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Posts posted by Baloo22

  1. The world's smartest businessman has proved himself to be a blithering idiot again, though I expect to find the he and his family have profited quite nicely from this scam.

    Hark Yingluk, do I hear the tramp of boots approaching?

    Well it all proves beyond doubt that when you con your way in to owning a telecom monopoly in a country, you will succeed whether you are as thick as two planks of wood or not.

    One of Thaksins, rare unique business ideas for Thailand was the Thailand elite program, which performed at only the tiniest of percentages in turns of projected membership and has needed a bail out. As far as the rice goes, this pledging scheme is going to be an absolute disaster, and there are very troubling rumours of how certain people in the Middle East invested massively through Thaksin in huge amounts of land in issan for rice production. I truly hope that the US really do hold Thailand to full account on Wednesday and when Obama comes he lets the Government know in no uncertain terms what he thinks of the current practice of <<Snip!!>> about with a commodity that is a world staple food. As an aside I was reading elsewhere that when Obama is here on the 18th, Yingluck will be at a 4 day conference in Camodia, is she really going to run away to save a one on one awkward encounter with Obama?

    If the flock of unswerving Thaksin/red admirers on TV cannot see what is going down here then they really should have worked harder at school.

    "when Obama comes he lets the Government know in no uncertain terms what he thinks of the current practice of &lt;deleted&gt;***ng about with a commodity that is a world staple food."

    Are you kidding? Obama just got re-elected by using big-government "give-me give-me" vote-buying programs. Obama will most likely congratulate her on her effective vote-buying scheme and they will then compare notes on each others schemes and how to improve them.

  2. I'm surprised that someone who was prepared to pay 4500 baht for a meal was interested in ordering a burger. Doesn't seem like a "signature" dish for a restaurant in the price range.

    As mentioned -- good burgers and other American style fare -- go to The Duke's -- the original one on the east side of the river, not the one in the Night Bazaar. Had lunch there yesterday -- fantastic caesar salad -- perhaps the best I've had in CM. I was concerned that it wouldn't fill me up, so I ordered a side of grilled shrimp skewers. When the salad arrived, I realized it was huge and would have been enough for lunch on it's own. But, those grilled shrimp sure were tasty, too! Total bill a little less than 300 baht.

    Pern's Restaurant on Huey Kaew is great for European-style fare. Had dinner there yesterday evening and got a great chicken breast stuffed with feta cheese and spinach. Others in our party enjoyed the special of the day -- some sort of bacon-wrapped chicken breast and one got a great pasta dish. Total bill for four, with a bottle of wine and couple of beers -- 2000 baht.

    In both places, the service was great and the atmosphere nice. Now if someone wants real elegance and a five-star atmosphere, you can't go wrong at the Chedi. Most of their menu items are well under 4500 baht and I certainly wouldn't order a burger there.

    Gosh, after all this fine dining yesterday, maybe I should go swim some laps this afternoon!

    Are you a shill for Khun Perm? He is a nice guy, but his cooking is very hit or miss. Maybe your experience with really good restaurants is lacking. Budget does make a difference! Anyway, the whole idea of ordering a hamburger in any restaurant other than the cholesterol champ, The Dukes,is really hilarious, but --- true --- great portions for the ravenous. Seem to mostly Americans!! Need a hamburger fix? Go to The Dukes!! Then go to your doctor!!

    Okay, Dave! Over to you! Tell us about your salad menu !!!!!! Then tell us how much you make off salads for lunch compared to hamburgers!!

    "Are you a shill for Khun Perm? He is a nice guy, but his cooking is very hit or miss. Maybe your experience with really good restaurants is lacking."

    What an asinine and juvenile comment. At least three people on this thread have recommended Perns Restaurant. I suppose we are all just “shills” and you are the one and only true gastronomic authority in Chiang Mai. giggle.gif

    Your comment sounds like some of those in discussions of the “Best Fish and Chips shop in Pattaya”. Where the proprietor of one shop gets his friends to talk up his shop and bad-mouth all the others. And then another set of friends of another proprietor does the same; and on and on.

    • Like 1
  3. If she wants to salvage her green card she should enter the US from Canada or Mexico. At the land crossing they won't be too curious and she can tell them she went for a short trip

    Won't she still have to show her Thai Passport in addition to her "Green Card" at the border? And won't it have a dated exit stamp? Also, I would think that U.S. Immigration has her exit date in their computer system.

