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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Just relax and have fun. If you've prepared a good scripted Lesson Plan, you'll likely do fine... Practice and check the timing on your LP, too.

    Good luck :D

    By the way, a good teacher teaches a lot by example. Watch your spelling, punctuation, and grammar. In your posting here, I'd give you a D if you were my student, and if you were applying for a job with my school and your cover letter or resume' looked like that, you wouldn't get hired. Not a flame, just a pointed Reality Check, okay? :o

  2. hi'

    Ajarn, I heard that the sadao tree can be used to make tea from the new

    shoots, using the leaves, and it helps to low the sugar in the blood.

    do you have any appreciation about this?

    I have seen this in Fang and one time in Chiang Mai a few years ago ...

    it looked traditional thing to me as Thai people use quite a lot of sugar in cooking ...

    your thoughts ..? :D


    Missing your good energy and lovely family, francois :o

    This is the first I've heard of the Sadao tree being useful in such a way. I'll do more research on that, for sure. Any idea where to buy it? Since I built my pool for excercise, I haven't had any problems with maintaining good bg (blood glucose) levels... But I do know that it's almost impossible to control by diet/meds alone, and many folks lead much more sedentary lives than before, and of course obesity is increasing rapidly here, and that's a HUGE risk factor for diabetes, especially Type 2....

    Onward through the fog :D

  3. :o Why is "face" so important for thais and cannot be understand (or at least not in the some way) by farangs, and why can Thais not understand farangs interpretation of "face"? is it only the difference in the culture or is there more behind it?

    Same same, in my experience. Just a lot more power given to it in this society, as in most Asian societies, it seems.

  4. No need to be kissing your wife's ass on this one, unless you're okay with being in that role... :o

    My issue was that I'm not taking ANY shit for something I'm not guilty of. I don't allow anytone to treat me like that- especially someone I'm living with. Why would you? Nor should she be your doormat, either. :D

    My message is clear "Get over it or keep it to yourself!". It worked for me :D

  5. I was told about this directly from Chiang Mai Immigration.." If you have 3 million baht in a Thai bank, no problem for a one year visa"

    Tried it, but they rewrote my application for a 90 day visa without telling me. Much confussion ensued 90 days later....I complained and insisted I wanted a one year from the 3 mill, not a 90 day for my crappy health. I was forced to pay 1900 again for 30 day 'under consideration'... Yes, I thought I was under consideration for the one year. No, that wasn't what I learned 30 days later... :o

    Some months later, I tried again in Chiang Mai. I was told it might be refused by BKK.. When asked for an example of a reason for my refusal..."Mai Rue..." The were only willing to do the health thing for ninety days (now on a 30 day stamp for 3 more trips and which required another specialized med cert and another trip to the doctor, etc. ######ers.

    I'll be 50 in two weeks, and (hopefully!!) no sweat for my retirement visa...

    In Summary, go to Bkk Immigration only, is my advice, based on experience with this question.

  6. I've got a blood glucose meter been testing several times a day and can't get it below 8.5. Just got back from a hol in Aussie land. Needed to come back for family reasons. Previously been classified as border line.Now have gone over the line. I'm on 3 grams of metformin which is the maximum allowable. I figure I now need an additional drug to help keep the sugar down. Possibly a drug such as Amaryl or perhaps I need to go on to needles. I'm not a doctor and my experience with doctors here in provinces tell me they don't seem to know much about the desease and I see people here in the village dieing of it fairly regularly.

    What did I say that made you think I haven't done any research.

    What I was asking was ''where can I go to where I can find practitioners that specialise in diabetes who can prescribe medicines for me''

    I figure I'll need to go to one of the hospitals in Bangkok whick I need to do soon.

    If someone can give me some advice I'll head down there on Monday.

    Regards Joe

    ''where can I go to where I can find practitioners that specialise in diabetes who can prescribe medicines for me''

    So far, I've only found gross incompetence in this area.. Bumramgard might be your best chance.

    But, no matter who you see, check ANYTHING they say by doing the research on the internet.

    In my own experience...

    Amaryl works well for me, but check the drug's contraindications and dosage recommendations carefully and get a liver function test before taking it. Amaryl can put extra stress on your Pancreas, too.

    Glucophage works more on your digestive system and is less stressfull on internal organs like the pancreas...

    My dosage (self-prescribed for 5 years) is:

    Amaryl- 2mg per day

    glucophage 2000 mg per day

    Excercise! If you were borderline, the most likely reason it got worse is because you don't excercise enough. This is critical to any diabetic to maintain reasonable blood levels. Don't ###### around here, or you will die much sooner than you'd like, I guarantee you.

    Add aspirin to your daily diet. It will help to keep your blood from clotting, thereby lowering your risk for stroke and heart attack. This advice came late for me... I had a stroke one year after being diagnosed which paralyzed my left side, permanantly disabling me, and turning my life completly upside-down..

    Check out these newsgroups for information and support





    Best of luck to you. Don't screw around with your body. :o

  7. Thanks for the info.

    AjarnThe Bumrungrad intern apprtments is full for the moment.

    But they could get me a appartment or studio at "Grand President" Soi 11.

    Is that a good place?

    How is the Zenith hotel. I have seen it only from outside on earlier visits to Bumrungrad and its looks a bit "sad"

    My concern is mostly about cleanliness and that the place I end up staying at is not to noisy at night!


    Must be Tsunami related... Whenever I've stayed there, there were very few people staying there...

    No knowledge of the Zenith...

    Grand President is nice, too. Definately not noisy.

