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Posts posted by chowny77

  1. It is unseasonably hotter here than the normal. My wife had to go with one of her workers to the hospital as the worker had collapsed because of the heat. This was in the evening so not evening when the sun had already set. If it begins to push 40+ degrees I wonder what the schools and other places of work will do, especially the places that have no air-con and only supply fans to keep the heat down. The hospitals are going to be over-run with people suffering from heat exhaustion.

  2. The college I work at allow me to come and go as long as I attend my classes. When I had my interview with the director we came to this deal as he knew he was paying me a lesser salary than most schools around town. The 1st semester was fine and it all worked out. The start of the second semester they did try and tell me that the vice director wanted me to stay on campus all day. I basically asked them if they had increased my salary, to which their reply was no. So I just reminded them about the meeting with the director and what he had promised. It never arose again. I gave them my mobile number plus my e-mail, so if something comes up they can contact me. They have decided to continue my contract so I will see if they try to pull the sit in an office all day shenanigans again. They will get the same question and I am sure I will get the same response. No way am I wasting my time sitting in an office when I can do other things when I am not teaching.

    The institution pays you a salary and there are many reasons why your employer might want you to stay on campus.

    Your boss, or a student wants to see you, or a meeting in the afternoon, etc....

    Should the employer really call all his employees and please them to show up at work?

    "Please, Mr. Farang, it would be so nice if you'd come to school and do what we pay you for." Why do such places have an office?

    Sitting in the office is wasted time for you. You can do other things when you're not teaching. maybe preparing your next lesson(s)?

    You might consider to get off your high horse before it's too late. They're watching you and you're not getting paid by the hour.

    I hope you don't have to learn this lesson the hard way by not receiving a new contract. Best of luck.

    Lostinissan! I have been reading the drivel that you write on this forum for the last few years and to be honest, I am still surprised you still have a job. You rant and rave about your director and the non-SS payment scheme at your school. I was replying to the OP about my situation. Maybe you are stuck in an office Mon-Fri, from 8am til 4pm. I am not. If this upsets you take a chill-pill otherwise you might get too stressed and fall ill with no SS to help you.

  3. The college I work at allow me to come and go as long as I attend my classes. When I had my interview with the director we came to this deal as he knew he was paying me a lesser salary than most schools around town. The 1st semester was fine and it all worked out. The start of the second semester they did try and tell me that the vice director wanted me to stay on campus all day. I basically asked them if they had increased my salary, to which their reply was no. So I just reminded them about the meeting with the director and what he had promised. It never arose again. I gave them my mobile number plus my e-mail, so if something comes up they can contact me. They have decided to continue my contract so I will see if they try to pull the sit in an office all day shenanigans again. They will get the same question and I am sure I will get the same response. No way am I wasting my time sitting in an office when I can do other things when I am not teaching.

  4. To be honest China should never had been allowed to damn a natural river that also feeds into other countries, it breaks rules. It is fine if the river only feeds the one country without it being redirected. Could you imagine what the Amazon would be like if the Brazilians just decided to dam it up. There would be world wide outcry. But the bloody Chinese get away with it as they think they are the dog's b^%locks!

  5. Another drunken idiot in Thailand..............oh wait a minute, he is a Thai police officer. There must of been oil on the road, he never drink or drive to fast after seeing his mio noi and must be home before 5am. What a sack of SH&%!! He will be off on the sick and will not even get sacked, maybe a promotion, as he was not caught with mia noi in the car when he crashed. Give him a medal and a brand new car, maybe a BMW or Mercedes. Another small dicked BIB who will get away with almost murder, as it was lucky he did not hit another car or motorbike when he did a Dukes of Hazards!!

  6. I bet there is more to this than just stealing shoes. How do they come up with the news title? The guy attacked was already at the hospital when the cops arrived at the scene of the attack, maybe he died before they got to the hospital, so a neighbour was cited as saying it was about the shoes..............hmmm young guy, Phuket, drugs maybe................? It is about time the mafia in all these islands are taken care of but T.I.T it will never happen and this is the main reason I will never go anywhere near these places, especially the islands!!

  7. Are you willing to work in Thailand's best comer, also called Isaan?

    I've thought about it. It doesn't seem so bad.

    BTW, I see the trolls are out.

    I don't think lostinisaan is trolling you so much, but the fact you are thinking about leaving things last minute kind of makes you look foolish. If you really plan to find a decent schools with decent benefits you really need to get your backside moving come Monday. The longer you leave it the less positions will be available. You also need to think about if you need to relocate for the new job. I have been here for a while, and to be honest job hunting usually starts in Dec/Jan for the decent schools. They know who they will keep or let go and what they need for the May start, and might want you to start before school opens with a short English camp or trip, so that the students get to know you and vise-versa.