    Irrespective of the answer to the above questions; I would strongly advise her NOT to lie (especially such a blatant and easily disproved lie) to the Immigration Officers.

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  4. This may be too late now but was her husband a U.S. military retiree? If so, the Red Cross may be able to send a message to her "notifying" her of his death. (Not sure exactly where they would send it, perhaps the consulate.) The family in the U.S. would need to call the Red Cross at (877) 272-7337 (toll-free). Just thinking that such an "official" notification might be given more weight by U.S. immigration in their considerations.

  5. Marco's is good.

    You could also try Perns on Huay Kaew Road, just up from the Mall on the other side of the road. It's on trip advisor.

    I'll second the recommendation for Perns on Huay Kaew Road. It's just down the road from where I live and I've eaten there 20-plus times. Never had a bad meal there. And, IMO, decent prices for the quality of food you get.

    Is Perns the place next to the Salsa Kitchen Mexican restaurant?


  6. Marc Faber Explains Why He Likes Living In Thailand (CLIP ...

    Marc Farber is a rich guy who lives in Chiang Mai. smile.png

    You can find one extremist anywhere. The guy is rich, but he's a weirdo. Let him do whatever floats his boat. Right now things are going very well for him but he hasn't tried to maintain it in a global meltdown.

    If he thinks a collapse in Western countries won't cause a collapse in LOS, he's dreaming. Who's going to buy farm products with no money? Who's going to buy and transport them if there's a total collapse? Does he not know that China or India would overrun LOS to get at the rice and other crops if they were starving? Where does he run to then?

    If the West collapses, there will be NO market for Asian goods, and it will still be every man for himself, or in his case every country for itself. In order to stay in power, governments have to feed their people, and here comes China and India.

    IMHO he'd do better to stay in the US which at least has a bigger military than all of the rest of the world combined, and has some chance of surviving and protecting itself. There are places in the US, and I happen to be in one, where it is believed to be as safe as possible from nuclear strike or fallout. Rural so as to be of no strategic interest and close to the W. Coast so that the prevailing winds come from the ocean, not from any cities.

    There is no sure thing in this world except that some day we die.

    I can foresee a likely problem with his "When everything falls apart, I'll have my farm in Thailand" plan. Upon everything falling apart and food resources becoming scarce, he will find his falang butt booted off "his" farm and "his" farm and resources taken over by the Thai government at some level. If things get as bad as he seems to think they will, I would not count on any "farm", "homestead", or whatever, outside of my native country.

  7. I think that pic is of their "spinning" room upstairs with stationary bikes. I think that they do some classes with them. I know that they have at least one (possibly two) treadmills downstairs. Also at least one elliptical machine and several stationary bikes downstairs. I don't know the brand. For me, I do walking there and back via differing routes for my cardio so I don't use them myself. I tend to use the weights and other machines during my visits.

    As far as the cost, I know that they have a number of different plans. I signed up for a "mid-day" plan that allows me to train there from 10:00 to 16:00. It was 9500baht for one year. I'm retired, so going in the middle of the day is not a problem for me. I'm sure they have monthly plans that allow full access at all open hours also. You can just walk in and they will give you a tour of the place and answer any questions. I have found all their staff to be friendly and professional. I'd recommend that you just stop by for a visit.

    Thanks and found a pic on their Facebook page. Looks like they have the same treads that Cal Wow has in Chiang Mai. Forgot the brand but looks the same in the pic. I'll be living by the Zoo in January and February so this gym looks to be a great option. Please tell me they have AC? Thanks for the info!

    Was just in Powerhouse Gym today. Had not been there for a couple of weeks. It looks like they have put in some new treadmills. I counted a total of seven treadmills. The brand name on them was "Star Trac".

  8. Marco's is good.

    You could also try Perns on Huay Kaew Road, just up from the Mall on the other side of the road. It's on trip advisor.

    I'll second the recommendation for Perns on Huay Kaew Road. It's just down the road from where I live and I've eaten there 20-plus times. Never had a bad meal there. And, IMO, decent prices for the quality of food you get.

  9. I've asked and never seen a 10 baht stamp when going to the post office. They always give me two 5-baht stickers to use.

