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Posts posted by chowny77

  1. Why do they just keep playing the same old record again and again. They always come out just before any big festival and spew the same old crap and nothing is ever fixed. I know what I will be doing this Songkran and that will be to stay in my home until the stupid water throwing will have stopped around 6pm. It's about time that they took road safety seriously all year round not just when they know that there will be more idiots riding/driving around footloose and fancy free. I was hoping they were going to down grade the sizes of Songkran this year considering the lack of water but I guess not. It just looks like it will be another bad year for the farmers with no flipping water for their crops...............so very Buddhist of the Thai people, to not give a crap about anyone else but themselves.

  2. Try to not blame yourself. They were clearly in the wrong in this instant, especially as they were also putting their kids life in danger for what................a short cut? Happens daily but because you are a foreigner the mother thought she could blame you. Complete garbage, her husband was wrong and you are correct to have rode away from this situation before the cops were involved be because 90% chance you would have been hit with some kind of cash payment even though you did no wrong. Just put it down as another experience in Thailand and try not to dwell on it, as it's not good for your mental and physical health.

  3. To be honest carrying your passport around with you 24/7 is a ball-ache. Thai immigration should now start issuing a credit card sized ID for foreign nations that are accepted for extensions, such as retirement, marriage, dependent or work. IT should be similar to the Thai driving license, with a bar code that can be hand scanned by the police and photo of yourself with the relevant information. Even 13 yrs ago back in the UK I used to donated blood and all I had to do was hand over the card and they bar-coded it and viola all my details were there. Why are these guys so far behind in important things and yet they all need or have the latest bloody apple phone. Blows the mind!

  4. I'm wondering if this is just the usual Thaiglish, and that what it actually refers to is importers/exporters of vaping devices, not tourists and others who travel via air and bring a small amount of gear and liquid for personal use?

    Can someone who reads Thai have a look at the Thai-language posting and see if there's some nuance which has been lost?

    I hope so even though that would be silly as there is a significant market for these devices, well accepted in Europe and to a significant extent in the US.

    Given that more than 59% of Thai men smoke, any alternative should be pursued rather than blocked. Sure, ban the silly flavours than appeal to kids and Sheesha

    It's all about the money they make from tax at the end of the day. They tell us not to drink or smoke but on the other hand ban all other substitutes that we could have because they can not get their control or cut from it.

  5. I just had a surprise message from my mum. The parcel with Xmas gifts we sent around the 18th of December at the main post office where I live has arrived. My mum said that the date stamped on the parcel was the 14/2/2016, so basically it seems it was either miss placed, lost or held back. We must have gone to the post office about 4 times and they kept saying it was the UK side that was where it was being held up. Obviously that was a complete lie and luckily it did not contain important documents that maybe someone needed. I am just happy it finally got there to be honest.

  6. I find it funny that you can not take anything Buddhist related out of Thailand. I mean the statues are on sale everywhere in Thailand, so are they going to stop every tourist who has paid money for a product not to take it home with them plus maybe fining them as well. Ridiculous, really considering that supposedly the Lord Buddha told his followers to not create idols of him. Thailand went 1000% opposite of what he asked his followers to do.

  7. Last time I had to go to BKK it was a no no. But saying that I with my wife had hidden a few cans of Leo in a non-clear bag plus we had one of the sectioned off sleeper rooms on the train. I had maybe 2 or 3 cans and we called it a night and had no problems from the staff on the train. To be honest, the reason this was brought into action was because of that poor girl being raped and thrown from the train. It was not really alcohol related but more because the guy was on drugs and also he should never of had the job if the SRT had done a proper background check on him. Alcohol was not problem, it was a demented, sick human being.

  8. I can remember when I was back in England. It all depended on the season if we got chips, sliced scallop style fried, mashed or boiled potato's. Like CharlieH said, if you prepare them you can pretty much do what you like with them.

