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Posts posted by Baloo22

  1. Yes last night the thunder was so intense it was jolting things on my table. Im sure soikhaonoi was a river again. As thunder is heard about 1 second per mile after lightning is seen, it seems that the heavy lightning was about 4 miles east of the railway tracks last night towards the lake? Anyone out there have any lightning problems

    PS: What I mean is that when you see lightning, you count seconds until the thunder is heard then that is how many miles away that the lightning struck.

    Actually, the speed of sound is around 343 metres per second (1,126 ft/s). (It does vary some with differences in altitude, air density and air moisture content). The usual rule of thumb is one kilometer for every three seconds and approximately one mile every five seconds.

  2. For those choosing the strategy of pretending to be another nationality and thinking that it will get you a pass from the "Behead the Infidels" crowd; You might not want to choose French! wink.png

    ABC News: French Mag to Publish Cartoons of Prophet Mohammed

    "A French satirical magazine is set to publish several cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed on Wednesday, a move that is likely to inflame the Islamic faithful and militants who have already rioted in more than 20 countries over a movie mocking the prophet."

    France24: France to close embassies in fear of cartoon backlash

    "France announced Wednesday it will close 20 embassies across the Muslim world on Friday after French weekly Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed naked, amid growing unrest over an anti-Islamic film that has left dozens dead."

  3. Great video! clap2.gif

    I just finished a six-day trip to Bangkok. Really liked getting around on the MRT (Underground Rail System), BTS (Elevated Rail System), and the Chao Phraya river boats.

    I'll second your inclusion of Lumphini Park. thumbsup.gif It is a nice place and change of scene from all the frantic hustle and bustle of the city. Easy to get to using the MRT Silom Station or BTS Sala Daeng Station. I really enjoyed wandering around Lumphini Park. I found a neat new friend there also.


    For me, I would drop a couple of the markets if needed and include Wat Traimit (with the Golden Buddha) and the Snake Farm & show at the Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute (on the corner Henri Dunant Road and Rama IV Road). Enjoyed both. Both are within short walking distance from an MRT station. Hua Lamphong Station for Wat Traimit and Silom Station for the Snake Farm.

  4. You (or anyone else) can call the Tea Party members "extremist" all day long but it still does not make it so. And comparing them to the Taliban or the rioting scum in Benghazi is a textbook case of false equivalency. Still waiting for you to show me news articles or reports of Tea Party members torching buildings or murdering people.

    I will say it again because it needs to be said again. In the U.S., the "Tea Party" voiced their views at Town Hall Meetings and meetings with their elected representatives. Then they made their voice heard by using the ballot box in the 2010 elections. That is how people of reason do it. They also express their views via newsletters and websites. Again, that is how people of reason do it.

    Show me the news reports of Tea Party members burning consulates and murdering diplomats

    I say it again, you might want to educate yourself better on the Taliban as they are not Al Quada but are a group with extreme views who the US for a long time armed and supported (not even sure the Taliban is currently designated as a terrorist group). You might also want to educate yourself on the original Tea Party to find out more about burning and killing as well as current tea party members who have numerous times made comments advocating a war against Islam. I was very clear in posting where things can lead if they are not kept in check. And finally you should try to better your comprehension skills as I never compared the Tea Party to those who burned and killed in Benghazi.

    And FYI ... Hitler was elected as were and are many evil and/or extreme leaders.

    And here is some of your Taliban (there are a few thousand more examples, look them up youself):

    Seventeen Afghan partygoers beheaded by Taliban

    Shocking footage emerges of Taliban stoning couple to death

    Taliban arrested for Afghan school poisonings

    Now: Show me the the news reports of Tea Party members burning consulates, murdering diplomats, stoning people to death, executing people for going to a party, or poisoning schoolgirls. Still waiting for your evidence!

  5. These are the same folks the American Taliban (Tea Party) worship and the times they want America to return to. I have little doubt these extremist have gained traction because of Muslim extremists and 9/11. Seems that extremists not only have a way of creating other radicals on their own side but also just as extreme views on the other side. If America doesn't keep itself in check, there will be a war against Islam and the people will blindly follow these tea bag leaders as German citizens followed Hitler down the road of genocide.

    Your attempt to equate the "Tea Party" members with these Muslim extremists is FAIL to the max. Show me news articles of Tea Party members torching buildings or murdering people. In the U.S., the "Tea Party" voiced their views at Town Hall Meetings and meetings with their elected representatives. Then they made their voice heard by using the ballot box in the 2010 elections. That is how people of reason do it.

    You really do need to take your blinders off and inform yourself better.

    Seens to me you might want to educate yourself on who the Taliban as well as what the majority of people consider extreme views (including the Taliban and the Tea Baggers).

