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Posts posted by Baloo22

  1. Does anybody actually shop at "Tuk Com " ????

    Yes, I do. But not by choice.

    Abysmal as they are, they are the best Pattaya has to offer, if not all it has to offer. As such, unless you fancy driving to Sri Racha, or spending the day on the bus to go to a Bangkok PC mall, you have no real choice. Luckily some individual shops in TukCom are slightly better than the others.

    In my idle moments I wonder what would happen if Amazon started a local mail-order service here. Amazon would completely wipe the floor with every shop in Thailand as far as I'm concerned.

    "In my idle moments I wonder what would happen if Amazon started a local mail-order service here. Amazon would completely wipe the floor with every shop in Thailand as far as I'm concerned."

    Or work at the Thai Postal Service would suddenly jump to the top of the list of "highest demand job market" in Thailand !!! thumbsup.gif

  2. I believe that Gonzo is correct that you can't do a "visa run" ( get a new visa) at Tachileik. Just a "border run", exit Thailand and then turn around and enter again for another entry stamp based on your current visa or, if eligible, a 15-day entry stamp.

    As far as the trip up to Mae Sai and the border crossing, I did a trip up there this past May. I turned my trip into a two-day mini vacation and stayed overnight in Mae Sai. See My "Border Run" To Mae Sai. There is some info in there on the trip up using the Green Bus and the border. I realize that many have personal or business reasons to do it in one day but for those that have the time, staying overnight there makes it a much more relaxing trip, IMO. The Green Bus trip is about 4-5 hours each way, so that's 8-10 hours on a bus. I stayed overnight at the Navy Home Hotel in Mae Sai. It was inexpensive, clean and with good aircon. It's an option for them. Also there is a neat temple with some nice views.

  3. 30,000 plus attend Romney-Ryan Rally in West Chester, Ohio. "Path to victory cuts through Ohio"



    More photos from Cincinnati.com Photo Gallery:Romney West Chester rally


    Meanwhile, Obama draws 3800 at his event in Lima, Ohio. "President Barack Obama wraps up campaign swing in Lima"

    • Like 1
  4. Another endorsement for Mitt Romney. This endorsement by a newspaper, The Des Moines (Iowa) Register, that has consistently endorsed the Democrat candidate for more than twenty years.

    Des Moines Register: “Mitt Romney Offers A Fresh Economic Vision”

    "American voters are deeply divided about this race. The Register’s editorial board, as it should, had a vigorous debate over this endorsement. Our discussion repeatedly circled back to the nation’s single most important challenge: pulling the economy out of the doldrums, getting more Americans back in the workforce in meaningful jobs with promising futures, and getting the federal government on a track to balance the budget in a bipartisan manner that the country demands.

    Which candidate could forge the compromises in Congress to achieve these goals? When the question is framed in those terms, Mitt Romney emerges the stronger candidate.

    The former governor and business executive has a strong record of achievement in both the private and the public sectors. He was an accomplished governor in a liberal state. He founded and ran a successful business that turned around failing companies. He successfully managed the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City."

  5. Hiring the same man, Obama, who has demonstrated failure for the last three and a half years and somehow expecting different results is true insanity!

    So where were you in 2004? whistling.gif

    This American is a Christian and I have a great deal of respect for Mormons and DO NOT feel any need to sling a bunch a mud at them. I've known many people of the Mormon faith, served with people of the Mormon faith in the U.S. Army and have had several Mormons as friends. I regard those who use terms as "cult" to describe Mormons as nothing more than bigot scum. They are demonstrating their own ignorance and their own bigotry.

    You do realize that Sen. Harry Reid (D) Nev. is higher up on the LDS, pretty much at the top, hierarchy; higher than Gov. Romney.

    "So where were you in 2004?" -- Totally irrelevant to the topic.

    "You do realize that Sen. Harry Reid (D) Nev. is higher up on the LDS, pretty much at the top, hierarchy; higher than Gov. Romney."

    So what, so what, and, wait for it; So What! If he chooses LDS for his religion, that's just fine for me. I have no problem with that. Spent 20 years defending our right to make our own choices of faith.

    I wonder how big a shit-storm would erupt here on Thai Visa if a bunch of posters would start referring to Buddhist beliefs as "preposterous" and "outlandish" and repeatedly call Buddhism a cult. mmmmm?

