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Posts posted by johnnycthedog

  1. The Golden Retreivors in Thailand must be different to those in Oz. I own a GR and they are the most gentle and loving breed you will find. It might cuddle you to death. Mine does not bark ever and is so kind and loving, never aggresive. Whereas every Rottweiller I've seen is fairly aggresive. Maybe it's how dogs in general are treated in Thailand.

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  2. We all know the answers to the question raised.

    So, why not share your wisdom.

    its not hard, it just takes time and effort.

    When i think of the time and effort i needed to exert back home and the time and effort it took me here in Thailand, I dont know how anyone says its hard to find a "good girl" in Thailand.

    Its difficult to find a "good girl" in a red light district

    Its difficult to find a good girl at a pub

    Its difficult to find a good girl who will let you sleep with her on the first date

    Its difficult to find a good girl when your always drunk

    Its difficult to find a good girl if you haven't washed your close in a month

    Its difficult to find a good girl if you smoke like a chimney

    Its difficult to find a good girl if you have no interest in her culture

    Its difficult to find a good girl if the girl must be no more than half your age

    I think poster "yourauntrob" covers a number of relevant points. The vast majority of male tourists (95%+??) come to Thailand for two or three weeks at a time and only want to meet girls who will have sex immediately. In other words P4P girls.. No time for a relationship. No time for anything other than r**ting and drinking. Why not - it's all there for you to take. Life and time is too short for mucking around getting to know "proper" thai girls. As we all know places like Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket are Disneyland for adult men. A lot of these men have been burnt by Western women. A lot of these men have so many problems or social failures they could never get a Western woman. A lot of these men just don't care anymore and just want to have a good time in their remaining years. And a lot of long timers don't have much money to live in Thailand beyond basic existence.

    So what's your point I hear you say. Well these men will never meet a decent Thai lady. Maybe 1 in every 100 will get lucky and meet someone nice. And it's not just the old men that get burnt by the cunning ways of beautiful young Thai girls in these hotspots. I meet plenty of handsome young men from (especially) Europe who have lost everything to their not so loving (or faithful) P4P girl.

    But let's be realistic here. Money attracts P4P girls and it attracts the so called "good" girls. You are not going to meet and keep a "good" girl if you're a bum, with nothing to offer by way of financial security, perhaps relocating them to a Western country, have half decent looks and take care of their family a little (or a lot). As I've posted here before - Thai money marries Thai money. Foreigners just won't get a look in to a middle to upper class Thai family.

    In my own situation I met my perfect Thai lady. A divorced woman with a child. Not from the direct sex industry but keen to meet a foreigner nevertheless. Not a "good" girl but not a P4P girl either. She doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, dislikes tattoos and is a brillant cook. I offered her financial security, a nice home, I have good job, most of my hair, tidy and presentable appearance and love the Thai food. She was keen to relocate out of Thailand and loves the Australian weather and lifestyle.

    Someone once said to me (as an insult) - "the problem with you is you need a woman who's a cook in the kitchen, a lady in public and a whore in the bedroom". Hey - I thought that would be my perfect woman. Most times you need three women to cover this. I found it in one.

    After several visa visits here to Oz to make sure we were really compatible I married her and took her son under my care. Perfect. Well not perfect in the end as after 10 years we are getting a divorce. I will love her to the day I die. Just the way things pan out. Heart shattered and my hopes and dreams for the future with her now gone.

    As for learning Thai - I got to about 100 words but I had trouble with the tonal nature of the words and ended up saying the wrong thing. Nothing like talking about beautiful diahorrea when you meant beautiful waterfall!!

    So "SiameseCurios" I don't have any wisdom - just some observations, thoughts and limited experience over several trips to Thailand and being married to a Thai woman for 10 years.

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  3. Over the last few years dozens of foreign women have been raped and some killed. The Thai men don't give a flying <deleted> about foreigners. The Thai police aren't capable of dealing with this properly. Do they really care? Women must travel in pairs - anywhere - anytime. Maybe the 20 year old German girl who lost her right hand thumb in a knife attack in Krabi only a few months ago and this Dutch guy can sing a duet about how dangerous Thailand is.

    Tourists are such an easy target, in a foreign country, so far from home. They return home robbed, shattered and abused with very little likelihood that they will return and testify against the perpetrator of the crime. It just so hard for them.

    And we have to remember that normal law abiding Thais are also the victim of similar violent crimes too.

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  4. Witnesses say the motorbike was being driven at high speed. Easy to do when there's not much traffic around. Open the throttle and away you go. Only problem is if you are not wearing helmets and you crash your skull opens up like a watermelon. Remember the pictures of the two young Brits that were killed in Second Street a few years ago - the policeman was scooping the brains off one of the Heinekin signs. That was about the same time of the morning too. No helmets = no chance. RIP to both very sad. Just having a good time and now gone forever.