  9. Most of the farang hang out are near the Mekong. There are places to stay around that area and I am sure getting a taxi from the airport will be a simple venture. Look on booking.com for places to stay as they sometimes offer cash on arrival rather than credit card payments. ATM transactions should not be a problem, plus you can actually use baht anyway, they usually offer the choice. If you currently have a visa/extension for Thailand that is not expiring soon you should get a re-entry permit before leaving otherwise you visa/extension will be terminated. If you are flying in I am guessing you will get like flying into Thailand, depending on your nationality a 30 day waiver. There are some nice restaurants and places to hang out in and around the Mekong promenade area. As for getting around the city, you maybe able to rent a bicycle. When I was there I did not look for scooter rental but I am sure after talking to the staff at where you are staying something can be worked out. To be honest I pretty much just walked around and most things are within a reasonable distance, nothing like if you were in BKK. Vientiane is not a very big capitol city and you can easily get from point A to B within a 20-30 mins steady walk.

  10. I guess it depends on how far you are willing to go. If you are planning to go big time into the business expecting 100+ students, then you will need to go through all the proper hoops. If you are looking at a small scale 20 to 40 students, it becomes a matter of where you plan to teach them and who the neighbours are. I teach a few students in my free time and my neighbours are all cool with it as I actually teach their grand child. I am not treading on anyone's toes and I have been left alone for over 4 yrs. I have had police men's kids as students and no problem, plus I even have a police check box on my rented property. If I planned to go full scale I would go through all the right procedure but as I am doing a little here and there I have not bothered. I guess it all depends on where in Thailand you live and what contacts you have. The more rural the place the lass hassle as they just don't care as in highly populated touristy places, it's all about the money and who can they get it out of.

  11. frankly if it is not COD on Lazada I would not buy it. This means it is not a Lazada transaction but a transaction with a reseller with much worse gurantee and delivery terms than Lazasa itself.

    That said I have had no problem with Lazada for their products or those sold on Lazada for IT City or Tesco. But in all cases COD.

    I agree with Harrry on this. Unless it's cash on delivery I do not touch it. I have used Lazada about 5 times and so far I have never had a problem apart from them actually being too early on delivery. The reason of this being a problem is because I am working Mon-Fri and so I time my purchase so it falls on a weekend and many times because of them coming early I have had to quickly nip out of school to get home to collect, sign and pay for the products. Apart from that, their service has been great. Even the Kerry delivery guys have been good, quick chat, about how you are and so forth and usually I let them keep the change if I do not have the exact amount for the product, nothing big but a few baht but it just makes it easier.

  12. I have gone back to watching some of the old 80's movies, such as The Thing, Back Draft and American werewolf in London. The latest Star Wars was great to see..............I felt young again. Deadpool looks like it should be good but no chance for a torrent for that yet. What some of the other guys suggested are ok also.

  13. I will be going to Savannakhet again this year around July. The last time I went it was all rush rush and just get the visa processed at the consulate, as it was my first time and have not been there before. This time I would like to I would actually like to enjoy the experience and enjoy it. I have heard that Laos is famous for its french baguette sandwiches and would love to know if any people who have been to Savannakhet has any recommendations. I did get chance to eat at the restaurant with the 5 foot tall penguins and also visited a Thai owned bar that way over charged for food that in Thailand would have been 50% cheaper. I have also noticed a whole load of new places to stay have opened since the last time I went so any recommendations would be appreciated.

  14. Yesterday was bloody cold. I got a little wet traveling by scooter to school in the morning, even with a rain jacket and felt miserable through my classes. My poor students were wrapped up but both myself and the students were shivering as the school has no means of heat. I know this cold spell has been kind of a fluke but damn it is cold. I have lived here for 11 years and have never come across the cold season being quite like this. I know back home in the UK in conditions like this a class maybe cancelled or even the school closed. I guess Thailand has none of these health rules, same goes if the conditions are too hot. At least the weather forecast says it should get warmer by the weekend.

  15. How it changed me was the fact I become aware of how far I was away from home,family and friends. Also through work as a teacher to be gentle as they were young, thougher as they grew-up and was proud as they moved on to university. I still get pissed of at small things and big things that are out of my control, but that life..........Thailand has learnt me to be relaxed, listen, and show respects to elders who normally we would smack/kick in the arse for being <deleted>; but I can't I follow thai ways and we all call the elder a <deleted> after hes gone.

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