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Posts posted by laislica

  1. 10 minutes ago, al007 said:
    46 minutes ago, laislica said:



    He he, unless it's the UK!

    They will not let you return to settle with your 100% legal Thai wife unless.....

    You can prove income in excess of about 18,000GBP per annum.

    Your Thai wife must pass the Reading/writing/speaking and knowledge of the UK tests before you can settle at home with her.......


    Just sayin.....


    Glad to hear that you are happy though.





    Do I detect the negative brigade


    Does anyone marry a Thai wife who can not read and write English, am I living a blinkered life  !!


    Do you not have a Thai wife able to keep you in the manner to which you might like to become accustomed


    As for income your figure is but a drop in the ocean, and exceeded many times over !  !  !


    Even the Alsatians have chips and passports, I know they may not be allowed to travel First Class ! !!   !!!


    No dear Boy, just facts!


    Perhaps you would go down well on one of the many jokes threads?

    If you haven't anything useful to add, just stop trolling and flaming!!!!

    It's against TVF rules tha knows!





  2. 1 hour ago, alfieconn said:


    Seems like your losing a month every year :sad:



    Whoopee, the maths police are here now!!! LOL

    OK, just for you:

    6'5 months in Spain and er 12 -6.5=5.5 in Thailand....

    (Should I count the travel time somewhere or not FF s!)

    For my wife to be a resident of Spain, she needs to stay there for more than 180 days per year.

    Got it?


    • Like 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, al007 said:



    So far as I understand no one will stop us returning to our original country


    God Bless and Happy New Year



    He he, unless it's the UK!

    They will not let you return to settle with your 100% legal Thai wife unless.....

    You can prove income in excess of about 18,000GBP per annum.

    Your Thai wife must pass the Reading/writing/speaking and knowledge of the UK tests before you can settle at home with her.......


    Just sayin.....


    Glad to hear that you are happy though.


    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Don Mega said:
    2 hours ago, laislica said:



    Ha ha

    The posting police have just woken up he he




    Been awake since 4am Thai time, you ?



    Well that explains a lot!


    Me? Fell out of bed promptly at 08:20 this morning, just after the m/c's rush outa the mooban to go to work.

    Now almost 21:00 so soon bed time.

    I read that you don't live in Thailand, you work in Thailand LOL


    OK, that's a Troll fed for the day.

    Time to get back to reading/writing Thai!


    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:
    9 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    No not at all the biggest problem is they quote for a job but have many jobs ongoing at any time. Then they quote for a bigger job with more money so guess what job they do. Its very family orientated here.

    Family is everything here


    This might be true but in my opinion not for all Thai people.
    Look at the way Thai men are brought up.
    Little boys can do no wrong, should they fall down at least six ladies will rush forward to kiss and cuddle the poor little boy.
    Should a little girl fall down and cry she will be told to pick yourself up and stop crying.

    IMHO, it's the ladies who take care of the family but the men often just don't care.
    Thai ladies often borrow money to give to their errant husbands who then use the money for gambling drink girlfriends you name it.
    Just ask any of the many divorced Thai ladies.


  6. On 18/12/2016 at 9:27 AM, geriatrickid said:
    On 18/12/2016 at 2:12 AM, cyberfarang said:

    You have been in Thailand for 14 years and yet you still have no idea how the system works here.


    In Thailand making appointments and expecting those providing a service or workers to keep to those appointments is a big mistake. We have a man who comes in and cuts down our garden once a month. My girlfriend just phones the man`s wife and tells her we want our garden done please. His wife says OK; I`ll tell my husband. Then, and only when the man is ready and feels up to doing the job, his wife phones and says he is on his way. Once the man is here he always does an excellent job and it`s been this way for years.  It was similar last year when we wanted some external electrical wiring put up outside. We called an electrician we know and he told us, I`ll let you know when I`m ready. 2 weeks later he turned up to complete the work. No problem as I have become used to this now.


    This is how things work here, get used to it.





    You provide a vlauable learning experience for those who are patient enough to read and think it through. The Thai approach you describe is an alternative to the western approach of   making an appointment, an appointment that can be 3 months +away because of the work schedule. The  Thai approach is to fill in the job as time allows. Some jobs take longer than expected, and others can be done quickly.  Sometimes the Thai approach is more efficient in terms of the worker's  time management.


    We live half time in Thailand and half in Spain and for sure, cyberfang's description fits both countries very well.

    In Spain, an appointment means, not before LOL

    In Thailand, my wife is often getting work done on our houses but she is very canny and things usually get done more or less as required and on time.

    Our best worker is her brother !!

    Good to be part of a great family!


    As Deepinthailand indicated, When you find a good worker, take care of him

    This is the best advice on this thread IMHO




  7. 12 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

    when i lived inSPAIN it was always the GERMANS, male and female who could not wait to get their kit off, the sights will haunt me for the rest of my life lol

    true, you can't un-see it, but you don't have to keep looking and winding yourself up.

    1 hour ago, laislica said:




    OP, try some psychiatric help to overcome your obsession before you allow your problem to become chronic.

    In the meantime, go out for walks and find something else to do since you are so offended by the sight of the man.

