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  1. Not sure, but I would go for Edamame beans
  2. You won't like this then...yum, yum.
  3. You are talking visceral fat, not dietary fat (although the bad fats are indeed bad).. I will concentrate on minimising carbs (mainly to the good ones) and focus on an intake of protein and (good) fats.
  4. Most of the 'blobs' are addicted to LEO, Chang, Archa etc To be clear, sugar is the worst culprit for insulin resistance:- How Sugar Affects Insulin: When you consume sugar, your body breaks it down into glucose, which enters the bloodstream, raising blood sugar levels. Insulin's Role: The pancreas then releases insulin to help cells absorb glucose from the blood for energy. Insulin Resistance: If you consistently consume large amounts of sugar, your body may become less sensitive to insulin over time, a condition known as insulin resistance.
  5. I doubt that he has a home elsewhere..........................all in, in Isaan.
  6. The Thai economy would be shot if the Immigrations officials didn't receive their tea money. I have just obtained my 12 month extension, based on retirement, via an agent and my stamp is as legal as anyone else's. I chose not to have money in the bank
  7. Court? You have more chance of finding kangeroos.
  8. You want ALL the names ? Do your own research. He authorised hundreds including Sakhon Nakon where they we were allowed 2 deaths per week.
  9. Your message has not reached Hong Kong, it seemed like 1 in 4 cars were Tesla.
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