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Everything posted by rct99q

  1. I wouldn't really worry about it. Take whatever comes along and go for a joy ride, world has less than 15 years left, as once the likes of Putin, trump, and the little weirdo in north Korea start to age out and die, they are going to take the rest of the world with them. So stuff it and start shagging everything.
  2. Omg...words I'd never want to see in the same sentence...nuclear & Thailand. One look at any Isaan rocket festival should be enough to ban anything nuclear around these people.
  3. First thing I did was fine a qualified Baby Doctor and used them to coordinate everything. The Dr. did regular pre natal check ups, booked hospital & operating room, and follow up care for one year afterwards. His fee, hospital 3 nights, operating costs and follow up was approximately 30,000baht. The 30baht scheme paid for some stuff as well. This was in Nong Khai. If your girlfriend is smart enough to hold a job, and get pregnant, I am sure she is able to ask around for anyone else who has used a private Dr to assist with this. Most Dr's operate private clinics outside of the hospital they have privileges at, so best to ask around. We found it great to work with one person all the way thru the process, about 18 months.
  4. "From sometime in the middle of December, the president began to be told that I had some authority to reject or return votes back to the states," First time I believe that the US should follow Trump! Pence has said Trump went beyond asking him to pause the count for an audit and urged him to reject the Biden electors outright, in the hopes of tipping the election in Trump's favor. Come on Kamala step up. Just do what Trump has previously asked for, no one can complain, comes straight from Trump. Reject the counts! What's the worst that could happen? Another 4 years of Trump? Bah.
  5. Will see how long public opinion holds up when dead US hostages start appearing on the evening news. I do not disagree with this approach but just need to prepare the public that if you carry thru with this threat you will see body bags in news. And no, it will not stop groups from kidnapping. Even an untrained, uneducated person knows that these religious fanatics do not respond to these or most other types of threats. History is full of examples.
  6. Yes, in a sense it does make it legal. Again, why do kids in Thailand ride motor bikes? To get to school, get things for mom or dad for work, joy riding? But law enforcement knows it happens, parents know, kids go thru check stops all the time. If Thailand "enforced" the law, some kids wouldn't be able to go to school, some mom & pop stores couldn't open, grandma couldn't get to the temple etc., so yes in a sense they have legalized it without changing the laws because it would prove detrimental to society, much like immigration is allowed, albeit "illegally" in the US. I am sure in the coming months and years you will see the immigration policies of The Trump will be different than the bluster of today. Why? They will soon realize just what a negative impact removing all illegals will have on US society. Maybe I am wrong, will see what the next 2 years brings.
  7. $2 million insurance payout? What 19 year old, let alone, a Thai 19 year old, has an insurance policy for 2 mill? Also, all of my insurance policies ask for a beneficiary. Certainly can be generic but would seem odd for this amount not to have one listed. As for the mother, well there you go. Sums up everything about Thailand.
  8. Iz gets me the feeling white folks in the US won't be happy till they bring back lynching. For those so inclined to forget, one of the last official occurrences happened in 1981! Yup just 40 years ago. Lynching. More since then but the MSM covers them up. This was a dirty cop killing a person they were paid to protect. Paid to protect the public from people like Floyd, more so, paid to protect Floyd from himself. I get the feeling rope sales in the South are gonna go thru the roof in the next four years, wonder why that would be. Y'all have a good day, Boss.
  9. Sounds like this English guy was poor, made poor decisions in life. Nobody forced them to get the jab. I guess living the life in Thailand was a better decision than life planning. I made it thru with a wife and two kids. But then again I prepare myself for life events. Have a job that pays me enough I can save for life events like a pandemic. Guess being an adult and making good decisions is not the norm. Next your gonna say he paid his UK taxes and should have the government look after him with a pension. How about saving money from 18 and building one's own pension. The only person to blame is oneself if you think that people were forced to take the vaccine or risk being on the street. I would love to know how much money this English guy has on hand at this moment. If he, of she, does not have on hand enough money to live for a year without working (I do) their problem was not being forced to take the vaccine, their problem is not being prepared for life events.
  10. Well you should use the whole quote vs cut n paste like a many of us in the white power groups do. I am probably more radical rw than you are. In fact I know it. However I do not have my head so far up trumps arse that I can think for myself. I do not take a big whiff of the fart, so to speak. My plan to eliminate illegals would be to line up about 500 snipers across the border and provide a 24 hour amnesty. I guarantee within 72 hours all border crossings would stop. So, yes if neither the Reps or Dems do nothing, and neither side has, than allowing illegals to cross the border without recrimination, that is essentially legal immigration. And Fox news is less credible than CNN but slightly better than CBC or the NYT. Also the point of the public is strongly on his side....he got 77 million of the approx. 245 million eligible voters. Roughly 33%! And 3 million more than Harris. If you are referring to the racist electoral college system, than yes, winner winner chicken dinner you have elected you a grand wizard.
