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Posts posted by zyphodb

  1. 1 hour ago, bangrak said:

    The graffity is written in Turkish language, and as the Turkish language is about only known by people of geographical(!*) Turkish origine...

    Alas, it seems no TV poster reads Turkish, to tell us what the words, really, mean. Knowing what s...t Google can make out of a few words translated from/to Thai...

    The signature (like a capital 'A' enclosed in a circle) at the underside of the graffity rings a bell though, I remember having seen it quite some time on the walls of European cities, but I can't 'situate' it at the time. Would it possibly have something to do with Kurdish movements fighting against Turkish occupation //for an independent Kurdish state...?

    (*) 'geographical', because there are many ethnic minorities living on the territories controled by the Turkish ethnic group and commonly called Turkey, having little or no rights or freedom to live according to their ancestral customs, or to be educated in their original language, only Turkish being allowed...


    The sign A in a circle always used to mean Anarchy back in the days of Punk rock at the end of the 70s/ early 80s......

  2. 7 hours ago, debate101 said:

    And how long will this forum remain open? My guess is not much longer, as the owners could be prosecuted for any negative comment deemed arbitrarily damaging to the country's (junta's) image.


    I think we should be OK for a while longer anyway, purely because it's in English which the vast majority can't read, were it in Thai it probably would have been shut down years ago......

  3. 6 hours ago, puukao said:

    I'm always amazed how dumb Westerners are who come to Thailand do pot, cocaine, yaba whatever....  


    it's a death wish, and there is no age limit on stupidity.


    But when the person spends all day drinking, chasing bar girls, worrying about money, i can imagine this is a gateway to worse stuff.  definitely not better stuff.  


    Talking of stupidity, this is Cambodia, not Thailand....    :stoner:

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