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Posts posted by jobin

  1. Hope to join my friend, an avid biker, on a road trip of 3 days near Mahasarakan. But i have no bike for the road. Need to rent one for 2 weeks, which will include some days of practice. Will be needing large frame, hybrid type bike of good quality. Have little time to mope around town asking each dealer, so i turn to TV online and ask for advice.

    However, please only offer real facts (aka, knowledge) not suggestions about rentals. Thanks

  2. Made in T'land always cheaper, so avoid imports. Regarding 'taste', that is your choice.

    For cheapest alcohol induced mental condition, agree with the Sonsong + cola drink. Possibly use the chinese 'bai jiu' which comes in a gallon jug and is what, 40%. Personally, i like Korean soju but too expensive here.

  3. Pipe smoking saves big money compared to ready made cigarettes, but pipe smokers waste vast amounts of time in keeping the thing lit. I recall one bloke (UK no doubt) who lit his pants on fire due to pipe jammed into pocket.

    I've had a number of lovely gangha pipes in my past life. Hookers are in too.

  4. Compared to burning the crop waste, ploughing the waste under could cost vastly more money in machinery needed and fuel to power the big tractor. So, generally, ploughing the waste under in Thailand is a non-starter.

    Where is all the corn, which many agree is the main culprit in this situation, going? Feeding hogs, chickens, milk cows, people? Probably none of the above but rather, maybe up to 90% of the corn is going to ....ethanol to fuel your car and motorbike. And who owns the ethanol factory? You guessed it. Thailand's elite rich folks, and friendly government agents.

    Not going to change, in our lifetime.

  5. Use Chinese money in Burma? Or in China? Did you enter China, John, or stay in Burma?

    If you know, can a traveler obtain a Chinese visa in CM, cross over to Burma at Mae Sot on a 14 day stamp (or Burma visa, also obtainable in CM), travel thru Burma to Mong La, cross the Chinese border at Daluozhen and continue thru China? Would be nice to visit Xishuangbanna, a world wildlife hot spot.

  6. A minor correction: bees make honey. They do NOT get it from flower nectar. Flower nectar is mostly sugar water but once taken in by the bee is then transformed (digested) into a more stable food for the baby bees, and for the adults when the going gets rough, like during the winter.

    Unfortunately, honey is easily adulterated by sugary solutions. This faking is very difficult to detect. So, bee careful.

  7. Road signage in T'land very poor. Drive along easily at 90 kph, suddenly without warning a small red cone over a deep and wide manhole.

    Or just try to follow a twisting divided hiway around CM, the roadside is littered with junk messages directing us to some motel 15 km away, or worse, the road divides and no mention is made of which path goes where.

    Well, i guess all this is part of national Thainess; a depleted mental state shared amongst Thai people.

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