democratic Europe was under dictatorial control relatively recently.


    The Nazi regime rose out of a functioning—though deeply flawed—democracy, so even regular elections are an uncertain barrier to tyrannical rulers.


    But even a perfectly stable democracy is no guarantee against the future. Not content to engage in mass murder within their own borders, totalitarian armies have exported mayhem to neighboring countries.

    Honestly, dude...get a grip! Comparing the USA of 2012 to the Germany of 1933 is downright stupid and I am sick of reading this crap! Check your facts! It is not even the usual comparing apples to oranges! It is comparing apples to elephants!

    Wrong again! Koheesti point is on topic and well-made. It is a valid comparison.

    Our Constitution and Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment, has served us well. For over 220 years we have held regular elections of our government's leaders. For over 220 years, we have had no dictators and no military coups. A large amount of credit for that goes to our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and the wise citizens who drafted both of them.

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  15. Hmmm, are you saying gun ownership is wrong? It's a constitutional right, so is neither legally nor morally wrong.

    You do know the constitution has been amended many times, don't you?

    FYI: The constitution has been amended 27 times since it's inception in 1787. The first ten are known as the Bill of Rights and were added in 1791. The last one was added in 1992.

    Amending any document 27 times in 226 years seems a rather rare occurrence to me.

    It is rather more of a rare occurrence that any nation would be silly enough to try and govern itself on the contents of a document written 250 years ago, a time since when, we have seen the industrial revolution, leaps ahead in terms of technology and armed warfare and the introduction of global financial systems. I guess though when many European countries have houses older than the US constitution you have to hang on to whatever history you can. The gun laws are grossly out dated, simple as that, they were written 250 years ago be men in a different world, with different circumstances and if those founding fathers were all alive today and asked to write a constitution for the USA it would be drastically different to the one they wrote 250 years ago..

    In the final analysis, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment, has served us well. For over 220 years we have held Congressional elections every two years, and elected Presidents every four years. This includes during great national trials such as the four years of our Civil War, the great Depression, and World War Two. For over 220 years, we have had no dictators and no military coups. Take a look around our world and you will find that this is rare.

    If you really want, I can provide list of contrasting examples from Europe!

  16. I have been through TSA check in the USA many times. No problems. Treated very well. Of course, I don't walk in there with a such a big chip on my shoulder!

    Been through Airport Security, Immigration, and Customs in a number of different countries and I have never had any problems with any of them. I do it the same way every time. I put a smile on my face, treat them with courtesy and respect, answer their questions honestly and politely, and amazingly, I don't run into all these problems the whiners are crying about.

    Remove that knot-headed, entitled attitude, and also the big chip on your shoulders, and you will have a much better experience! thumbsup.gif

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  17. Baloo22, thanks much for the tip on “The Man in Seat 61”. Amazed I’ve never heard of the site before!

    If you have the time, travel by train in Thailand is a wonderful experience. Nothing like sitting with a cold beer at an open window watching the Thai countryside go by!

    You're welcome! I agree, travel by train is a nice way to relax and enjoy the sights!smile.png

  18. The problem here is that the pro-gun argument assumes that they are part of the solution to this potential tyranny whereas history shows that many of these tyrannical regimes have risen up from right wing agendas that are more closely identified with them rather than against them. Be it National Socialism which grew out of nationalism and alienation of immigrants and Jews, the Taliban which base their beliefs on a strict interpretation of a document written in a different period of time and not updated to reflect modern societal values and technological changes or groups like Khymer Rouge with their hatred of the intelligensia.

    Why do you think we're all conservative Republicans? I voted for Obama, and am a registered democrat. I consider myself to be liberal on everything, except that I am pro-gun. I also grew up in an area where firearms and hunting were very prevalent and important parts of life, so hence I do not tow the Democratic party line in regards to firearms ownership. And frankly there are a lot of Democrats who also do not tow the party line on that either.

    Orac; You are assuming that pro/con Second Amendment arguments are split along left-wing/right-wing lines. That is not true. Read BM submaniac's comment. You also are conveniently leaving out various left-wing / Communist totalitarian regimes. Stalin, Mao, and more.