  6. Just because you wish for something doesn't make it so.

    Oh, wishing for an Obama victory is not me, I don't even particularly like the guy and to be honest, I have a lot more in common with Romney in most ways except being a Christian nut. My interest is mostly a sporting one, having placed a bet at the best time, just after Obama tanked the first debate. wink.png

    But Romney is truly a man of little principles outside of his devotion to his cult.

    I have been down your road before and I understand what direction you are coming from. You are calling his Mormonism a cult which is how Christians describe Mormons. If you are staying up with the news, the Christian websites have removed those claims and are now supporting Romney. If the cult thing is all you are concerned with, then you need to get over it because there are much bigger things at stake.

    Shows how desperate conservatives are to elect someone 'other than Obama'. They'll even de-cult Mormons in order to vote for the Mitt.

    Not to mention, not wanting to see his tax returns to learn how he's managed to dodge taxes, create an IRA worth over 100 mil. Not care that his business experience has been looting companies instead of starting them from scratch and making them successful - what most of us think of when we think of starting a business. Or that he doesn't say squat about what his positions are, how he's actually going to reduce taxes while increasing military budgets, and on and on. The lying sack of bull that's the Mitt Romney is all they've got, covered in ugly warts. Conservatives are probably coming out of the election booth, finger in throat, puking their guts out having to vote for the Mitt.

    Many thinking voters are definitely "desperate" to elect someone other than Obama. Especially after looking at his three and a half years of failure. The only abilities that he has demonstrated any excellence in is smooth talking and the ability to blame pretty much everybody else on the planet for his failures. His record demonstrates to any thinking person that it is time for him to be fired. All his campaign has got is a bunch of frantic smears and groundless scare tactics.

    Hiring the same man, Obama, who has demonstrated failure for the last three and a half years and somehow expecting different results is true insanity!

    This American is a Christian and I have a great deal of respect for Mormons and DO NOT feel any need to sling a bunch a mud at them. I've known many people of the Mormon faith, served with people of the Mormon faith in the U.S. Army and have had several Mormons as friends. I regard those who use terms as "cult" to describe Mormons as nothing more than bigot scum. They are demonstrating their own ignorance and their own bigotry.

    • Like 1
  7. Based on business acumen alone, I would be tempted to endorse Romney, if it weren't for his other negative baggage. But certainly it is true that Romney has forgotten more about business than Obama will ever know. However, I'm intrigued by Obama's proposal to make a new cabinet position "Secretary of Business," in essence, merge SBA and other agencies into a "one stop shop" to help business.

    Romney condemns the plan, but as usual, doesn't say why.


    What does Obama plan to do with the Commerce Department and the Secretary of Commerce?

    Ronald Reagan once said..."No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth."

    I seriously question whether yet another government bureaucracy is a good way to stimulate the economy.

    "What does Obama plan to do with the Commerce Department and the Secretary of Commerce?"

    Excellent question!! The answer is that he has no plan to do anything with them. Because Obama's new "Secretary of Business" talk is nothing more than a last-minute frantic cloud of nothing. In no way is he serious about it. It's just another Obama distraction. He wants a new talking point to distract voters from his dismal record and the failure of the Obama administration.

    If he really thinks that a new "Secretary of Business" is such a great idea and would do anything constructive, why has he not proposed it during the last three and a half years of his administration??

  8. The truth is the number of people showing up at the polls voting illegally or impersonating legal voters is practically ZERO. But it makes a great red herring for the republican party to promote voter suppression of likely democratic party voters.

    Like this: Judge fines ACORN $5,000 for voter registration scheme

    "District Judge Donald Mosley was confined by statute to fine only the corporation, which pleaded guilty in April to one count of felony compensation for registration of voters.

    Mosley said that if there were an individual standing before him, and not a corporation, that person would have been given a 10-year prison sentence, "and I wouldn't have thought twice about it.""

    or this: Dead people voted and registered to vote, watchdog group finds; hundreds of deceased still on rolls

    "To date, the group has researched 1% of Maryland’s registered voting population in five counties — Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Montgomery, Prince George’s and Wicomico. Its findings have revealed 1,500 deceased still on active voter registration rolls, nearly 700 duplicate voter registrations — many out of state — and several hundred voters who listed a vacant lot or business address as their residential address."

    Or this: Did You Know There are Voter Fraud Convictions and Prosecutions in 46 States?

    Google ACORN and "voter fraud" for much more evidence!