  5. Everyone here has a lot to say about the "poor electrical work in Thailand" but all of them have overlooked the fact that it is THEIR responsibility to ensure that THEIR house or THEIR premises are safe. Not to mention that all the posters here seem to be very knowledgeable when it come to (after the fact) electrics - yet NOT ONE has mentioned the one inexpensive little device that could have saved ALL of those lives. It's called an Earth Leakage Relay - or a Residual Current Device. Look it up - and if you don't have one installed, then install one immediately. Before we have to type in yet another RIP!

    Good idea. But in the last 12-18 months there have been many tourists electrocuted in the normal course of having a holiday. The young Brit in Second Rd Pattaya, another young Brit in Soi Bangla Phuket, the young Swedish couple in Ao Nang, the Russian having a swim & touching the bridge over the pool and so it goes on and on. Obviously as an expat living in Thailand your idea has great merit but for the average tourist they have no control over shoddy electrical work done by the Thais.

    Is there a job opening here for expat retired electricians. Might pay better than TESOL work.

  6. Major head fracture from hitting his head on a table,.... I don't think so!

    RIP to the poor victim and condolences to the family!

    Yes if its a concrete table that many bars have outside.

    Concrete table, footpath, kerb, bitumen road - anything hard will do it. It's happening more and more in Australia. The one hit blind side cowardly punch killing a lot of young kids here. Remember the famous movie star William Holden? He got pissed one night and fell and hit his head on a coffee table. Killed him no problem.

  7. Posters love this light banter. No politics, no racism, no sexism, no tragedy - just a chance for a bit of light hearted banter.

    Are the beads to stop their hands slipping off or what? Some posters might think the Thai police are already big enough pr**ks without the enhancements. Do they suffer from an inferiority complex. For those that have tried the Thai condoms - they are smaller than the Western condoms..

  8. The insurgency problems in the South have been going on for many years. It seems lately that they have become more embolden in their acts. They want the Southern provinces to become a Muslim state. I agree it's probably only a small number of Muslims causing these problems and they are not going to stop. It's easy to slip back over the Malay border.

    I have said for some years that it's only a matter of time before they start setting off bombs in somewhere like Phuket.

    This will severely affect the tourist trade and hit the Thai Govt. severely in the pocket. The idea being to bring the Thai Govt. to the negotiation table.

    I hope my prediction is wrong.

    I doubt Phuket will ever be a target, It is too easy to block access on/off the island, it would be easier to do BKK if they were that determined.

    There is a relatyively large Muslim population on Phuket too. The name Phuket

    is a derivative of the Malay word Bukit...meaning hill. Thankfully the Phuket Muslim

    community is of a peacefull nature with regard to the "Troubles" in the far South.

    But cast your minds back to Algeria and Egypt and to a lesser extent Morocco. Islamic terrorists killed the tourist trade in the first two countries by targeting tourists and Morocco was affected to a lesser extent.

    In Phuket there is plenty of easy access by the surrounding seas. It only takes a few terorists or "separatists" to cause mayhem.

    I've only been as far south as Koh Lanta. Full of peace loving Muslims going about their business (I guess but what would I know as a mere short time tourist who doesn't speak the language). I found it interesting that in the resort I stayed the Muslims will serve you food but the Thai band members were the ones to serve you alcohol. I've never given it much of a thought until I encountered it there. No problems though.

  9. The insurgency problems in the South have been going on for many years. It seems lately that they have become more embolden in their acts. They want the Southern provinces to become a Muslim state. I agree it's probably only a small number of Muslims causing these problems and they are not going to stop. It's easy to slip back over the Malay border.

    I have said for some years that it's only a matter of time before they start setting off bombs in somewhere like Phuket.

    This will severely affect the tourist trade and hit the Thai Govt. severely in the pocket. The idea being to bring the Thai Govt. to the negotiation table.

    I hope my prediction is wrong.

  10. Rapes happen in every country in the world. But a lot of female tourists are raped every year in Thailand. Is it the Thai male attitude towards westerners? If you got it I'll take it. If your a woman and I see an opportunity to have sex with you I'll take it.

    It shouldn't be so - but a female tourist should never travel, walk, swim or whatever on their own, especially where it's secluded.

  11. Looks like it's the bend on the beach road in front of the arcadia. If you're going fast, it's dark out and you don't know the road, that bend is an accident waiting to happen.They should at least have reflectors there for oncoming traffic to see as well as having those reflectors that are in the middle of the road so you get an advanced warning of the change in the road coming up.

    What a great idea. Works well in Western countries, so do we think it's going to be adopted in Thailand? Unlikely.

    Even driving a car at night at proper speed anywhere in Phuket is an effort with all the poor roads and poor lighting let alone other crazy traffic.

  12. So many tourists hire motorbikes when in Thailand on holiday. It's a cheap mode of transport and a feeling of freedom. But to ride without a helmet is just asking for trouble. On strange roads at night that are in poor to moderate condition, poor lighting, road signs left out on the roads etc. It's a recipe for disaster without even including speed or alcohol into the equation.

    I agree with the posters about the tuk tuk "mafia" and their exhorbitant prices.

    Even if you are super cautious on a motorbike and wearing a helmet there's no guarantee that some Thai idiot car or truck driver won't kill you.

