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Posts posted by hanssna

  1. Same old dismal commentary from the wretched Farangs who have lived here too long and find the Amart Fascist regime acceptable.

    Of course they think they have the majority of the opinion because no one else can offer any balance without being howled down. Oh YES! You do have the majority here. Most opposing contributors left Thai Visa long ago because of your drivvle...

    Red Shirt movements are the beginning of the only hope for real democracy in Thailand whether you comfortable lot like it or not!

  2. All looks familiar to me.. I spend a lot of time in the car, and the 'overtaking and squeezing in' game is everywhere around.. In the north, in isaan, and here in the south as well. Not only Benz's, but pickups as well ( especially pickups).. Once on the road, the chai yen yen is gone, and most of the Thais seem to think 1 minute faster at home matters, while in the post office they don't mind to wait for half an hour or an hour.

    I just let them go, can't be bothered anymore, and especially don't speed up to close gaps.. just ignore it.

  3. many good points in here from many people, too bad the story gets a bit 'overheated'.. the topic was about the drug bust, and basically it lookes good to see the strech is 5 or 10 years, seems better than the over the top nut sentences is thailand so far. But the drugs taken aren't a sinple joint of weed, and a sentence is in place. Would it be a simple smoke, there shoudn't be a sentence at all.

    So there is a diffrence, you are right mr.bp, but we can't legalise everything too easy.. i think we would upset a lot of people who still think the ignorant way that all the drugs are bad and you should hang! some people lost other people on drugs and now think only one way, they are beyond understanding anything new and probably would get a heart attack after such a change in society, and it would never happen anyway... So for now let the dutch system prevail ( i'm from amsterdam life, and the way it was 20 years ago was just fine; have a joint and a beer when you want, but keep the bad shit illegal ).

  4. Been living here in the Khao Lak area now for more than 7 years, and yesterday we saw the whole false panic happen again ! Luckily there was no official warning in the area, but it was on the 7 o'clock news ( that a tsunami would be coming, and Bang Muang, Bangsak, and Khao Lak/Bang Niang area should be evacuated ). Me and some Thai friends didn't panic and stuck to the plan we had to drive to the corner of Thap Lumu, and eat seafood ( better go down with a full stomach... ) and saw loads of police directing full pickups of people coming from Thap Lamu area, still a motorcycle accident happened.. One hour later everyone returned, laughing and happy ( no tsunami ) and back to normal again. The family of my friends in Thap Lamu, stayed home anyway, sceptical about it like most people. Let's hope it doesn't really! happen anymore, since we don't believe in it anymore.. numb after 'the real thing' and so many false warnings.

    Anyway, my hart and best wishes are going out to all the people in Sumatra ( and Samoa, earlyer ) who took the sh..t for us again.

  5. Very well said guys.. I've had a Non B visum since 7 years, and never cost me any problem. Before this I did my best to stay on tourist visa, and 30 days ( now 15 day ) visa runs, and this is still possible. If you want to work here, get your papers in order ! I welcome this rule, since what we get is too much competition from illegal workers, trying to do my job cheaper for just a year, and then move on... The double entry tourist visa provides enough time for most of us to find a job, if not; set yourself up in a company ( limited partnership ) and get your papers straight.

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