    You (or anyone else) can call the Tea Party members "extremist" all day long but it still does not make it so. And comparing them to the Taliban or the rioting scum in Benghazi is a textbook case of false equivalency. Still waiting for you to show me news articles or reports of Tea Party members torching buildings or murdering people.

    I will say it again because it needs to be said again. In the U.S., the "Tea Party" voiced their views at Town Hall Meetings and meetings with their elected representatives. Then they made their voice heard by using the ballot box in the 2010 elections. That is how people of reason do it. They also express their views via newsletters and websites. Again, that is how people of reason do it.

    Show me the news reports of Tea Party members burning consulates and murdering diplomats.

  6. Anyone remember the free speech in America over Monty Pythons Life Of Brian ?

    I remember some citizens using their First Amendment (Free Speech) rights to picket/protest the film. They do have the rights to do that. Don't recall any burning, looting, or murdering about it here. I also don't believe that the U.S. government banned the movie. If I remember correctly, the bannings happened in Europe.

  7. These are the same folks the American Taliban (Tea Party) worship and the times they want America to return to. I have little doubt these extremist have gained traction because of Muslim extremists and 9/11. Seems that extremists not only have a way of creating other radicals on their own side but also just as extreme views on the other side. If America doesn't keep itself in check, there will be a war against Islam and the people will blindly follow these tea bag leaders as German citizens followed Hitler down the road of genocide.

    Your attempt to equate the "Tea Party" members with these Muslim extremists is FAIL to the max. Show me news articles of Tea Party members torching buildings or murdering people. In the U.S., the "Tea Party" voiced their views at Town Hall Meetings and meetings with their elected representatives. Then they made their voice heard by using the ballot box in the 2010 elections. That is how people of reason do it.

    You really do need to take your blinders off and inform yourself better.

  8. Daily, hourly, the Jewish religion is blasphemed by the Arab world ... yet, and do we see Jewish and Zionist gangs torching embassies, murdering and assaulting diplomats? Do we see Jews rioting in western cities and beating unbelievers senseless? Do we see beheadings, amputations, stonings, and Jewish women veiled and owned as chattel? Certainly not.

    Just a day ago, Sydney Australia was awash with murderous street violence and children carrying signs asking for the beheading of non-believers - and these are immigrants, guests in Australia.

    Time to come out of your politically correct daze folks.

    Great Post!! Best Post of the Day!! No doubt about it! thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  9. A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

    For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

    The film in question was made in the U.S.A. Thus, the U.S. Constitution and U.S. laws concerning "Freedom of Speech" are applicable.

    You need to make a better effort to keep up!

    But the trouble that has arisen in not in the U.S.A. The "Freedom of Speech" BM's in the main are suggesting that the Muslims have no right to protest the movie as the creator has "Freedom of Speech" rights,

    American law has no relevance in other countries, maybe you need to try an expand your mind outside that of what you have been brought up to blindly believe.

    I have not seen any posters stating that Muslims have no right to protest. You seem to be confusing "protest" with murder, arson, and destructive rioting. There actually is a difference to any thinking person.

    • Like 1
  10. I'll second his inclusion of Lumphini Park. thumbsup.gif It is a nice place and change of scene from all the frantic hustle and bustle of the city.

    You can find a neat new friend there also.


    I would drop a couple of the markets if needed and include Wat Traimit (with the Golden Buddha) and the Snake Farm & show at the Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute (corner Henri Dunant Road and Rama IV Road). clap2.gif

  11. It is very unlikely that the the person who made this film will be charged under any "incitement to riot" law. Even less likely to be convicted. Here is the applicable U.S. federal statute 18 US Code - Section 2102: Definitions: (the italics are mine)

    "As used in this chapter, the term "to incite a riot", or "to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot", includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts"

    Individual states have their law on "incitement to riot" laws and they generally follow the same principles. The speech, writing, film, or whatever, must actually urge the rioters to riot or urge the commission of an act of immediate violence. The mere making of a file, even if someone considers the film insulting, in poor taste, disrespectful, or even "hateful", is not incitement to riot.

  12. Was doing some solo exploring in Bangkok and ran across what looks like a small memorial on the east side of Wireless Road near where it intersects with Rama IV road. It is accross the street (Wireless) from Lumphini Park and near exit 3 from the MRT Lumphini Station. Trying to find out what it is. I've done some internet searching but no luck. Anybody know what this memorial or shrine is about? Thanks!



  13. I took my passport and my girlfriend to Khon Kaen at the weekend to open a bank account. Without success! I have a 3 month tourist visa. First my girlfriend said the banks require me to have a non b visa, when I questioned this, she said I need an address in Thailand. I have been renting a house here for a year, if that us not an address I dont know what is? I dispair my girlfriiend, still what can I expect, she is a teacher! Can any one tell me what I need to open a bank account?