    I wonder if you are aware of the damage that your self induced stress may have on your health?

    I wonder what the Buddha would advise?


    I would also not love to see his naked body if I had the choice but I would not let the sight of him wind me up so much as you do!


    Get over it, please, you your own sanity.

    No one else in your complex seem to be so powerfully upset?




    A disgusting old pervert is exposing himself in a public place frequented by women and children. You are the one who needs to get your head examined if you think that there is nothing to worry about.


    I'd get the cops on to him, before he does something worse. 

    Edited 16 minutes ago by dbrenn


    Have trouble reading do we?
    Read my post again - I've highlighted a line for you.....


    IMHO, the op needs to seriously start to consider the negative effect of all this BS on his health.


  8. 4 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

    Take video of him in the raw then pull off some decent pics of his ass and nuts and post them online and get some printed out and pin them to the condo notice board and entrance doors.



    and then expose the OP to the possible penalties of Computer Crimes Act?



  9. 1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

    OK, I will rephrase it, just do it and make it look like an accident.


    Perhaps simply being in possession of the pepper in this case might be enough to get the OP charged with intent?

    In the OP, he said "I am at my wits end with this clown and very soon it will turn into a physical confrontation!!!"

    I don't think it helps to wind him up further, notice IT WILL!!!

    Just sayin....

  10. 18 minutes ago, possum1931 said:
    1 hour ago, Thaimike370 said:

    Sit next to him and accidently shower him with prickly heat powder all over his little bits.

    Accidently???? Just do it.


    And that is an assault for which you should be charged as a criminal - don't do it!


  11. 5 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

    So, I'm curious, just why exactly is the fact that the guy is fat so important to your story?  I mean, by logical extension, if you had a little daughter and son, I guess it would be just fine for them to be exposed to the tan, athletic penis of a buff, handsome, farang guy in his 20s with washboard abs, but not to the "fat, disgusting old fellow" you're so obsessed with?


    In general, I think your obsession with this guy (and his ass crack) maybe says a little more about you than it does about him...




    OP, try some psychiatric help to overcome your obsession before you allow your problem to become chronic.

    In the meantime, go out for walks and find something else to do since you are so offended by the sight of the man.

    I wonder if you are aware of the damage that your self induced stress may have on your health?

    I wonder what the Buddha would advise?


    I would also not love to see his naked body if I had the choice but I would not let the sight of him wind me up so much as you do!


    Get over it, please, you your own sanity.

    No one else in your complex seem to be so powerfully upset?




  12. 1 minute ago, dentonian said:



    From the information you've now posted, if you had an extension of stay based on marriage to a Thai, you could get a WP.

    Being married to a Thai national automatically affords the right to work.


    Providing the school/company will supply the relevant documentation to the Labour Office, you could work albeit voluntary whilst you enjoy your time in Thailand.



    I know but the timing of the renewal of my ext would cause me to be in Thailand until the end of May to get the last 11 months ext.

    It's too hot then and we would have to arrive a month later and December can be cool in Spain.

    So in practice, I'd have to leave Thailand without a re-entry permit and get a new Non Imm O visa in Spain and start again.....

    Too much BS to be sure.

    Our Imm is about 30 odd Km away, we have to take a taxi, there arn't taxis where we live so it's a songtaw to the city and taxi from there.....

    A proper PITA! Almost 2 hours to get there if you include waiting for the songtaw, then half an hour or so in the heat getting to the city...


    But, what is involved for my possible employer, effort/cost?

    What about me, what do I have to do, effort/cost?


  13. 1 hour ago, LivinLOS said:
    1 hour ago, silent said:

    I don't know. I know lots of people who retired after 25 years to do another job that their experience qualified them more for and can't stand being a vegetable or couch potato, 


    Then your not retired though are you ?? 


    A little bitterness there?


    I took early retirement but if I'd stayed until normal retirement age, the company I worked for sent soon to retirees on special courses - How to retire successfully.

    I know a number of folk who retired and then dropped dead in a very short time.


    Being retired is work - trust me!

    You get the time (and hopefully enough pension/savings) to do many of the things you wanted to do when you were working.

    This is why you can see old men in sports cars LOL

    Didn't have the time for one when working (and or couldn't afford it then).

    or old chaps like me with their lovely young Thai wife and taking care of my lovely large Thai extended family IS a full time job!


    Happy to be on a retirement extension so can't work like can't do the washing up, or paint the house or anything that is a Reserved for Thai job LOL

    (Only joking, I make regular trips to the ATM! - well, what else are we for?)

    Lighten up and have a great day.






    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Old Croc said:

    Studying the language is not working.

    I hope Brexit doesn't stuff up your life in Spain.


    It could have made me mad if I had let it!

    The value of the Pound dropped about 20% just as I was about to buy a flat in Spain.

    So the purchase price increased by 20% for no good reason. It was still a bargain though.


    But you can't take it with you so why drive myself (and er indoors) crazy with worry?

    Worry don't fix anything, it only ruins now!



  15. 2 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

    Retirement is not synonymous with waiting to die!  I spent 40+ years working, just waiting to live!