    When I mail in my 90 day reports to CW, they always return the photocopies they require to be sent that include the passport face page, my extension of stay stamp page, my latest entry stamp page, my airport departure card page, the copy of my reporting receipt and usually a blank reporting form to use next time. So typically there's 5 or so pages in the return envelope.

    They do have a 10baht stamp. Perhaps they just happen to have a bunch of 5baht stamps to use up. It's nice that CW returns the copies to you. I just did mine through Chiang Mai Immigration and all they sent back was the "Receipt of Notification" slip.

  10. I've never done a mail-in 90-day report, so not clear on the process once it arrives at the Immigrations office. Do they tend to do them ASAP after arrival on a FIFO basis, or do they segregate them by their "due dates" and process them on/near the due date?

    Reason I ask: If they now require you mail it at least 15 days in advance, and they process it as soon as they get it, it's almost like a 75-day report.

    I don't think your issue above is a problem.

    I believe, when they process your new reporting date slip, it's automatically set 90 days from your prior due date, regardless of how many days early they've received your paperwork.

    Not in my case. I just did my 90-day report by mail for the first time. Did it with the Chiang Mai Immigration office.

    My "due date" for notification was 11 Nov 2012. I mailed in all the copies and a self-addressed envelope with a 10baht stamp 14 days prior. Just received the mail today. The "Receipt of Notification" was dated 30 Oct 2012 with a "due date" for my next notification of 27 Jan 2013.

    Not that I'm concerned over the few days "lost". I don't see it as a big problem for me.

  11. Well luckily I inserted that get out of jail free card "IMHO"

    As it is my opinion based on My experiences I stand by it.

    I assure you I fit into none of the categories you mentioned

    Yet I still find this country much more free than the one I came from.

    As I said I like the sink or swim none nannied state of things here.

    As you say perhaps those that have a serious problem ? May not have certain rights

    afforded elsewhere, but let me tell you the rights afforded elsewhere are quickly decaying

    and came with a load of baggage & frivolous byproducts to begin with.

    Corruption? Yes sure same as any other country I imagine.

    But again I do not fall into the categories you mentioned so cannot say 1st hand.

    If you do & are speaking from your own actual experiences you have my condolences.

    Let's deal with your points;

    1. Yet I still find this country much more free than the one I came from.

    Fair enough, Thailand does seem free for some. However, in most of the western world, people have their basic rights protected. There is a right to a fair trial and legal representation. If a cop abuses his authority, there is redress. A cop cannot come up to someone randomly and demand a urine sample. In Thailand, they can do that. Despite the Thai laws that require basic legal process such as a warrant, or an appearance before a judge within 48 hrs. subsequent to an arrest, the reality is that the procedure is not respected.

    2. As I said I like the sink or swim none nannied state of things here.

    Thailand is much more of a nanny state than many western countries. It is manifested in the arcane laws that relate to commerce and general business. . Look at how the courts interpret the law when it comes to an aggrieved Thai vs. a foreign guest. In practice, the foreigner is presumed liable at the start of the process. Are you aware that the state can order the vaccination of children in Thailand? I am in favour of vaccinations, but such an intervention crosses the line. Kids can screw up. That's what kids do. If a poor kid screws up, he or she is swallowed by the state and sent to a government facility. Look at the schools. It's like a virtual brainwashing campaign to teach a Thai version of history. What greater manifestation of an intrusive approach can there be than some of the laws on the books that relate to expressing an opinion on certain taboo subjects. If the banning of certain news magazines isn't nany state, then what is? What if I wish to bring you a dildo for christmas? An innocuous item that you might use as a door stop. I can't because the state says it is forbidden.

    3. As you say perhaps those that have a serious problem ? May not have certain rights afforded elsewhere, but let me tell you the rights afforded elsewhere are quickly decayingand came with a load of baggage & frivolous byproducts to begin with.

    Really? If a cop criminaly kills someone in Japan, or Australia, or Singapore, or the USA, chances are that cop is going to be dealt with. Have a look at all the recent cases and show me one case in Thailand in the past 5 years where justice was done.

    As much as I lament the state of affairs in the west, I know that my basic civil rights will be protected in most western countries.The police and military do not operate brothels in Sydney. They do not traffic in humans in the USA and they do not aid and abet the smuggling of endangered species in Scandanavia. Can you name one government official in any western country that has engaged in the encroachment on natural reserves? How many cabinet ministers in the west have been alleged to have profited from this type of theft?

