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Everything posted by findlay13

  1. I remember there was a "crackdown" under Taksin too. Another great success. A little Thai resturant I used to go to had a pseudo musket hanging on the wall completely useless fake but they confiscated it anyway.????
  2. You do realize this is Thailand ? How's the mandatory helmet law working ?
  3. Yes I agree but good luck with that T.I.T.
  4. Who could think this was a good idea ? Lets encourage more tourists after a shooting by making them pay a fee.????
  5. See what smoking that Mary juana will do to you ????
  6. But wasn't the gun the lunatic used already illegal?
  7. All the best and good luck with that????
  8. Speculation . How do they know how many guns? The Phillipines has many illegal firearms .There are "cottage industries" making black market handguns there, but they say Thailand has the most? So have been talking lessons on numbers from TAT ? Australia has had strict gun laws from 1996 and earlier than that for handguns but the crims have no problem obtaining them.If I remember correctly the cops "guesstimate" there's 250,000 illegal weapons there.
  9. Anyone who abuses animals should be abused themselves.
  10. "The airline’s primary focus is to draw in a higher number of tourists." What genius figured that one out? Sydney and Perth? No Brisbane Again. Bye Bye Thai.
  11. LOS the hub of forming committees
  12. Calls for clarification of new Tax regime [Good luck with that]
  13. "Don't it make you feel ashamed, to live in a land ,where justice is a game ?" Dylan
  14. Exposed? No one knew before this?
  15. They could run it on fertilizer and cut out the middle man
  16. The land of backflips.But I'm glad they have come to their senses over this .
  17. Thailand Hub of lunatics
  18. What a joke.This was already decided of course and is unfolding as planned. I feel sorry for the Thai people
  19. You beat me to it.I was going to say Fake fake news.
  20. What makes you think they'd care? I've been coming to Thailand for more than 20 yrs.People have NEVER had confidence in the gov't during that time.Thaksin had a bit when he introduced cheap health care, but that's all I can remember any good for the people coming from of any of them.
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