  11. Interesting. Irish background. My family were involved in bringing over immigrants (the irony) to the US a few generations back. Judging from the stories and record keeping - my great grandmother had journals indicating cost of cargo (people) - those that survived, those that didn't - in fact there is a good possibilty that somewhere down the line your lineage assisted mine with keeping the cargo alive back then. Perhaps not as I believe my forefathers dealt mostly from the Atlantic side.
  12. Exactly! Thanks. There are laws against illegal immigration. Which I strongly agree with. But, they are not enforced. Again, why? Because the USA needs these people to do the jobs American Citizens are not willing to do, or employers are not willing to hire (american citizens) due to cost. Without these illegals who would process the billions of chickens, or pick the billions of tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, apples, slaughter cattle for consumption. Not my kids that's for sure. USA allows illegal immigration to happen because it can not operate without them. Oh, just thought of another one, cleaners/hotel rooms, without illegals I bet over 75% of accommodations in the US would close because they couldn't get staff. Musk & Trump (I put musk first as it will be he who rules, soon) know this. Heck Trumps empire was built on illegals (I'm assuming as he seems that kind of guy judging from reading about him back in the 70's). No way Musk will allow him to stop illegal immigration. Period.
  13. Not sure how old you are, but you can go back hundreds of years now for illegal immigration. Again, I ask you, Why? Why in over hundreds of years has it been allowed to continue. There was a program back in late 60's or 70's that allowed seasonal workers to travel back and forth for work. Mostly from Mexico, Caribbean and South America. Worked well for both. In the 1800's it was African slaves, later Mexicans. Is illegal immigration wrong? It is only wrong if one is trying to stop it, and it continues. Allowing it to continue makes it not illegal, in my opinion.
  14. Nope, did not say that. I said bottom line the USA needs immigration. Currently some have come legally, some come illegally, and have done so for decades. Illegal immigration has happened under both Republican & Democrat leadership. Why do you think that is? The Democrats had a fantastic bipartisan bill before the election, but was killed because it would not have helped the Republican boss. I have said previously either party could end illegals crossing the border/s because now Canada it would appear let's in millions as well, in less than a week. But for some unknown reason neither party has done it. Including Trump in his four years the first time. And no, does not include building a wall. It would however cause a bit of an International curfuffal.
  15. Yup, nobody said you was smart.
  16. Which is less than .74% of your total population. Of which many are needed for work that support the upper 50% of your population. Systems currently in place are unable to process the people needed via legal immigration. I understand it is important for people to feel in control of their racial quotas and percentages but bottom line is you need immigrants.
  17. Just a different take. In the summers I work at an extremely touristy location in Canada seeing 5-6,000 tourist daily over about 5 months. Many of those visitors are Americans, and I have to say, and have always said some of the nicest people ever. From nearly every state both Republicans, Democrats, and obviously unknowns. Many are very appreciative and knowledgeable in regards to Canada etc. Many of the obvious Republican supporters were not what you see on TV, crazy hat/flag waving MAGA badge wearing people. Have had many a great conversation with regular folks from North Carolina, Wisconsin, Nevada, lots from Texas. If only politicians were a true reflection of the people I think you would see a lot less partisan politics in the USA. One couple from South Carolina stated they just go to work everyday like *I do*, pay their bills, and save for holidays. One of their favourite countries was Canada. They had been more places than I had. They talked fondly of the many Canadian friends they had met over the years. This is the memory I like to think back on when I come across articles like this one. There are a small number of crazies on both sides but I like to think that of all the people I have met over the last several years, people like Sandy & Lyle are of the majority.
  18. Trumpy ain't gonna like being upstaged by a Brownie. "Lucy, I'm home!"
  19. After reading this article, I assumed Hemingway has risen from the dead!
  20. Sorry, stopped reading after, to start with.... I believe one of two things will happen. Either countries will bow down to the Orange one and go along with what he wants. Or, many Westernized nations will band together, set up trade programs, social programs, and become like the EU of the world and leave the US to its own devices. Slapping a 25% tarrif on Mexico & Canada to get them to stop illegal immigration and drugs is crazy. This would destroy Canadas economy. So unless Trudeau and the other leaders both provincially and federal, don't start looking at alternatives to trading with the US, Canada will become a defacto state of the US. On a side note, if the Orange one wants to stop immigrants coming across the Southern border all he needs to do is give the order to shoot anyone coming across the border at any place not designated an official border crossing. With SCOTUS giving him full immunity for any order given, illegal crossing would cease after 2 days once they see 30 to 40,000 bodies piled up on the Mexican side. I am sure there would be no shortage of volunteers to do this when called upon.
  21. I don't believe that. They just played by the rules as they wanted to take the high road. Failing to realize (after nearly 8 years) that politics has changed drastically. So until they come to the conclusion that to win it back, they have to stop following the rules and act more like Republicans. Otherwise it will be a Republican government for at least 16 years. By then the USA as you have known it, will no longer exist.
  22. Yup. How long have you lived here? You do realize it is a third world country. Nearly every country in the entire world has "laws", very few, enforce them properly. Just see the rise in hate crimes all over as an example. This country is on par with countries like Uganda or Spain.
  23. Don't really care. Not my country however it will be interesting to see the US tear itself apart and have countries like China, India, and Russia pick up what is left.
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