    4, Corruption? Yes sure same as any other country I imagine.

    Your imagination is rose tinted. Thailand has dismal rankings on the corruption index. Don't even dare to compare Thailand to Denmark or Australia or Hong Kong, because the conduct of Thai officials would not be tolerated. We all pay the cost of the corruption. You do realize that your airfare is inflated because the AoT is still paying for the bloated construction costs of BKK. Phuket couldn't even attract respectable firms to bid on its airport expansion. Raw sewage is dumped into the waters off Phuket, not because the technology isn't there, and not because the money isn't there either. It is. The problem is that the oligarchy that controls Phuket doesn't want to deal with the problem.

    5. But again I do not fall into the categories you mentioned so cannot say 1st hand.If you do & are speaking from your own actual experiences you have my condolences.

    Really? I think anyone that has a basic modicum of ethics and integrity recoils in disgust at the way things are done here. Almost nothing of significance gets done unless a bribe is paid. Almost everone has his hand out waiting to get greased.

    Well said. Absolutely 100% correct and these kind of things are exactly what one should consider when comparing quality of life and security in Thailand vs. other countries. If you are ever in trouble here, things can get a bit dicey.

    Just a quickie here. To reply to points 1 through 5 above.

    1. I can advertise for a 20 year old attractive woman to work in my restaurant.

    2. I can ride my motorcycle without a helmet or drive without a seat belt for a minimal fee.

    3. I can pay all my bills, all my bills hear me? All my bills in cash.

    4. Corruption: U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who handily won re-election Tuesday despite a lengthy stay at Mayo Clinic for depression and bipolar disorder, is in the midst of plea discussions with the feds probing his alleged misuse of campaign funds.

    5. I have lived here for 10 years and never paid a bribe.

    Your item 4 actually is far less descriptive of any corruption occurrences in the United States, but rather indicative and enlightening as to the intelligence level and reasoning ability of the electorate in the Illinois 2nd Congressional District.

  12. Social Security is an entitlement for which I and every other working American have already paid. I contributed for 50 years for my government "stipend". I never drew unemployment, food stamps or welfare of any sort. You may be the expert on that, I do not know.


    Samran, give me a little time to do some things around the house. Let me address one thing before I complete my chores. Your suggestion that we cut out all agricultural subsidies will save about $20 Billion per year. You have just covered the cost of 2 days and five hours of government operations. Congratulations.

    How about cutting the EPA, DHS, Energy Dept., Education Dept., foreign aid, Labor Dept, Czar Dept., ad nauseum? This is only the start of my suggestions.

    Are you an Anachist? Did you get Expelled by the Education Department? Obviously let those honest Loggers and miners into Yellowstone and &lt;deleted&gt; places like the Congo.

    I'm a little confused by your post. Are you wondering if I am an anarchist or the Anti-Christ? The Education Department has noting to do with expelling students, but even considering your little faux pas about that...No, I have never been expelled from any school. How about you? Yellowstone is a national park. I don't think anybody is threatening to log or mine in Yellowstone. Care to pass on any rumors about that?

    The Congo is doing very well "&lt;deleted&gt;" itself without any help from me.

    "Are you an Anachist?" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    "Are you wondering if I am an anarchist or the Anti-Christ?" Chuck, I doubt that he even knows the difference!

  13. Yes, the U.S. is very divided politically with The Women, The Blacks, The Latinos, The Asians, The Homosexuals, The Young, The College-educated on one side and some angry, bitter, old, white males on the other.

    What's with all the bigotry and hatred?

    There are plenty of angry, bitter people that are young, women, Black, Latino, Asian, homosexual and college educated. You chose to only single out "old white males" as angry & bitter. What's that all about?

    Most likely because he is very angry and very bitter. And the fact that haters have got to hate! It's what they do!

    Oh, and by the way; I'm one of the college-educated. But he would not like me either. Because I'm intelligent enough not to swallow the kool aid from Obama the snake oil salesman.

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  14. Oh and if you're interested, Obama will be making a statement later on the "Fiscal cliff" in his first address since the election.

    I'm all ears after listening to his promise to halve the deficit last time he was elected.


    Pretty certain that Bumbling Barack will continue with some very smooth talking and, of course, will be blaming everybody but himself. He is very good at that!

  15. Meet the 'enlightened' Obama supporters. Remember, we've been told that only Republicans have ignorant and intolerant people in their party. Well lets just listen to Obama's core supporters on election night in Chicago.

