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Posts posted by chowny77

  1. It is not only in the hospitality industry but also education sector. I have witnessed how happy the full-time Thai teachers are when they get a fresh load of trainee students come to the school. This basically gives them the chance to bunk-off while the poor trainee is left with sometimes the possible help of an assistant, who also sees this as a chance for some extra free time to disappear from class. Obviously my observation is more aimed at primary school level schools rather than high schools.

  2. I am pretty damn sure it is the teacher trying to pull the wool over your eyes and making a quick buck. Like another poster said in P6, M3 and M6 it is 100% mandatory but at M1 it is not. i am pretty sure that a Thai teacher has decided that they will hold extra classes on the Saturday as they most likely did not do there job right during the week and are lying about it being linked to O-net requirements. Obviously they are not going to do this for free and see it as a way to make more money. Pretty sure the head of department and even the director are in on this little scheme as they will receive a cut of the money made. This kind of shenanigans has been going on since I started teaching here in 2005 and was happening before and will continue to until parents decide enough is enough. Of course that will never happen as teachers are almost as revered as monks and just look what the last few months has shown us about them.

  3. Smack the <deleted> in the mouth. If the wife calls the cops, pay the fine and then pack your bags and leave her. She will then notice a marked change of having no money. When she tries to contact you, if you want to stay in the relationship, say him or me. It sounds to me like you are out in the sticks, so keep your wits about you if you do come back. We all know how fair the Thai men fight.

  4. When I was teaching at one school I had to teach health. I decided to incorporate some other materials apart from brushing your teeth and decided on fire safety. I found out that the school did not even have an annual fire drill. I then with my class walked around the school grounds to see where fire hoses or fire extinguishes were. After a complete check we found no fire hoses, and only 6 extinguishes for the entire campus. Plus all of the extinguishes where out of date and water based. If there had been a fire in the computer lab someone would have died either from the fire or from electrocution. I did bring this to the attention of the director who just looked at me with a glazed eyed expression. Not surprisingly, four of the six extinguishes we found where in the building that housed the academic department and the directors man-cave. When I pressed even more on this issue he basically said, while laughing "Mai bpen rai"!! What an A-hole, more than 1,000 students and he could not give a turd unless their parents did not pay up on time.

  5. To be honest it is fair that if they are caught they should do time but the sad thing is it never stops the problem. Why? Usually it is because these people are the small fries, the big fish are who are the ones running the business are either in a powerful position or they are the pigs. Where I am living I have heard many a story usually coming from the moo baans where the cops are the ones recruiting said sellers of the goods and have set it up that if their mule is caught they will not face any repercussions. I do like the idea of getting some of these people who were duped into this situation to be able to visit schools so that they could hold a seminar with students to explain exactly how life is like when you go to prison. I am sure this might in a small way alter some of the children's possible future, obviously not all but it would be a damn good start in the right direction, even if it is only one.

  6. Were I am working I have a colleague who was always rushing about to get to class. I keep telling him to chill and give it 5 minutes between classes as our students do not stay in one room but have to move from one room to a different room. I think now after one semester he has finally got the understanding that the students will 99.9% of the time will never be in the class at the time they are scheduled. It does work both ways though, sometimes it is nice to not have to rush around but if it is something important it can be annoying. I guess it all depends on the situation.

  7. Chowny77, I like your faith in humanity - Do you really think the farmers will stop selling produce that have been drenched in pesticides?

    The local government office in our Tam Boen checked all the residents blood for pesticide residue, every single person in the area was found to have high levels of pesticides in their bodies.

    Most likely they were drinking the stuff because someone told them it was stronger than Lawkhao...........only joking

  8. It is a good sign to have a lot of butterflies as it means many plants and trees will be pollinated so an increase in crops for the farmers. I know that as a caterpillar they can be seen as a pest but to be honest this year the farmers have bigger problems to deal with such as the lack of water. But as pointed out from the poster before me, the Thai's will most likely rely on pesticides to remove the larva of the butterflies which is counter productive as they just make their products unsuitable for sale.

  9. How hard would it have been for the villagers to check on the driver to make sure they were OK? How was it possible that the police were unable to do anything as they all carry a firearm? A simple shot in the air would have got the attention of the villagers. If this pick-up truck was filled with something of real value I might have understand the villagers reaction but for mushrooms............sodding mushrooms..........words escape me.

  10. The college I work at started on the 16th of May. I have noticed that a lot of the other schools in this town are understaffed and are trying to get teachers for their MEP/EP programs as obviously the parents have already paid for NES speakers but the schools have dropped the ball yet again. To be honest though it is not really the schools fault, it is the TCT for making the requirements for NES and non-NES to stringent. For the wages that Thailand is willing to pay they are very unlikely to find foreign teachers who perfectly match what they want. It is time for the TCT to take a really good, hard look at what it really needs and the reality of what they are likely to get. From my experiences so far this is the perfect time for agencies to make a killing by ripping off the schools and screwing over the poor foreigner who is fooled into working for them for peanuts.

  11. It must be really bad for the people that are on minimum wage. Since I have lived here the price of everything has risen but living wages has either stayed the same or in most cases even dropped. When I first came here in 2005 I was on 35,000 baht a month teaching but if you look on any teaching job related websites they are now advertising between 20 - 40,000, most only offer 30,000. The funny thing is many of my private student parents are telling me that the school fees have increased rather than dropped. No wonder the school directors can afford their flashy new cars.

  12. I would check your drain covers as it is the most easiest way that they can move from condo to condo. You keep your condo clean but that does not mean your neighbours are doing the same. Also keep your eyes open for little almost 1cm brown/black cocoons as these hold the eggs of the cockroach. Keeping cockroach numbers down is an uphill struggle and will never really be achieved. Just keep cans of the bug spray on and and maybe put bleach down the drains and hopefully this will give you some peace of mind.

  13. Well done. It is time for the Thai people to make a change. My wife bitches all the time about things but when I ask her why do you not change it then? She just goes quiet. It is time for the "real Thai people" to learn to stop pulling their heads in and listening to the supposed government and even their elders and contest what is going on. Even the school I work Thai teachers will just bend over and do stupid things just because the director says so, even though they know it is stupid. Time for Thailand people to break the "Sheep mentality" and question the government and what they are told to do. I know it will never happen in my lifetime but hopefully it will happen in the future generation.

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