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Posts posted by keithet

  1. This is exactly what happens when you follow the USA model of demonizing a substance. The more they tell people not to do something, the more likely the kids are going to do it. There is a reason why kids who grow up around puritanical beliefs are more rebellious, because they have something to rebel against. Drop the stigma, and the problem lessens. Hype up the stigma, and watch the problem explode.

    What the heck does Thai teenage drinking or even any Thai drinking has to do with the USA???

    So USA is the only country in this world that has this "model"

    • Like 1
  2. It is a shame and I feel sad for the farmers trying to make a living and also people having to sell their livestock.

    It seems that the people in power of these issues only report the problem and actually do nothing about solving it.

    As a foreigner there is really nothing we can do about it. (Or is there? Im not sure?) It is a big problem for Thailand so therefore it is a shame that the problem falls on the Thai people trying to make a living. From what I have seen they work really hard to make that living, the farmers that is.

    I wish there is a way to help these kind of isues!

  3. I lived in Hawaii for 15 yrs and the relaxed attitude of not rushing is very big there. Add that with the Thai attitude of "I dont care" well you have a person who does not care and is to lazzy to do anything about updating or giving the right information before hand.

    Hawaii and Thailand are similiar... They are not like western ideals... The more one huff and puffs about speedy service... The more slow the service will be.

    One story was a friend of mine. His g-friend in Hawaii went to get a HW drivers license. and the servise was so backwards and slow she mentioned to the women who worked there. "I dont know how you people do it" "BUT" and the lady interupeted her and mentiond that she should move back home. And shortly later all her paperwork was lost and she had to repete all the steps and tests again.

    So feel glad it worked out!

  4. There was a article about vehicle deaths... Moter bike vs. car, bus, etc...

    One person mentioned that the numbers that they came up with was death on scene... Or found by police... not included died later in the hospital.

    I think the number in this article 9205 seems low for what I have seen on the streets here. I wonder if it is actualy more if you add died later in the hospital.

  5. Its no problem to change schhol.your visa is still ok but dont have any gap in days.You official stop one day end next day you start new one.I did this,moved from Phuket,get paper work from old school that I hade done my first year.You dont loose your visa,at least I did not.I can recommend CTLS School,very good about paperwork and help you with all you need.Sure others can do too,only my experience from them in my case whas great

    you are talking about a visa, the OP has an extension, two different things.

    Actualy he has helped me with my question.

    As far as my understanding goes to simplify the defenition of "Visa" and change it to my original question. (I entered into Thailand on a ed-visa, when I start studies in Thailand I become a "student" so you enter Thailand with a Ed-visa and when you start your Ed. you become a student..) So I was asking before 1yr has come up can I change schools with out leaving the country to start a new Ed-visa process.

  6. Unfortunately there are some schools that refuses to assist to leave them

    I can see that as a problem... I can only hope that is not the case...

    I did find a school that offers the changing of schools. But like you said the original school has to give me papers stating that I will no longer be studing with them.

    This is what the new school requires from them:

    **If students come from another school please prepare documents as follows;

    1. Reference letter from last school.

    2. Resignation letter from last school

    3. If your visa expired before Thai course finished, you have to ask the documents from last school to extension at immigration.

  7. My personal experience with Pro Language is: They handled all paperwork expertly when I obtained the original ED Visa at Vientiane. They handled all paperwork expertly when I went for one 1,900 baht 90 extention at CM immigration, followed by one 1,900 baht 185 day extention to complete one year from the date of arrival. Total hours for this basic course was 180 hours which is the minimum required by MOE to be taken over a one year period. The number of hours per week is irrelevant. I completed my 180 hours in 9 months. Schools such as Pro Language and Walen will help you transfer to one of their schools. They both have 4 locations around Thailand. No, I am not affilitated with any of them. It's just those two are well know for handling all paperwork and glitches very well. Go talk to both, try a sample class and have fun.

    Thank you for your strait awnser. and yes I will check them out.

  8. I looked at the web site of TLS/CTLS I liked what the school has to offer but they are far from convenience of the BTS, which I find very helpful living in BKK.