    In the final analysis, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment, has served us well. For over 220 years we have held Congressional elections every two years, and elected Presidents every four years. This includes during great national trials such as the four years of our Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War Two. For over 220 years, we have had no dictators and no military coups. Take a look around our world and you will find that this is rare.

    If you really want, I can provide some contrasting examples from Europe. (I'm not going to offer them here and now because the last time I did, the post was zapped out of existence within seconds.) I'll stick with our Bill of Rights just as it is.

  19. The power and lure of cheap Thai sex is overwhelming. Why in the world would Australians visit the run down, rip off, and unsafe beach communities of Thailand? The beaches in Australia are beautiful and safe.Not so much cheap sex readily available but if that's why they come to Thailand's sewer, then buyer beware.

    Brits at least have a cover for traveling to Thailand in that it's an escape from the weather. Why wouldn't Brits fly to Florida instead of Thailand? Unless of course they are coming for the elephants, temples, street fishballs and cheap Thai sex. Again, buyer beware.

    Yeah, you have it pegged! When I read about Australians coming to Thailand "for the beaches!", I have a good laugh. I've never been to Australia but from what I've heard, the beaches are every bit as beautiful as any here in Thailand.

    "Why wouldn't Brits fly to Florida instead of Thailand?" You are likely right for most, but Brits do have one excuse for not going to beaches in Florida during the winter. Contrary to many beliefs,it can and does get cold in Florida during the winter. Certainly not swimming weather! I've seen snow up in the panhandle area near Pensacola. Did not last long, but it was snow! I had a relative down from Washington State for a visit. That week the temp went down to around 25°F / -4°C and stayed there for four days!

  20. Haha, all lawyers go through very stringent background checks including the execution of HIPPA forms for all psychological, counseling and drug or alcohol notes and records as well as FBI background check. I am totally fine if all gun owners had to go through same and guns were taken away from those that could not pass such a rigorous background check.

    The background check to purchase a firearm is already comparable to the background check to practice law. If you purchase a firearm (which from your post it appears you have never done). They run a computerized background check on you for criminal felony convictions and whether or not you are subject to a restraining order. The federal form 4473 requires you to disclose any mental health issues you may have.

    There is no requirement I am aware of to submit a HIPAA waiver for admission to practice. From an admissions perspective of a state bar, it would not be practical for them to obtain all the medical records of every single applicant to screen for mental illness.

    I do think HIPAA is THE source of the problem in regards to firearms. When a person seeks psychiatric help for the mental health professional cannot disclose the mental problem. I think it should be disclosed to the ATF to red flag any purchase of firearms. However, the rights of the mentally ill to keep their mental illness secret, supercedes the right of the public to avoid having firearms fall into the hands of the mentally ill.

    Nope not all. Whack felons can easily buy Bushmasters at gun shows from private sellers. The federal registration for class IIi for all weapons is a great idea because it would close that loop hole but gun dealers do nit want it because they can sell their assault weapons to their buddies who are private that sell them to just anyone including Mexican cartel members at gun shows.

    Research class III registration and you will see how it works. Puts people in jail for a long time if selling to wrong person. The mental thing is huge according to NRA so why not do mental background checks on people wanting to purchase guns and make is part of federal registration criteria so those violating go to jail. NRA does not want because a huge portion if their members would not pass.

    There is no need for any separate "mental background checks". Better yet, specify which mental illness diagnoses will disqualify a person from firearm purchase and then mandate that the treating physician report it for entry into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Rest assured, the very minute a requirement like that is introduced is when the whack lawyers will force it to a screeching halt.

    If you are interested in stopping the transfer of "assault weapons" to Mexican cartel members, you need to start at the lead transfer violator, the U.S. Department of Justice. It's being mismanaged by whack lawyer Eric Holder in the Administration of whack lawyer Barak Obama. It has been shown that they are leading the way in transfer of "assault weapons" to Mexican cartel members.

    The reality of the situation is that, to get what you are saying you want, you will have more problems with the whack lawyers than you will with the NRA !!!!

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