    Sent from my GT-P1000T using Thaivisa Connect App

    I opened a savings account with Kasikorn Bank in Pattaya in 2010 with a tourist visa. I was renting a condo at the time. I went in with passport, thai cellphone number, cash for initial deposit and gave them the address of the condo I was renting. I did it at the branch in Central Festival Mall. I figured that they would be more used to dealing with foreigners. No problems. They were great. Did all the paperwork. After making the ATM card, they took me out to the ATM and walked me through changing my ATM pin to my own code. Also gave me all the necessary info for wire transfers.

    I have a hunch that it may be more difficult to open a new account at a bank branch in an area with few foreigners. Perhaps they are simply not used to dealing with it. Also, sometimes in situations like this you can run into people who don't know how or don't want to do it, so they tell you "can't do it". That can happen anywhere in the world. I would suggest that you go to the biggest branch of a major bank, like Kasikorn, in Khon Kaen. You may need to be polite but persistant and not accept no for an answer.

  14. This DEET is really dangerous - why would any public place anywhere be serving it in any quantity at all?

    Just to be clear. DEET is really dangerous when it is take INTERNALLY. For the vast majority of persons, DEET in insect repellent applied externally in accordance with manufacturer's instructions is not dangerous. Some people may have a sensitivity or allergic reactions to DEET but that is the case with practically all products and all medicines. It is truthful to say that insect repellents containing DEET, properly applied, has probably saved thousands of lives through the prevention of mosquito-borne diseases.

    • Like 1
  15. I would like to piggy back on this thread as I have a related question. I'm currently with Wells Fargo in the States and found out today that they do not offer a way to transfer money from that account to any future bank in Bangkok i might choose. I know, such crap! I will not have time to go the Schwab route as I fly out on Wed and Monday is a holiday.

    My question is can I use a check from my Wells Fargo account and make it out to myself and deposit it into my BKK bank account and just wait for it to clear to get some money in there? If so, do you think there would be a fee for this from the Thai bank end?

    Also, I'm nervous to arrive with a bunch of cash on me so I am considering getting a few Travelers Checks before departure, could I use these to open my Thai bank account?

    Thanks in advance!

    I would suggest that you contact your Wells Fargo branch again and ask them specifically about performing a "wire transfer" to a bank account in Thailand using the SWIFT code. If you have a branch near you, I recommend that you physically go there as they may require you to fill out some paperwork first. Usually, the bank's concerns are with possible incidents of fraudulent transfers. They want to prevent someone from fraudulently transfering your money from your account to some gang of crooks here in Thailand.

    I opened a savings account with Kasikorn Bank here in Thailand two years ago and have done wire transfers several times from two separate banks with no problems. Then money shows up in my K-Bank account within two days. The wire transfer fee is usually around $35 to $40 so the larger the transfer the more economical it becomes.

    Before I came here last year, I physically went to a branch of my US bank and arranged/filled-out papers telling them that I would be doing wire transfers from my US account to a Thai bank. So far, it has worked great for me. All my monthly retirement payments and any other $$$ goes into my US accounts and I usually do a wire transfer of six months living expenses every six months into my Thai bank account.

    Hope this helps!

  16. I am from Europe.

    And I realise that European politicians are not exactly inspiring statesmen. But when I read about the american politicians, I almost begin to sympathize with the Merkels and Hollandes.

    I believe that our system of government has endured the test of time and has done very well by us. For over 220 years we have held Congressional elections every two years, and elected Presidents every four years. This includes during great national trials such as the four years of our Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War Two. For over 220 years, we have had no dictators and no military coups. Take a look around our world and you will find that this is rare.

  17. It will never happen, the POLICE are the Scam Operators. The Jet Ski Operators are just doing what they are told. And I wonder who the police are paying for the priviledge of operating the SCAM

    One of the recent "here in Thailand" jokes that I heard:

    "Why are the prisoners in Thai prisons not issued uniforms? Answer: The biggest group of criminals in Thailand are already in uniforms. Brown uniforms with shiny badges!"

  18. Thanks to all who gave links and the video.

    This is very important to me because insects come from far and wide to bite me and I had no idea what so ever that there were risks with mozzy sprays.

    I have been using local repellents containing 12 or 13% DEET.

    The links say the risks are acceptable compared to catching mosquito-born diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and West Nile virus.

    However, it seems that the risks increase dramatically if I am also in contact with pesticides.

    If hotels generally spray pesticides and I apply DEET topically, could the combination be problematic?

    or does it need much larger concentrations of DEET?

