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Posts posted by hotandsticky

  1. 11 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    The US and the UK have one very specific factor in common that have contributed to their statistics.


    A factor that neither Trump nor Johnson can do anything about now as it's too late. And if it weren't too late their respective opposition parties would never have agreed to it anyway.


    What would you consider that specific factor to be?



    It wasn't the wearing of masks...................... but I 100% agree with the answer that I think you are looking for.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Not accurate.


    If I saw a bowl of skittles, I assume it a sweet, and knew one might make me unwell with a cough, I might risk it.






    You wouldn't know that it would only give you a cough................. your symptoms could be a lot worse and as you are probably in a high risk group that makes you an even bigger chancer.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, keithathome said:

    I left 5 years ago, my understanding then was: it is frozen BUT if you return and state you intend to be a permanent citizen your pension rises to current and stays there AND there is no surcharge on NHS treatment. Should you emigrate again  IF you do not declare you are emigrating and you are sussed they will completely stop your elevated state pension and attempt to recover from any UK account, tell them and you retain the improved pension. 



    I am sure that I have read somewhere that if you return and stay longer than 6 months then the increase is retained should you emigrate again.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Emdog said:

    It's called social pressure. If we depended on police to do the only policing, getting people to do the right thing, it would be a sorry state of affairs. Didn't your mother teach you anything?

    When your selfish shortsighted behavior can lead to my injury and possible death, yes it is my business. You want to kill yourself, fine if it only kills you. Shoot yourself, dive off balcony (check for pedestrians first), pills, drink bleach, whatever, it's your funeral.

    You might get it and not die. Good for you. Others may get it from you who do die. Folks with weakened immune systems due to AIDS, cancer treatment, etc, any number of reasons.

    In no uncertain terms, a pandemic is everyone's business

    "What did you do during the great pandemic, daddy?" "I ignored guidelines, couldn't suffer slight inconvenience of wearing a mask" "Daddy is that why grandma is no longer alive? Didn't she die during that period?" "You ask too many questions. Go watch TV."




    I find it quite pathetic that it is necessary for you to have to provide an explanation..

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  5. 1 minute ago, colinneil said:

    As you have been a member on here 8 years, you are fully aware of my situation.

    As i have posted my times, my wife has a lot bigger income than me, almost double.

    Yesterday i gave her my card, on your way home from school, please get this shopping for me.

    She took 1000 baht out of the ATM, got the shopping, gave me my card ATM slip and 387 baht change.



    He should also be aware that if it wasn't for your wife's status you would not have received the of hospital treatment you did. 



    You would be dead were it not for her.................................... that is worth somewhat more than money.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Of course nobody really knows exactly what the future will hold for buffets or anything else.

    But I think it's a fair bet that buffets will at the very least less common and with big changes.

    There are ways to still do buffets even in the midst of restaurants opening during a pandemic.




    Personally, I think that the Thais will revert to the 'old normal' before very long.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Logosone said:

    The media was doing its job. They have to find out the truth in situations like this.


    Cummings is very well paid, has a great pension and never has to worry about a restaurant table, a little media scrutiny is an accepted price for the fame and money.


    The guidelines always were a nonesense. But Cummings helped to draft them.


    Surely if he himself breaches those guidelines it is understandable there is media interest in this.




    My only disagreement with you is that it goes beyond "interest"

  8. 14 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    I greatly admire the British press.


    Because they always pursue the truth, relentlessly and in the end, in the UK press, the truth comes out.


    I don't know why this is so, why the British have this but France, Germany, Italy, Spain, do not, but the British press is, to me, the best in the world.


    You see it right across the board, it was not just Paxton, Snow, it's almost everyone, politicians never get an easy ride, they always get a robust and hard ride. The papers tell you every detail. As they should. Not so in Europe or Asia.


    But also, while Cummings looked like a shy, scared rabbit, he did have the courage to take questions. Perhaps he had no other choice. But it's to his credit that he allowed questions and faced the press. 


    Now people can make their own mind up. It looks like rules about lockdown will generally be ignored going forward, as the SAGE adviser said, people adhere to them not for themselves but out of a feeling of shared responsibility. Cummings claiming special priveleges will destroy this sense of 'being in it together'. And clearly the UK never was, scientific advisers, government advisers ignored the rules. And that's just those that got caught. The British public is not stupid, they won't sacrifice for people who don't do the same for them.



    I 'liked' your post because you made some very good points. I don't share your love of the British Press (or any other for that matter). For too many years sensationalism has driven the actions of the press and there is always an angle to any story - the press are polarised and I rarely see 'balanced reporting' of an event. Politicising Coronavirus is abhorrent. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, lujanit said:

    Never going to download this so called app.  Just sign using a fake name and a fake telephone number.  Make the name illegible.  I will not be party to this illegitimate government power trip.



    Good for you.  I sincerely hope the person in front of you passed on the virus and the power tripping illegitimate (although voted in) government cannot trace you.

  10. 9 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Whilst i am a supporter of Boris, he needs to stop, think about the country first

    What Cummings did was in the interests of his family, which most men would do.

    Now he helped make the rules, which are meant for everyone, regardless of who they are.

    He has caused furor in the country, and he should do the honourable thing and resign.

    Or Boris should step up and sack him.



    Can't disagree with that and it also show (like or not) if you are a public figure you have to be whiter than white.



    The guy who drove 200 miles to Cornwall for fresh air will have got away with a warning and no one will clammer for his resignation.  

    • Like 2
  11. 8 minutes ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    Yep must be. I took fly 'back' as fly back to Thailand, since this is a Thai forum. Would still like to know why he could make the 7th but not the 10th. I don't actually care of course but just keeping in the spirit of the thread.


    16 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


    Assuming the OP is in Bangkok...


    BR 68 is flying LHR-BKK-TPE currently, at least once a week

    BR 67 is flying TPE-BKK-LHR once a week as well.





    Not quite true. TPE/BKK is a dead leg. The plane simply stops over at BKK.



    Are you sure they are flying LHR/BKK ? I would have thought such international arrivals were currently banned.

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