  13. Ah "The Green Mile" - one of my favourite films. Whilst Tom Hanks was good in the movie it's the characters that surround the main actor that often make the movie so good. Michael Clarke Duncan was great in the part he played. They made him look much taller than he is (not that he's short at 6ft 4inches) by either he walking on a raised platform or the other actors walking in a trench. Not sure which one but he looked a giant of a man in the movie.

    I also enjoyed him scaring the bejesus out of Charlie in Two & A Half Men.

  14. To "Considered Opinion" poster - well picked up. But I was actually "p1223D off" at something else. Yes I was a little too strong in my comments but the general thrust of it was that you should be supporting AmyB. not laughing at her grievance.

    I also included "not" in the sentence "Get off your backsides and defend the right of people not to be offended by such acts" when it should not have appeared in the sentence at all.

  15. Well having read all the male replies I feel very angry on behalf of AmyB. What a mob of jerks and male chauvanists you are. It's all a laugh if some guys have a wank in front of you. Pigs arse. What bullshit. Would you be saying the same if it was in front of your wife or daughter. Would you be saying the same if they grabbed your wife or daughter and raped her. Get off your backsides and defend the right of people not to be offended by such acts.

    If I pissed into your beer or spewed onto your lap you'd be very upset and offended but AmyB would probably laugh at it just like you laugh at her being offended. Where's the balance just because she's a female.

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  16. Well I ain't 60 or bald or fat. I hate the Chang Beer singlet look. I always dress smart casual and expect my girlfriends to be well dressed and presentable. No sloths allowed. However like a lot of Westerners I married a younger girl from the Issan region. She is beautiful, practical, and has restaurant standard cooking ability. She is a non drinker, non smoker and disliked tattoos. Perfect for me - as I like a drink but don't want to drive. She had nothing other than a young son, a divorce, no money and no future. I had it all in Australia - a good job, enough money and a good lifestyle.

    I gave her all that I could and more. A perfect situation for her and her son. There was genuine love between us and many a good time. Unfortunately after 10 years of marriage it has all fallen apart. Her gambling (learned in Australia) has sent me broke and her multiple infidelities have broken my heart.

    I will love her to the day I die. She was, after a lifetime of searching, the perfect girl for me. There will never be another girl like her again. However now her lawyer is circling for the kill. The rest of my life will be spent trying to repair the financial damage done in the divorce settlement. (Let alone the emotional damage) I will have to feed off of the stories of friends trips to Thailand as I won't be able to afford one for many years.

    What is it with Thai girls? They will love you, feed you, treat you like a king yet with the same process that they eat, talk, walk and breathe air, they will <Snip!> around with no regret or guilt. It's like an inbuilt failing they have. My experiences are not alone amongst the Aust/Thai relationships I know. It's like you have an argument and they go & find someone (male) sympathetic to their problems ( read "I want to &lt;deleted&gt; you that's why I listening to you).

    So yes Issan girls - marry a falang for an easier life but for us in the West it usually comes with a clause for a broken heart and heavy financial payment. Then the cycle starts again when they inevitably meet another foreigner. Ah but this time they have citizenship and Centrelink benefits.

  17. To the "ManinSurat" poster . Gee you make a lot of sense in all your comments. Why posters don't see and agree with you is beyond me. You try to close the post and yet have to come back and correct the misunderstanding of your comments. For the record I think 9 years in a Thai jail is enough punishment for a first offence. However she should be stopped from making any money from her illegal activities.

  18. Tips from an old dog who has been married to a Thai girl for 8 happy years and 3 more not so happy years.

    1. If you get into a serious long term relationship with a Thai girl in Thailand - rent for the first 5 years or so. Never buy a property (which will be in their name). If it goes pear shaped you walk away without losing your gonads. The same rule applies to motor vehicles.

    2. A Thai girls behaviour with you will usually be better in Thailand. Why - because they know they can be replaced very easy if they cause too much trouble.

    3. Once they get back to a Western country (in your case Canada) they become "westernised" very quickly and lose a lot of the Thai appeal.

    4. You are young so an age difference will not come into play.

    5. Where there's 20 years or more in age difference most Thai / falang relationships will fail.

    6. So many falang who marry Thai girls are "losers" or "boosers" in their home country so the marriage is doomed to fail,- especially once she has her citizenship papers.

    7. If you are not prepared or ready to support her family a little or a lot then bail out now. Family for most Thai girls is more important than any falang partner.

    8. For many Thai girls f**king around is no different than breathing, eating or going to the toilet.. It's in their nature. So many "good" girls in good jobs have probably been mistresses to an older & wealthy Thai man in their past.

    9. Thai girls from wealthy and refined families are most likely to want to meet young Thai men from equally wealthy & refined families to keep their wealth "in house". Very, very rarely will a falang get inside this circle. That's why the Issan girls are so popular and available for falang men. Those girls mostly come from an impoverished background looking to get lucky by marrying a falalng to feed the family back in the village.

    Anyway enjoy yourself & I hope it goes well.

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