  8. The sooner the better to get a job sorted, otherwise if you sit back on your ass you will be running around at the last minute like a headless chicken. Plus the schools can play their silly games with salaries, knowing that you do not have much time to find another school. Also if you need to go to Laos for your visa, it will be Pandemonium as others who have sat on their hands will be doing the same thing. The work permit can be done after, but the visa plus job come first. Best to get this out of the way before Songkran if you can as there are still 3 weeks before that fiasco begins. Plus take into account the public holidays at the start of May, this can make things tricky if you need to go out of country as the consulates will be closed.

  9. Kickbacks?

    Pretty much what Neversure said. If a school can prove that they have NES teachers they can claim X amount of money for each teacher to help with the salaries. This money allocated by the government very rarely will be used in this manner and the school will swallow the money through dodgy accounting. The government do not give money or nothing like they do for NES to Non-native speakers so that is why your director is trying to do what she is doing. Most likely this will blow up in her face as most NES teachers that fulfill the Krusapa mandate have had enough and have gone to grasses greener. Salaries are not matching the experience/academic qualifications that are now being forced here. I am sure she will do a U-turn and your contract will be renewed as to be honest, she will have no choice. But saying that, the Thai value of "Face" comes into the equation and will she acknowledge that she is wrong or not. Good luck!

  10. I do not have a degree but I can quite easily teach a class with Thai students. I have met many people with degrees who come to Thailand to teach, they either get complete stage fright / clueless or just can not handle it.I know of one guy who had everything the Krusapa wanted in a teacher, so far I have know of said person bailing out without finishing the complete contract. So just because someone has all the bells and whistles does not mean they can actually survive in an environment/culture that is different.

  11. I think it comes down to many many factors. The wife's family up bringing. The age of the child if it is not your biological child. The relationship/bond that is formed between yourself and the child. I am lucky in a way as my wife sometimes can be too strict with her son, especially when it comes to homework. He sometimes just does not get it, especially with Math. I must admit I suck at Math but I can get by, so while the wife goes off to vent I look at the Math problem and try and show him a different way to get the same correct answer. It worked when I had problems with my homeroom teacher back in the UK, my mum showed my how she was taught when she was at school in the 60's. At the end of the day if your wife is going to let them get away with not doing chores and she cleans up after them all the time, who will do it for them when she has gone........................that is what being a parent is all about, passing on skills to the next generation. From your wife's teaching they will learn sweet FA. It's up to you to either stand up and explain it to her or just say to her " you reap what you sow" and damn this harvest will suck A!

  12. Over the last six months I have been seeing topics about Lazada and how people feel about their service. The majority seem happy and to be honest so am I. They have never let me down and sometimes they are actually deliver my package before the date they state. Now on the other hand, almost 4 weeks ago I ordered a book for my step-son through Asiabooks. Now these guys do not do cash on delivery so we sent the money through the bank to one of their accounts. What a surprise, they have no idea who's money is for what package, so after my wife gives them all the details from the e-mail, with order numbers and receipt details it finally shows up in their system. I received a e-mail on Monday stating that it would be delivered Tuesday. No time or contact number given. Today still no package or reply to my e-mail. Lazada is 100% better than these clowns, NEVER order from Asiabooks. If you can, buy from their branches in the malls but never buy online as their online service is a joke. Rant over!!

  13. I actually just asked my wife if she had seen any of the owners of the two bars as one of the bars also run a restaurant on the other end of town. She said she had and had asked about their bar being closed on the night in question. As I had thought it was because of the ruling about proximity to the temple and a school about 300 meters away. So there we have it, the ruling is now being enforced. Bravo to another plan to bring happiness to the people.

  14. Not too sure how old you are OP but just because TAT says numbers are up it does not actually mean it's true.

    If numbers were as much as you seem to believe , TAT would not need to waste millions if not billions on new campaigns.

    I have to agree with PattayaAl on this one. In one breathe the T.A.T are whinging that tourism in Thailand has dropped and within a few days they realise a press letter saying how tourist numbers arriving have gone up. If one is true the other must be a lie and vise-versa. This is pretty much across the board with all government agencies, they say one thing and then they contradict themselves within a very short period of time. What about the rice escapade............... no need to say more really.

  15. Yesterday was the first time in a long while since I have driven near the water front area to go to a little restaurant for my wife's birthday. When we had finished eating with friends I suggested we use one of the little bars that is a few shops further down for a drink before going home. Both of them were totally shut. It was then that I realised that the temple was on the opposite side of the road of one of the bars. Well it looks like the good general has got his wish and now two bars that are not overly noisy or has problems have had to close because of his ruling. I am sure the people who own these bars are full of happiness that he has managed to deliver to them (Joking)! Talk about just taking someones business and form of making income away. These bars have been operating for at least 10+ yrs since I have lived here and all gone up in a puff of smoke. I hope they had a plan B.

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