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Posts posted by chowny77

  1. They need to be either neutered or put down humanly. Most stray dogs hang out around temples, markets and 7/11's, so not hard to find. Owners who do not put a collar on their dogs and take care of them should be fined as this is the main reason for the over population of dogs here. The one thing I would not like to see even though soi dogs can be a pain in the ass, is that they are going to be sent for meat in another country. Each to their own but I would never knowingly eat dog or cat for that matter.

  2. Thai schools will never be full of licensed NES teachers while the pay is so low compared to other South Asian countries. I have been here since 2005 and all I see is a decline in salary but an increase in living costs, NES teachers can not live on these wages anymore unless they have a nest egg or work doing private classes. Thailand either needs to start paying a decent salary in government schools or they will lose all the NES teachers, it's that simple, regardless if they have a degree or not.

  3. They actually did cut someones power off about 3-4 yrs ago and a child died (Phitsanolok, I believe)because of the heat. They then supposedly changed the cut off times of electric to people homes to give people time to pay before the daytime temperature got to hot. The PEA are now using an agency that does the dis-connection of meters and sometimes the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. I have been dis-connected a few times even after paying but luckily my wife's father works for the PEA and it is not long before the guy is back with the meter.

  4. I feel that now there has been a huge cultural change, where both the parents are going to work as to opposed to usually the mother staying at home looking after the children. I am a 70's kid and my mum was a house wife plus she worked from home, while my dad was the one that earned the majority of the money. I was not dumped onto my grandparents to raise apart from a weeks summer holiday in the country, where I was introduced to a countryside life. I have seen that in Thailand most young families basically drop their kids of onto the grandparents and then they are pretty much left there. The grandparents then are left to raise a child when in fact they should be able to enjoy retirement and relax. Don't get me wrong it is good for a short time but not all the time. The other thing that is also turning kids into little zombie's is the technology that should really be doing the opposite. It's now all about the games, be it on Facebook, Line or other apps. One of my friends took his daughter to see a doctor because she will go wild if she did not get to play on the pad. It's sad that technology has done the opposite of what was hoped. I remember when I was bad my mum would either just make me stand in a corner or sent to my room and after everything was fixed, now a days the kids do try and get away with murder.

  5. I have a multi entry Non-O. The use by date on my full page Thai consulate stamp states that the enter by date is the 27th of April 2016. I have been doing border runs to Mae Sot every 90 days since I got the Non-O last year. The last run I did was in January, so the last stamp I received when re-entering Thailand is til the 12th of April 2016. Obviously with Songkran coming I am planning to go again to Mae Sot tomorrow before the madness begins and re-enter for the last time on this Non-O for a further 3 months. Does anyone see me having any problems re-entering Thailand?

  6. I think it is time for TCT "Krusapa" of Thailand to be fully investigated. They have been stealing money for years from the government which was meant to help schools and also cheat foreigners who had to take their "Thai culture courses" . I am not talking about the schools with a "mini-English" program or "Bilingual" schools as these can fund themselves, they are quite good at robbing the parents already. I am talking about the small village schools that are just left to fend for themselves. Let individual schools hire and who they want. Let them run a curriculum they want for the students. When I think of the Krusapa I can not stop thinking about Pink Floyds, "Another brick in the wall". So sad

  7. For him to say this shows he knows all about the back-hander's that are going on. In a normal situation said people/companies/departments of government would be frozen and a complete investigation would be held. To be honest, like many others have said on this link, This is how Thailand has always ran and always will unless they are jumped on by an outside source, such as China. Thailand is so proud to have never been colonised by a western nation, I am just wondering if they do not see the irony in this? Most other countries that were colonised are doing a damn better job than Thailand has done in the past 100 years.

  8. I say give them the choice. When they are reaching 60 they could work a year by year contract, when they feel they have had enough they can opt out of work. Also they could be used to help train the new workers. So of instead of being in an actual work environment they work for a few hours per day on training schemes at colleges. They maybe old but they managed to keep their jobs for 25+yrs, they must have something they can contribute. Not all Thai's are skimming money from the top, there are some real honest, hard working people too.

  9. At the start of May the holidays are for "Labour day and Royal plowing" these are just public holidays, so nothing to do with Buddhism. The 20th of May is a Buddhist holiday though.

    What about Coronation day on 5th May?

    It is just a public holiday...............but linked to the king so possibly most places will be asked not to serve beer. Sorry, I overlooked that one. I am sure you can get served at a ma and pa's though. To be honest sometimes it just depends on the government/ruling party, usually a week before any special days to lay down their ruling of the law. One thing you learn from living in Thailand is that the law is like a rubber band, it can be either be very loosely pulled or pulled very tight.

  10. Unless you have a lot of cash and is not afraid to lose it all, go ahead, if not back away. I would never set a business here in Thailand. If you make no money you lose, if you are successful believe me you will lose as I am sure there is a Thai person willing to say you stole their business/idea/livelihood and the cops will be all over you. It is a sad case of affairs but in Thailand, non-Thai's will very rarely walk away with what they put into a business here. Thailand is for only the Thai's to get rich.

  11. How about cutting the working day hours or changing the working hours during the hot season? They do this in the Mediterranean why would it not work here? Aah yes, Thainess............ If they really wanted to cut power usage why bring it up now? Why not in December so that companies, government and private sectors had time to think and implement a working solution? Again, we see the country run by childish thinking adults. I actually think that is "Thainess, childish thinking in an adult world".

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