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Posts posted by jobin

  1. I sort my small coins, under 5 baht, and collect them. When i go for a massage at the Blind Massage place next to Santitham Police Box, i drop all the coins into the charity bin. All the proceeds then go to buy white canes for the blind folks. The 5 and 10 baht coins i use for the water machine and the clothes washing machine.

    It's a great massage and no hanky-panky.

  2. Regarding all the traffic police in MaeJo and along hiway 1001 yesterday...i heard that the aforementioned Princess was visiting MJU, thus justifying all the official attention and roadway control. Hard to miss the very numerous stalls along the road next to the Univ all selling the same items. Seemed like garish, colorful and useless trinkets to me, but these things may serve some purpose at the higher levels of Thainess.

  3. To the chap who wanted to stop the sugarcane waste from the burn pile, let me ask you what you think the consequences might be if that happened? The price of white sugar will rise, the prevalence of high-fructose corn syrup will increase and we all (who eat and drink commercially prepared food) may be less well off.

    Anyway, Coke tastes better when made with white sugar.

    My overall choice would be better emission controls, all year long, on the damn song teaws, aka Red Cars.

  4. Well, a few topics spring to mind. Firstly, if my moo baan loses water and i'm without, due to moo baan's shut off, can i claim house 'unlivable' and get some rent refund?

    Secondly, if situation gets really dry, i can move to some nearby country, or Hong Kong, or South Carolina without any problems. Or of course, i might go native with 2 showers a week, once a week on dirty clothes washing, never wash the car, flush 3x per day only. I could survive, but would be better if i had a good woman to share the pain.

    In USA, only SW corner of country very dry, most of west dry. But those folks are familiar with drought.


  5. I cannot call your name, that wouldn't be fair to anyone. But the other night, in the pub, you came in with a woman at your side.

    Her lovely face and smile stills burn in my brain; bright, welcoming, kind, cheerful, and charming.

    And if she is your wife, Jack, and you die without warning, you can rest 100% assured that all will be well.

  6. I recently took the GreenBus to Mae Sai, depart about 8am. The bus stopped in CR for 15 mins. Highly recommended to grab the VIP option: fast, safe, inexpensive, food and drink given on bus, quiet...far better than self driving. Easy to get tix, to and fro from Arcade Bus Station, even weeks in advance. Round trip to MaeSai, about 700 baht.

  7. Frankly, i don't think 'white noise' is beneficial, in the long run. Sure when the horrid noise keeps you awake at night ear plugs, white noise, industrial ear muffs (my personal choice) may provide some relief. But to be continually surrounded by 'white noise' is merely substituting one intrusive for another.

  8. I have used Google Chrome's Incognito window for years and loved every minute of use. I look at news mostly from the NYT, and yes with no subscription. I suppose cheating a bit, my bad.

    Never had a problem signing out, then in again to continue reading if 10 reports read in one sitting. I use same method for other sites. My belief has been that the NYT 'knows' me only by the cookies stored in my computer and since incognito window does not store cookies, then the NYT cannot recognize me the next time i click on.

    Now, just today, somehow the NYT is demanding i sign-up as i have read my limit for this month. Even if i just now opened the window and started fresh. How is this happening? Can such anonymous viewers, as per Incognito Window, now be observed and counted? Has Google changed, the NYT changed, my Apple changed?

    Am i alone in this problem?

    Any relevant info very welcome, including new avenues.

  9. In USA recently, home of chiropractic manipulations, a famous celebrity lady went to the chiropractic 'doc' and died soon after.


    Such 'docs' mean well and need a paying job but they do not practice anything approaching holistic treatments. Not all so called 'illness' can be cured, eg weak eyes due to aging, failing knee joints due to aging and massive beer bellies, hair loss due to genetic disposition, lower back pain due to hours of self-induced crappy posture at the computer and resulting weak abdominal muscles.

    According to Wikipedia: Chiropractic The "specific focus of chiropractic practice" is chiropractic subluxation,[6] a concept for whose existence there is no good scientific evidence.


    But, suit thyself.

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