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Everything posted by MeHere

  1. 300MTHB and the <deleted>tiest tattoos on a yakuza member ever!
  2. It's pretty damn rich and utterly ironic for Trump supporters to complain about Harris' missing concession speech, no?
  3. I lived in BKK for 7 years and seen a couple extremely convincing post-op jobs in my time there... basically impossible to tell!
  4. This post means nothing without a video!
  5. Jeez! I wonder if they'll charge us import fees when we pack up our house and bring our (used) household items and furniture into the LOS!
  6. History schmistory... the victors write the books anyway, but the few tidbits we learned in school are useful as background topics for a myriad of subjects I was very good at geography back in school (70s), but these days there are so many new countries popping up, I'd be lucky to find some on a map. The only map my thai university educated mrs can read is a google map... and she can only read the blue line, the arrows, and meters remaining We're visiting Europe for a month, the mrs' first trip outside of Thailand and Australia... I'm sure she will be amazed!
  7. I cannot comment on the ZS, but I've been renting a new(ish) HS for a month and a half so far here in Australia and I can say it's very mediocre. It is not ergonomic or comfortable, it's loud and there's lots of sway on corners (as previously mentioned). I haven't actually measured the fuel economy, but it doesn't seem so great for such an underpowered vehicle. As for power, I can get up to speed on the highway, but the transmission does wind out often when accelerating. I find the console controls poorly designed and the display is slow and sluggish. Steering radius sucks bigtime for such a small car. The 'MG Pilot' is a total nightmare with false breaking and all kinds of unexpected surprises The cruise control is utter crap and has a mind of it's own. The car is loud and the aerodynamics have not been considered... The window controls are erratic and difficult to 'crack' the window to your liking When you are able to open the window just a bit, be prepared to not listen to music Speaking of music, the sound system sucks Oh, and the rear camera isn't protected well in the rain to the point of usefulness. It might be cheap, but in my opinion cheap is all you'd get buying an MG. Caveat emptor (BTW, I wouldn't own this junk for free)
  8. This happened to my wife and me, but the taxi was a boat and we were left stranded on Koh Thale Waek ????????
  9. Took all of two seconds to find out everything about a P Trap with a simple Google search
  10. What an absolutely wonderfully written mind boggling article.
  11. Interesting...I saw the news clip where he was swearing that it was four ladies... the person asking was trying to understand if he meant ladies or ladyboys and he was adamant that they were ladies
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