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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. I have previously obtained evisas online for Cambodia..........only valid for entry by air, plus Poipet and koh Kong I believe.
  2. Only with you it seems.
  3. Passive racism..........................but if the recipient of the comment is offended then it is offensive - and racist.
  4. I can almost smell your envy.
  5. Not when there is nothing of substance to replace them.
  6. Holiday Inn in Rayong has some decent deals. Bang Saray or Sattahip are other obvious choices.
  7. Best conservative PM that Labour ever had. IMO Cameron was the last real statesman.
  8. Dreadful PMs have been a feature of British politics for the last 8 years.
  9. In my experience 05:20 is never a good time to be having a domestic on Beach Road Jomtien.
  10. Confirmed - husband or wife have their own state pension based on their own NI contributions. If she was resident in the UK at the time of her husband's death she could claim a Bereavement Support Payment. Occupational pensions are a different matter and she could be entitled to up to 50%.
  11. That sounds fair enough.
  12. Even more steel balls required to do it in Saigon - but, yes, it does work crossing at a steady pace.
  13. Tax residents are defined as persons residing in Thailand at one or more times for an aggregate period of 180 days or more in any tax (calendar) year.
  14. You wouldn't recognise a clear fact if it smacked you in the face!
  15. You made your usual classic mistake of jumping in with two feet to defend Muslims - vigorously - because the link you found said he opposed Islam. You were far too quick and finish up with egg on your face when posters like @Scouse123 come with links like this:- https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/saudi-arabia-warned-germany-about-suspect-of-magdeburg-incident/ar-AA1whgpl?rc=1&ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=fef1ae94e4674ecc9c23385c64dd1696&ei=6
  16. It seems like @stevenl is not interested in that, being more concerned with defending the religion of peace. Whatever religion/motive the perpetrator had is irrelevant; this was a heinous crime worthly of a death penalty.
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