    The truth is that voter ID and other efforts by our citizens to increase the integrity of our voting mechanisms and process are valid and have nothing to do with "voter suppression", "racism" or any of the other crooked code words that the left-wingers throw around. ACORN (before it fell apart) and other associated left-wing groups have made voter fraud a major part of their election efforts. And the blatently false accusations of "voter intimidation" and "racism" are nothing more than desperate smokescreens to divert attentions from their voter fraud efforts.

  9. FIrst, I'll second the comment by dekestone. There are tons of Americans and Canadians that retire to Mexico, Central America, and South America. In many of those countries the cost of living is much lower and also it is much closer to home and easier to take trips back to visit the family. As far as safety in those countries, I think much will depend on exactly where you are living. I have met people retired in Mexico and they tell me that much of the country is OK and does not resemble the horrible news reports at all. I had a friend who spent time recently in Columbia and she did not feel particularly threatened. Of course, I'm sure you should follow some of the same common-sense rules that you would here or anywhere. Don't make it a habit of walking alone down dark and deserted alleys at 2AM, etc.

    One big draw is the lower cost of living here in Thailand. Many of us are receiving some sort of pension or other type income that goes a lot further here in Thailand than it does back in the home country. Many receive pension or other income that is not enough to live decently in high-cost US and Canada. So they could work a job back there, or come to Thailand and, with it's low cost of living, have a decent life, no work, and time for yourself. Also, NO SNOW and ICE!

  10. The facts are that Romney has managed several private businesses, managed a successful 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, and served as chief executive (governor) of a U.S. state. That's the key and critical difference between Romney and the smooth-talker "community organizer".

    This comment and and other known facts about Romney brings back memories about a square headed man living in Dubai.

    But your square headed man living in Dubai is more in the league of the smooth-talking "community organizer". Pablum for the populace as opposed to effective, competent management.

  11. I believe Oz just fines no shows. Much more efficient and revenue generating than bayonets....

    It's really not draconian at all. You just have to provide a reason within 21 days or pay a $20 fine. In Oz these days $20 is about the price of a nice bottle of wine.

    What happens if I do not vote?

    Initially the Australian Electoral Commission will write to all apparent non-voters requesting that they either provide a reason for their failure to vote or pay a $20 penalty.

    If, within 21 days, the apparent non-voter fails to reply, cannot provide a valid and sufficient reason or declines to pay the penalty, then prosecution proceedings may be instigated. If the matter is dealt with in court and the person is found guilty, he or she may be fined up to $50 plus court costs.


    Well, you Aussies can do as you prefer in Australia. For this American, the last thing we need is yet another <deleted> federal mandate telling us what to do and how to live. We have way too many of those now.

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  12. In both October surveys, more Republicans and Republican leaners than Democrats and Democratic leaners are predicted to be likely voters.

    I didn't know that. Why do more Republicans vote than Democrats? In Australia we have compulsory voting, so there's no difference really between the major parties' turnouts.

    If the USA had compulsory voting, the democrats would never lose the white house again and there would be eternal democratic majorities in the house and senate. So the republicans would never let that happen! BTW, I think you Aussies have got that one right.

    So, are you going to be holding the rifle and marching the people at bayonet point to the polls??

  13. If Europeans could vote in the US election Obama would win by over 90%

    Not only does a YouGov poll say that most Europeans would vote for Barack Obama if they voted in the US presidential elections, the odds of the incumbent president retaining his post have also shortened from 2/5 to 1/3 said William Hill this morning.


    Considering Europe's history of leader selection, that's a impressive recommendation for Americans to vote for Mitt Romney!

    Sivio Berlusconi, Adolf Hitler, Tony Bliar......you've got a point!

    I will make an exception for Sir Winston Churchill. He, like other great leaders, had some bad points re: Ireland and India. But overall, I consider him one of history's great leaders. Other than him and the Iron Lady, pthhhhhhh-spit on the rest of them.

  14. If Europeans could vote in the US election Obama would win by over 90%

    Not only does a YouGov poll say that most Europeans would vote for Barack Obama if they voted in the US presidential elections, the odds of the incumbent president retaining his post have also shortened from 2/5 to 1/3 said William Hill this morning.


    Considering Europe's history of leader selection, that's a impressive recommendation for Americans to vote for Mitt Romney!

  15. From what I've been told by some rednecks here in Issan the only impartial news service is Fox news. Unsure if this is 100% true however.

    From what I've been told by some rednecks here in Issan the only impartial news service is Fox news. Unsure if this is 100% true however.