    There was a suggestion that these combinations caused Gulf War Syndrome - scary.

    Thank goodness I do not have small children, their small bodies makes them more vulnerable.

    What a crazy world we live in.....

    I would not be too worried about using insect repellents containing DEET as long as you follow the instructions. Obviously, external application only. DEET has been around for decades and been subject to multiple medical studies. Here are some excerpts from the U.S. CDC website on the use of insect repellents containing DEET.

    U.S. CDC - Questions & Answers on Insect Repellent Use and Safety


    “Of the active ingredients registered with the EPA, CDC believes that two have demonstrated a higher degree of efficacy in the peer-reviewed, scientific literature (See Publications page). Products containing these active ingredients typically provide longer-lasting protection than others:

    • DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide)

    • Picaridin (KBR 3023) “

    “DEET is an effective active ingredient found in many repellent products and in a variety of formulations. Based on a 2002 study (Fradin and Day, 2002. See Publications page.):

    • A product containing 23.8% DEET provided an average of 5 hours of protection from mosquito bites.

    • A product containing 20% DEET provided almost 4 hours of protection

    • A product with 6.65% DEET provided almost 2 hours of protection

    • Products with 4.75% DEET were both able to provide roughly 1 and a half hour of protection.

    These examples represent results from only one study and are only included to provide a general idea of how such products may work. Actual protection will vary widely based on conditions such as temperature, perspiration, and water exposure.”

    “Since it is the most widely available repellent, many people ask about the use of products containing DEET on children. No definitive studies exist in the scientific literature about what concentration of DEET is safe for children. No serious illness has been linked to the use of DEET in children when used according to manufacturer’s recommendations.”

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  19. The article also has some interesting points for U.S. citizens considering retirement in Guam also. U.S. citizens 65 and over that may need to rely on Medicare can do so on Guam as it is U.S. territory. Also for myself and my fellow retirees from the U.S. Armed Forces, we would have access to base facilities. Although I understand that it will be getting a little more crowded with additional military units transfering in from their current location in Okinawa.

  20. http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/2012/08/14/six-global-destinations-for-affordable-retirement/

    Six Global Destinations for an Affordable Retirement

    by Michael Foster

    Published August 14, 2012


    • GuaranteedRetirementIncomeImage.jpg

    Six Cheap Places to Retire Abroad

    Over the 20th century, many retirees moved from New England, California and the Midwest to the sunny and sparsely populated Sun Belt, where low taxes and warm weather beckoned. Today, many Americans are moving much farther afield to enjoy a new life at a low cost. Thousands are migrating to Asia, South America, Europe and beyond to stretch their retirement dollars. And foreign countries, eager for the boost to their economies, have taken notice.

    With so many nations interested in attracting retirees from abroad, Americans are spoiled for choice. Bankrate uncovers six up-and-coming destinations where retirees can easily live on an income of $2,000 a month. In some cases, retirees are already living there for far less. Read on to discover the affordability of housing, food and medical care at these retirement destinations.

    Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Thanks to its weather and low cost of living, Thailand has been on retirees' radars for years, and Chiang Mai is cheap, even by Thai standards.

    "For under $2,000, I live like a king," says Barry, a Canadian who relocated to Chiang Mai in early 2009. Since then, he has rented a 1,200-square-foot condo for a little more than $400 per month. Groceries are no big concern, usually running him about $50 per month. Restaurants cost about twice that at $100 per month -- and he goes out to eat almost every day.

    Barry says that Chiang Mai has just about everything he needs. "There are Western-style restaurants, entertainment venues and social events," he says. The city has several modern hospitals. "I had an emergency spinal fusion two years ago at a cost of 280,000 baht (about $9,300 at the time). In Canada, medical coverage is free, but the waiting time is long. Here, the service is almost instantaneous and very professional."

    More routine medical issues are so inexpensive, Barry says, that he doesn't need insurance to cover them. "Going to a dentist for a checkup and cleaning is 500 baht," or about $16.

    Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/2012/08/14/six-global-destinations-for-affordable-retirement/#ixzz23cNF4BTc

  21. The U.S could put an end to all the controversy and end his asylum plea by simply comming out a saying, We are not interested in Julian and we will not make any attempt to extradite from any country or seek prosecution. We are not interested in Julian and he is free to go. Whole issue resolved and end of debate. Very simple for them to do Yes/No

    There is currently no good reason for the U.S. government to make such a comment. Why should they? Because little gnat-boy Julian and his caterwauling acolytes want them to? Gnat-boy is doing just fine getting himself into being the subject of a sex-crime investigation in Sweden and his criminal actions in the UK. Let him stew in his Ecuadorean broom-closet for while. cheesy.gif

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