    I don't expect the BBC, CNN, Al Jezzera, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or any of the elite media outlets to show this.

    You have exposed the key Obama demographic. Neither "dumb as a box of rocks" nor "totally clueless" can even begin to describe these idjits. It's no wonder we are now stuck with the incompetent buffoon for another four years!

  16. I definitely hope that the Republicans in Congress, for the future good of our country, will vigorously fight against Obama with even more determination and resolve than they have in the past. They must do all they can to limit the damage that the incompetent buffoon Barack will inflict upon the United States.

    That is my hope. My fear is that they will fail to do so and the United States will have to hit rock-bottom like Greece and Spain before our people wake up and realize that the government vote-buying handouts cannot go on forever. Sort of like the Rice Pledging (vote-buying) scam here in Thailand! And they no longer fall for smooth-talking snake-oil salesmen like Obama; nor his sycophants in the mainstream media.

    Ok. Can the GOP start with the elimination of the wasteful subsidies to the agricultural sector? Why not let the free market govern the sector. How about all those restrictive tariffs and trade barriers enacted to protect US industry? There are hundreds of millions of tax dollars avoided via tax shelters and avoidance. Maybe the GOP will support the IRS in going after tax cheats? Do you think the GOP will finally allow the closure of redundant military bases or the canceling of unnecessary procurement plans, such as the refurbishment of the Abrams tank?

    The GOP will be a lot more willing to cut “wasteful subsidies” than the Democrats. And if there is “all those restrictive tariffs and trade barriers enacted to protect US industry”, they have not worked very well! And when it comes to “tax cheats”, I’m all for the prosecution of those that illegally avoid taxes. But notice that key word “illegally”. They actually have to break the law first.

    I’m glad that you brought up “Do you think the GOP will finally allow the closure of redundant military bases or the canceling of unnecessary procurement plans”. One of the most critical and effective tools of doing just that, the Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC), was created during the Reagan Administration. The first BRAC round occurred in 1988, again during the Reagan Administration. The last round was in 2005 during the administration of President George W. Bush.

    In fact, I believe that the crushing of any idea to cancel or delay the buying of expensive, shiny new carriers for the Navy was led by Senator Jim Webb (Democrat)!

  17. Heres The Repub Same Old attitude.

    While the Republicans lost the presidency in a close contest, they won in many state contests, and they control the House, ergo the Presidents spending, so let's not write them off yet.

    If Obama doesn't solve the many problems facing the country in the next 2 years, the Dems will probably be annihilated in the mid terms.

    And thats all you are interested in, defeating the President in Elections , You failed Republican

    he was annihilated in the midterms in 2010. then in the presidential election he wiped the floor with the republicans. and yet again though, as last time round, the house will do everything it can to block everything positive the president wants to achieve by hanging absurd partisan amendments on every bill. yet the republicans are somehow proud of this. they're a weird bunch.

    If they can prevent irresponsible spending of money that the government simply doesn't have and prevent more farcical episodes like Solyndra - they can justifiably be proud.

    Someone has to have fiscal discipline because its obvious the Democrats dont because they are no better than a young kid who has just been given a free credit card

    I definitely hope that the Republicans in Congress, for the future good of our country, will vigorously fight against Obama with even more determination and resolve than they have in the past. They must do all they can to limit the damage that the incompetent buffoon Barack will inflict upon the United States.

    That is my hope. My fear is that they will fail to do so and the United States will have to hit rock-bottom like Greece and Spain before our people wake up and realize that the government vote-buying handouts cannot go on forever. Sort of like the Rice Pledging (vote-buying) scam here in Thailand! And they no longer fall for smooth-talking snake-oil salesmen like Obama; nor his sycophants in the mainstream media.

  18. For those curious about some of the voters who, I’m fairly confident, helped put Obama in for a second term; here is an enlightening lesson.

    Illinois 2nd Congressional District Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. was re-elected even after he has been absent from his representative duties for close to five months. He is supposedly being treated for, take your pick; exhaustion, depression, mood disorder, or bipolar disorder. A number of reports have indicated that a more accurate diagnosis may be “indictment phobia”. giggle.gif

    Oh, also, no one seems to have the slightest idea when Mr. Jackson will be back providing representation for the people of his district. In short, the electorate of that district might as well have elected a catfish from the nearest creek with the same result. wacko.png

    Chicago Tribune article: “Absentee Illinois Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. re-elected

    But you also have to see the best in American voters when they voted for a dead guy rather than reelect Senator John Ashcroft (R-Mo.). The dead guy scared them less than Ashcroft did ... and we went on to see why when he became the U.S. Attorney General.