    I hope that you are joking Angsta or being ironic. Saying that Fox News is a source of truth is like saying Pravda always told the truth or Hitler always told the truth. Fox News is one of the biggest bunch of liars on the entire planet and that's saying something as there are a whole bunch of liars around. Fox News are masters of the art of the Big Lie, tell it big and tell it often and there will always be some poor saps around who actually believe them. The fact that Fox News at present has the highest number of viewers of any US news channel just shows how many gullible people there are in the USA. Plenty of decent honourable Americans around but you won't find any of them regularly watching Fox News!

    The gullible people are the ones that still belive anything that they are told by the so-called "mainstream" media. Let alone the stupid saps that think that BBC possesses a shred of integrity.

    Fox News is nowhere near as deceitful and dishonest as the big so-called “mainstream” media outlets. Left-wing news outfits like New York Times, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, and ABC have had long runs with consistent left-wing slanting of their “reporting” and gone on to outright fabrication. In recent years they have become even more blatant with their biased “news” coverage.

    A veteran news reporter, correspondent, and producer, Bernie Goldberg, worked for 28 years for CBS and has won 12 Emmy awards for excellence in journalism. In 1996 he wrote a column for the Wall Street Journal titled “The Networks Need a Reality Check” that exposed the left-wing bias in the major news outlets. Of course he became an instant pariah at CBS, a major enemy of network anchor Dan Rather, and was eventually forced out.

    His being forced out of CBS actually benefited our society. It allowed him to write his 2001 book "Bias: A Veteran CBS Reporter's Account of How the Media Distorts the News". In Bias, he documents in detail the pervasive left-wing bias throughout the so-called “mainstream” media outlets. If you really want to see the inside workings of the major U.S. media outlets, you need to read this book. Excellent and informative reading!

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  16. Note to Thailand: Your laws and regulations don't apply outside of Thailand.

    Get with the program.

    Thailand has laws and regulations ???...........wow!,... i think the reason they are taking so long is to give all the big money movers {the elite} more time to hide their money ,.... a good time for burglars to look under the bed me thinks !! .....ala ken dodd

    Wasn't it a year or two ago that a team of burglers broke into some Thai politician's or governement official's house in Bangkok and found so much cash hidden there that they literally could not carry all of it away? For a while there were some questions in the newspapers as to how he got so much cash, but then, for some reason, the story just seemed to fade away.

  17. The United States and EU are in desperate shape financially. There is no terrorism to speak of; it's an imaginary story being used to conjure up fear and paranoia in order to double-tax and micromanage the lives of gullible citizens. Will identification be required for all simple domestic cash transactions as well? Restricting the flow of capital (even in flight to safety) only serves to lessen its value of said country's currency as well as deepen the unemployment crisis Westerners face. They'll have no choice but to do business with prosperous nations whose banks require little documentation or proof stating origin of funds.

    Thailand is flush with money, love and food. Who want's to blow up a building when there's employment, sex and fried rice to be had?! If anything Thailand may be one of the safest modern places to live. And where else can you get a bag of sticky rice for a measly 5 baht? No empty bellies here, anywhere.

    Good luck America. Perhaps a few stray dogs and a notch lower on the cleanliness scale is in your future.

    I suppose that when those three Iranians blew up their rented house in Bangkok last February, you consider it just a "workplace accident". And when one of them blew up a taxi and then blew off his own legs, that was a "traffic accident". By any chance, do you work for the Thai government?

  18. I think that pic is of their "spinning" room upstairs with stationary bikes. I think that they do some classes with them. I know that they have at least one (possibly two) treadmills downstairs. Also at least one elliptical machine and several stationary bikes downstairs. I don't know the brand. For me, I do walking there and back via differing routes for my cardio so I don't use them myself. I tend to use the weights and other machines during my visits.

    As far as the cost, I know that they have a number of different plans. I signed up for a "mid-day" plan that allows me to train there from 10:00 to 16:00. It was 9500baht for one year. I'm retired, so going in the middle of the day is not a problem for me. I'm sure they have monthly plans that allow full access at all open hours also. You can just walk in and they will give you a tour of the place and answer any questions. I have found all their staff to be friendly and professional. I'd recommend that you just stop by for a visit.

    Thanks and found a pic on their Facebook page. Looks like they have the same treads that Cal Wow has in Chiang Mai. Forgot the brand but looks the same in the pic. I'll be living by the Zoo in January and February so this gym looks to be a great option. Please tell me they have AC? Thanks for the info!

    Yes, they have AC.

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