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Posts posted by zyphodb

  1. No smotherb, the alcohol restrictions, in the sense of no competition being allowed either with imports, (taxed ridiculously), or anyone being allowed to set up microbreweries or homebrew are purely there to keep the profits in the hands of the two elite families who run Thailand's Alcohol monopolies...

     There being the odd dry day for Buddhism doesnt affect anything...

    Why do you think that  the Bangkok police chief is being bribed sorry salaried 50000 Bht/month by one of the breweries, probably the other one too only that hasn't come out yet.... 

  2. Of course these unelected Eurocrats are worried, the cat is out of the bag with the population of europe, they are finally realising that the EEC in its present form is run by the banksters for the banksters, not for the people in any way, shape or form... The last thing that they want is the people having any say in what happens. Ask the Greeks.....   :bah:

  3. On 1/31/2017 at 0:18 PM, worgeordie said:

    I have never eaten Strawberries since the Guy that was emptying our septic tank,

    said he was taking the sh@t up to the Strawberry fields,so it's not just toxic spray

    you should be worried about.

    regards worgeordie

    Trouble is that what doesn't go into the Strawberry fields usually goes into the rice paddies, after dark needless to say.....

  4. 8 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Great article on this in the Bangkok Post today.  Can't put a link here, but look for "policing pavements no easy task." 


    Interesting that it says for districts receiving more than 2 complaints, action will be taken against the officials in charge of that area.  So, have your wife call in and complain!  I'd be nice if anybody who knows that number can post it here.

    In theory, yes. In practice I bet no one answers it.....

  5. 2 hours ago, billd766 said:


    Something I have always found confusing is that Margaret Thatcher got the blame for so many things that she did (but little credit for the good that she did). 


    Now she left power in 1990 and there have been a few PMs of Tory or Labour since she left.


    Why didn't ANY of those governments reverse what she did in the 26 years since she quit?


    A good question, I don't know where in Europe you come from, but in the UK anyway the political parties promise whatever they think will get votes & then when they get in they do as they please with very little regard to what they actually said, and until the voting system is changed to proportional representation instead of the archaic system that they use at the moment, there doesn't seem to be much chance of this changing... 


  6. 23 minutes ago, jerojero said:

    Debt collection? What kind of massive debt that couldn't be paid off from proceeds of house sale 5million? Even if 1 million left, 2 people can live on that for years, and not thrown into the street.



    The problem with this, which Ive seen time and again in Isaan is the wife persuades the foreign husband to build a deluxe house either in or on the outskirts of her family Village, & while he may have spent 5+ million Baht on it, its only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it...

     The locals wouldn't dream of spending even a fraction of this amount on a house, and why would someone well to do, Farang or Thai want to live in this particular village? so the Thai family get left with an unsellable house unless they are prepared to accept a fraction of its worth...

  7. The phrase closing the door after the Horse has bolted comes to mind, the damage has already been done all across the UK, the last bastion of the British working classes since Thatcher destroyed British Industry was the Building trade, that was destroyed by migrants coming in and undercutting all our trades, who all had mortgages to pay which the migrants did not, they lived as cheaply as possible while sending the bulk of their money home & after a few years they had enough to go home set up for life leaving the UK building trade in tatters. It is not their fault for doing this, it is successive UK governments for allowing this to happen. I don't know what the solution is for the UK but it looks very bleak as far as I can see, I am so glad that I got out when I could....

  8. 1 hour ago, debate101 said:

    Cheating, lying, stealing, abusing, killing--all forgivable if you are loyal to the right people. It's what the system is based on.


    There's simply no acknowledgment of the concept of public good nor recognition that individuals who are not already in a social relationship with you have any rights whatsoever. This is why people don't pull over for ambulances or intervene in public instances of abuse.


    The leaders embody and define the public good, and you follow their orders. Luckily for you, your bad behavior gets excused if you're obsequious enough to the phu yai of your organization.

    That and the belief in karma - you reap in this life what you have sown in past lives. That's why the peasants cannot be entrusted with voting because they're peasants, therefore they must not have been sufficiently virtuous in their past lives. That's the concept that lies behind the Yellow Shirt/junta narrative of leaving government to "virtuous" people


    These two quotes hit the nail on the head, & until these cultural attitudes change nothing will ever change here...


     Don't hold your breath waiting.....

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