    The reality was that the new Governor, Roger Wilson, stated that should Carnahan be elected, he would appoint his widow, Jean Carnahan, to serve in her husband's place. So those voters were knowingly voting for Jean Carnahan. (Perhaps the appropriate terminology would be "sympathy vote"!) The key difference between that event and the Jesse Jackson Jr episode is that Jean Carnahan was actually able to go and do the job.

    As far as your second inference on Attorney General John Ashcroft, please detail exactly what crimes he was convicted of or even indicted for??

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  19. For those curious about some of the voters who, I’m fairly confident, helped put Obama in for a second term; here is an enlightening lesson.

    Illinois 2nd Congressional District Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. was re-elected even after he has been absent from his representative duties for close to five months. He is supposedly being treated for, take your pick; exhaustion, depression, mood disorder, or bipolar disorder. A number of reports have indicated that a more accurate diagnosis may be “indictment phobia”. giggle.gif

    Oh, also, no one seems to have the slightest idea when Mr. Jackson will be back providing representation for the people of his district. In short, the electorate of that district might as well have elected a catfish from the nearest creek with the same result. wacko.png

    Chicago Tribune article: “Absentee Illinois Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. re-elected

  20. I dont like Obama, I dont think he did anything to earn re-election, and I am worried he will bury us in debt. That being said, for my county's sake I wish him well in the next four years. I really hope that he can work with congress and get the things done that need to be done and not argue over ideology. This is what I hope, but his record leads me to believe I will be disappointed.

    he's the democratically-elected president. congress should work with him, not vice versa. congress is there to support the people's chosen president, not block his initiatives and attempts to improve quality of life for the majority of americans.

    StevieH, you are way off base and you need to review your civics lessons. Congress is also "democratically" elected. And the representatives of the House of Representatives are specifically elected to represent the people of the United States. Senators are (now) elected to represent the states. I recommend you review something that became known as the "Connecticut Compromise". Article Two of our Constitution would be good also.

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  21. If you are a small business owner like me who had 3 in the USA and had to close one and cut back 60% of employees on the other 2 since Obama has become president this is a disaster. I will now sell the other 2 even if I take a loss and open businesses here in Thailand. I just can't keep paying the high taxes, with personal and company income tax it is well above 50%. Insurance for employees has gone up 20 percent in the past 2 years.

    The main problem other than tax and insurance is the low interest rate and QE. I cannot get loans to expand my businesses because the rate is so low banks are investing in equities and not loaning money for small businesses to expand. The second is with QE the dollar is weaker so employees want higher wages as the cost of living keeps going up.

    America just voted to kill small business and the hard working man who wants to be successful with hard work and a dream, what a shame. The new America is looking like hand outs from the government, don't follow your passion and dream for business success as the government will take it from you.

    I am not a Romney supporter but anything has to be better for small business owners and those who want to chase their dream to be successful than the current administration.


    Spot on! The reality is there is very little difference from the Obama/Democrat pack and the Shinawatra/Pheu Thai pack. Both have perfected the use of taxpayer money for the legal buying of votes. They have it down to a science and it's worked well for both. Tons of posters here yap and yap about the "terrible" school tablets, Rice-Pledging program, etc, etc. The Shinawatra/Pheu Thai team gained power and will keep in power with it here in Thailand. Obama and the Democrats have just demonstrated how well it works in the US.

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  22. Chiang Mai is a decent place and is fairly inexpensive in regards to accommodations, food, and other stuff. You can get get here from Bangkok via air travel or train from Bangkok's Hua Lamphong Station. They have overnight trains where you sleep the trip away. You can choose to go by bus but I would recommend air or train instead.

    Kanchanaburi is another destination that is fairly inexpensive with a number of attractions. If you are into history, there is the "Bridge over the River Kwai", several Commonwealth War Cemeteries from WW2, a museum on the "Death Railway", next to the Kanchanaburi Cemetery, and the Museum and memorial at Hellfire Pass. There are also waterfalls and caves at national parks, and some other attractions.

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