    I've always pitied people who think work is all there is.  I've seen two people keel over at their desks because they didn't know when to stop the grind and start living.

    I've seen several others return to work after retirement because they didn't have the mental skills to live without the crutch of the workplace.

    Unless you have monetary problems get on with retired life!



    He he, I'm in my 17th year of retirement!

    Left the UK to live in Spain in 2000.

    Now half half Spain and Thailand and loving every minute of it.

    A part time job to help me learn Thai would be just great.

    I learned to read Thai at the beginning of this year but I do not understand what I read.....

    Well unless it's an English word like แบตเตอรี่  = battery (for a car)

    but I fail miserably with say, การทำร้ายร่างกาย = battery (unlawful attack)

    My wife helps me somewhat but it's not focused because her English is not so extensive.



  16. As my old Mum would say: It sounds easy when you say it fast - Get a work permit!

    but there's many a slip twixt the cup and lip!


    I have seen many posts before about people who would like a WP but the employer refuses to co-operate with them.

    I have never worked in Thailand so I have no experience of the procedures for a WP.

    Does the employer have much to do?
    Is there a cost to the employer/employee?

    I read about the Labour office raiding schools and finding teachers without a WP.

    Do the employers/employees get fined/deportation etc?


    I would love to do voluntary work for no pay but even that requires a WP I think.

    Working part time in a nearby International school would help me to practice the Thai language and that would be payment enough.

    Well, along with being a short term diversion and hopefully helping to motivate the students.

    My Thai is so bad that they would quickly want to speak English LOL


    What do I have to do to get a WP?



  17. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:
    27 minutes ago, laislica said:

    If so, when would he have to apply with the current M visa?

    During the last 30 days of the last one year entry from his visa.



    So assuming he returns early May 2017, can he still come n go without re-entry permits until 30 days before early May 2018?

    I'm a bit confused....

    I had the idea that this had something to do with the enter before date?

    That after the enter before date he would need the re-entry permits to keep the admitted to date alive?

  18. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:
    6 minutes ago, laislica said:

    OK So what's the first date he must get a re-entry permit before he leaves?

    He only needs a re-entry permit if plans on entering after May 12th, 2017.


    Many thanks Joe, my friend sends his thanks to you and the other posters.

    Until now, he only got a year out of each  M visa.

    He was under the wrong impression that he could only get another 90 days at most!

    Big smiles, happy chappy!


    But I think that it might still be easier and cheaper to change to a retirement extension?

    If so, when would he have to apply with the current M visa?

  19. 10 minutes ago, OJAS said:

    "He Departed 25 Aug 2016, Re-entered 21 Nov 2016 and is Admitted until 29 May 2017."


    Why was he only admitted until 29 May 2017 again? He should have been admitted until 20 Nov 2017. He would therefore be strongly advised to hot-foot it down to his local immigration office to get this apparent error corrected ASAP.


    If he were to depart Thailand at the end of Feb 2017, he should be stamped in for a further year provided that he returns before his OA visa expires on 12 May 2017. In this way he should get nearly 2 years out of this visa. However, he will then need to obtain a re-entry permit to keep any subsequent permission to stay alive during the second year (assuming, of course, that he is planning any further trips out of Thailand during this period).



    Oops, my bad (it's dark in ere LOL)


    You are quite correct. The stamp does say admitted to 20/11/2017 from his arrival on the 21st Nov


    OK So what's the first date he must get a re-entry permit before he leaves?




    • Like 1
  20.  Hi,

    I have a friend who has an Non-Immigrant O-A M visa

    Issued 13 May 2016  Enter before 12 May 2017


    He entered on 30 May 2016 and is Admitted until 29 May 2017

    He Departed 25 Aug 2016, Re-entered 21 Nov 2016 and is Admitted until 29 May 2017.

    He intends to depart about the end of Feb 2017

    Intends to return early May 2017


    If he follows this plan, when will he be admitted until?

    If so can he come and go more or less every three months without re-entry permits, until the permitted to stay date?

    Is there any way to wring more time out of the visa?

    My friend thinks that 15 months is the maximum amount that can be obtained, is this correct?


    Next point:

    This visa cost 225AUD plus 100 AUD for a police clearance certificate.

    Using a rate of about 26 Baht the cost in Baht is about 8,450b.


    Is this the cheapest option?

    A retirement extension would cost 1,900/annum plus 2 or 3, 000b for re-entry permits.


    Many thanks



  21. If you have 3 Farang interested why not up the price a little?

    Surely the 5K price was for the empty house? Musta been a misunderstanding lol


    Also make sure you have at least 1 full set of keys so you can replace lost ones.

    Put a replacement key charge in the contract and charge for a "man" to go to town and get the replacement(s).

    Same for any other replacement items costs, include the man who fixes it!


    We have a 3 bed two story house in a gated Moobaan about 80K west of BKK which my wife rents out.

    Price was 7k/month, now 8k and rented to Thais.


    Renters often stop paying the rent the month or so before they intend to leave so have a clause in the contract about how much notice they (or you) should give.

    This would be why posters suggest a deposit of 2 mths rent (to cover damage and unpaid electricity etc)

    PLUS 2 months rent.


    Best of luck

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