    Im just trying to figure out if I can change to a new school. Because my current school is not going to provide me enough time to complete my studies in the given yr.

    And how I can change/start a new year with a new school, when I can not complete my first year with the current school?

    So 1: I am living in Thailand and came here with a ED-Visa to go to school.

    2: I have attended classes at the school has provided, which equal to not enough time to complete in 1yr, (their fault, not mine!)

    3: I have done my 90 day extensions. A total of 3 extensions=9 months being here.

    4: In 90 days It will be 1 year for me living in Thailand.

    5: I should request for additional 1r of study approximately 30-60 days before my 1 yr is up for Ministry of Education to process my papers and I believe

    a interview also.

    I have to choose for additional yr of study before my my yr is up.

    Can another school enroll me before my yr is up so in the ministry of education's eyes I have not stopped studies but have changed schools to continue studies, because the original school will not fulfill my 200 hrs in the 1yr given.

  9. I am currently enrolled in a language school for 1yr. It is coming close to me to choose a 2nd yr for intermediate classes. Next week I will be going to immigration for my 3rd 90 day extension. The only problem is my school has only provided me 1/2 of the hours needed to complete my 200 hrs.

    I paid for the regular package which they choose my hours. I went to the school and asked how I can complete the other 1/2 of my hours in 90 days when it took 9 months to complete my 1st half. As of now with my new schedule I will only complete 3/4 of the school by the time my 1 year is up. They answered I can enroll in a second yr and pay for the premium so I can choose more hours to complete the classes. I said why would I pay you more when you provided me with less?

    I need to find a new school who can help me with a 2nd yr of education and help me with paper work to change schools. I dont know how to change schools when the Ministry of Education's paper work shows me enrolled with one school. Plus being that I can not complete the hrs makes me not at the level to continue for intermediate Thai.

    The school Im enrolled in now can not complete my full hours to make 200 hrs.

    I dont want to enroll with them again...

    I want to enroll with another school and continue my education under my Visa that I have now.

    Can the other school help me with paper work to the Ministry of Education to continue studies with another school with out leaving the country to see a Thai embassy?

    All my stamps are in order and I have been doing the immigration extensions for my Ed-visa. Is there any special requirements I have to do to transfer schools before my 1yr is up?

    What should I do? Or what can I do?

  10. Harlem is not the safest of places.
    I would dare anyone that is not African-American to dress up like a idiot and do this dance at night.

    That would definitely be a new article for news. It would read "FLASH idiot has a death wish"
    There was a You tube article of people in Harlem and their reaction to this dance... Most of their reaction was shaking their heads in disbelief and just say "WOW... This is not the Harlem Shake."

  11. Is this really the same school and just change of location? That might allow you to continue but extensions are specific to an immigration office so rather doubtful. It sounds as if new paperwork for a new school is being prepared so that would mean you previous extension of stay has ended if you no longer study there and have moved. Not sure immigration will allow continuation without a new visa entry but if school is says they will it may be. Yes you do need to make 90 day address report if you do not leave/'return on a re-entry permit and stay 90 days. Normally Bangkok is not fussy about address so it may not be an issue.

    Believe new posters can not attach for first 5 or so posts to prevent spam - you may be able to do now or soon.

    I was wondering with what you said in your coment:

    "It sounds as if new paperwork for a new school is being prepared so that would mean you previous extension of stay has ended if you no longer study there and have moved. Not sure immigration will allow continuation without a new visa entry"

    If someone wanted to change to a new school because they dont like the way the school teaches, and found a new school. Would they have to leave the country and start the whole process over again?

    Example: Pay for the classes so the school can start new paper work for the Ministry of Education. Once that is approved and you get the packet of papers. Do you have to leave to see a Thai embassy in another country and wait for a new sticker to be put in the passport, And then re-enter the country?

    Or can it all be done here in Thailand with the new school?

  12. As for my original question I found out I do not have to leave the country to start a new 1yr course.

    I had a meeting with my school and asked them what needs to be done. They answered: One month before my year is up go to them and let them know that I want to study for a new year. That way they can start the paper work for the Ministry of Education. At the end of my course I will have to take a test with the school. Once I do that the school will set up a appointment with MOE, and send someone from the school with me to go to MOE's office for a interview to see If Im ready for the next level of classes. After all that it will be the immigration office to do my 90 day extensions.

    To the other persons question with changing locations with school.... I would sit down with the school and ask them what they can do for you and what paper work they can help you with... The Ministry of Education handles all the approvals and accepts a person to learn or not... The immigration office is the one who just gives you your 90 day extensions.... And also you have to go to them to give your address of were you live.... My guess is you will have to go to immigration and fill out a new residency form with your new address. on your next 90 day visit??? Other then that the school should be responsible for helping you with any changes with the ministry of education. lucky it is the same school just different location. I think if you ask them they can handle it with a letter to MOE with the school's stamp.... Or at least send you with papers.

    • Like 1
  13. Im learning Thai language now. After I finish with my first year with beginner Thai, and If I want to start a new year for the next level of courses Intermediate.

    What do I have to do? And where do I have to go?

    For example, can I go to the immigration office with the school's paper work for the new course, Or do I have to leave the country and apply at a Thai embassy like I did to get my original Ed-visa sticker?

    I guess Im wondering if my original Ed-visa sticker is good for additional year to study? As long as I do my 90 day extensions.

  14. You need to discuss with school as some can continue teaching for years and others less (depending on there study course) - believe you pay on a yearly basis at most.

    Yes I paid on a 12 month basis. Im not sure in their books, if 12 months meen 1 year or with holidays and teacher sick days if that is acounted and exstended to as much time needed to make their time meet the hours???

    I actualy have a apountment with the school tomorow. I was hoping for helpful information with questions I want to ask them.

    I actualy enjoy learning Thai, and have alot of fun using what I have learned on a daily basis. I hope to learn to read Thai also in the future. wai.gif

  15. As of today I have completed half of the required hours.

    Did you do 2 hours a week during this 9 months or did you register for more than 4 hours a week?

    I did not pay for the advance package so I am at their scheduale. So I have done 3 hrs a week. But with their scheduale with teacher sick days and holidays it seems that there is alot less hours.

  16. I have been in Thailand almost 9 months already on a Ed-visa to learn Thai. I have signed up for 12 months of school. As of today I have completed half of the required hours. So I don't see how the school can finish the other half in 3 months time.

    My Ed-visa does not have a expiration date that I can see on it only a stamp of when it was started. In March I will be going to the Immigration office for my 3rd visit.

    My question is: Is there a expiration for a ed-visa? Can the school give me my documents to go to immigration for a 4th and maybe 5th time for my 90 day extensions, till I complete the full amount of hours for the school?

  17. Hello Im looking in to getting a 1yr Ed visa to Thailand...

    I have been searching schools around Bangkok on the Internet...

    I believe I found one that has been the most help to my questions and also will be the most help with getting me started with their school through the ministry of Education of Thailand...Even though I am still in the US...

    Has any one heard or know someone that has attended "Thai Solutions" Language school... ???

    I want to get my ED visa before I enter the country... To learn Thai Im going to learn it regardless but it seems I get more for my money to pay the tuition for the school and get a Ed visa... That way I am actually receiving a education with the money Im spend for a stay of one year...

    Plus Their is a Thai embassy close to me here in LA California Instead of having to go to the heart of Cambodia to their office...

    Other then that I would have to pay close to the amount just for a 1yr multi entry visa and then I would have to pay tuition on top of that...

    So my question is any one attended or know about the school? and would it be wise to pay for the school so I can save money on the visa?



  18. Im just so confused on this whole topic it is hard to get a strait awnser on any web sites...I even chatted with the Thai embassy and they said I would have to check with the airlines....

    As far as Thai Solutions Language school it is in some blogs that I read...There was some positive and a couple negatives...I think the negatives were just about noise level in the school...

    Its like every link I get to ask my question...The awnser pases the buck on to another person...Like Airlines, Thai Embassy, or Thai immigration...

    I just want to not waist money on any unnecessary things like a plane ticket or Tuition to a fraud school...

    Im disabled and I thought this would be a good way to better my knowledge with schools and not be bored and broke in California LOL

    I think Im just going to enrole in the school and get my one Yr Ed visa...

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