  8. I agree with Zovox. Due to the small wheels, those scooters don't do well on many city streets without someone to help lift the scooter over stuff. A motorized wheelchair, with it's larger main wheels, might be more practical for some areas. A scooter would be pretty good for shopping centers, though.

    No matter what, I'm sure you'll get any help you need while out in public. I'm disabled and mostly move around by wheelchair, and Thais are really great in this regard. :o

  9. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine.After 6 months of <deleted> over nothing, things came to a head one night. He waited until the next day when all the heat had gone out of the situation.He then told her the facts of life in no uncertain terms. He explained on how he would never fool around etc and that he loved her. He then proceded to tell her that if she ever behaved like that again, then he would help her pack her suitcase and would never see her again. He's not the type to mince words or give idle threats either.

    Four years later, they are still togeather. :D

    What i forgot to add, was that the jealousy was fueled by drinking. The lady in question simply stopped drinking and the problem was solved.

    I agree with Chuck's friend. If you are not a playboy, get to the bottom line quickly. If she continues, she'll be sent packing. My wife, before we married, pulled some of this shit- I told here she had no reason for that crap, and she had 30 days to get over it, or we were finished. And I'm also someone who never makes idle threats.

    I'm also a trustworthy husband :o

    At the end of the time limit, we got married. Happy for seven years, too. :D

    For those other guys who've complained here recently about the same thing, but the wife has reason because they've caught their hubby in the cookie jar before, I can only say, som naam naa. Like the sig says....

    Tham Dee, Dai Dee....Do Good, Get Good

    Tham Chua, Dai Chua....Do Bad, Get Bad

    That's life! :D

  10. Anyone who can recommend a good hotel near Bumrungrad Hospital, quiet and decent possible, 5-10 min walk okay.

    (max 2500,- Baht)

    Thanks & Regards


    Why not stay AT the hospital?


    They have some great comfortable apartments within your price range...

    I stay here everytime I'm in Bangkok because it's convenient, cheap, good service, and they're set up for disabled folks like myself :D

  11. where do I go for treatment of my diabetes. Can't seem to get my sugar down although I'm pretty well sticking to low G.I. diet.


    How do you know if you have diabetes,and you can't get your sugar down without having tested?

    And... if you've already been diagnosed before, what's your reason (excuse?) for not being treated? And... why haven't you googled an easy and fast answer to your question? And... how can you know about the GI if you haven't done any research?


  12. And Pablo, sometimes the best defense is a strong offense...   :D

    Aaahhhh the mind does wander...... Does anyone remember [maybe 30-35 yrs ago there was a movie, with one of the leads being an actor named Robert Morse, he did a lot of Broadway shows, and I think the co-star was Walter Matheau.

    The general gist was that Walter M was thinking about having an affair, and Morse was the real man about town with many affairs under his belt. Morse was giving Matheau the education on how to go about the whole thing... and the main education point was if you were caught ' in- flagrante " just and always DENY, DENY, DENY.

    One scene sticks in my mind, where Morse's wife caught him in bed with another woman and he and the woman just ignored the screaming of the wife; calmly got up and dressed and walked out of the motel room without even acknowledging the screaming wife. Just Deny, Deny, Deny. Later at home when he was confronted again by the wife, he didn't even acknowledge the motel scene had ever happened and the wife then thought she was going nutso.......

    So Ajarn your advice is spot on, when a woman calls and your GF or wife gets the call, Deny, Deny, Deny

    I enjoyed that ridiculous movie, too. Robert Morse and Walter Matheau were great comedians :D

    Actually, my thought was that a women might make accusations against you in an attempt to shift any possible attention away from her own BF. Seen it happen here, but never in a movie... :D

    Of course, this is all just joking around. Pablo, nothing personal, I assure you. But, TIT, na'? :o

  13. I have some friend in hawaii who wants to transfer some money from his bank to his girlfriend's bank account at the bangkok bank.  his bank in hawaii says he needs to provide them with the "bank routing number" for the bangkok bank branch in bangkok.  so, I asked his girlfriend to get the "bank routing number" from her bank.  she replies that her bank told her that bank routing numbers are not used in thailand.

    if bank routing numbers are not used in thailand, then, what do they use to transfer money from one bank to another?

    any info would be most appreciated.  thank you.

    sorry if the question sounds stupid.  but I never did a money transfer via banks.  I've always used western union.

    Most seem to use this bank for such transfers to SWIFT banks.. For sure, citibank does.

    Bank Name: Bank of New York

    Street Address: 1 Wall Street

    City: New York

    State: New York

    Zip Code: 10286

    ABA #: 021000018

    Another cheaper alternative is for you to open an account in your area and send the ATM card to your GF to use in Thailand- or anywhere else she flies off to with your dosh :o

  14. I'm pretty sure you don't get billed anything for such calls, but TIT. They used to charge you for any call out after 3 rings, and for busy's, too. :o

    Have you talked to the callers? Is your number close to another (more popular!) number? We had a number that was very close to the local hospital number, and we got a few calls most every day until we moved...

    And Pablo, sometimes the best defense is a strong offense... :D

  15. What about the $5 American in exchange for 250Bt ??

    Last time I checked, the US$ was 39 baht, meaning the Thai immigration dept/officials are pocketing 55 baht on every farang who wants an American fiver. But that goes without saying around Thailand.

    So you're paying 55 baht for a service fee. The convenience of not having to go to the bank would make the loss of 55 baht seem just fine to me. Fair and reasonable, in my book.

    If it bugs you, go to the bank and do the exchange yourself :o

  16. Loxinfo's Spam filter has worked great for me. Cut my junk mail from 100's per day to basically zero. It holds the junk in a seperate folder for 7 days if you want to check for good email that was put in spam box by mistake... I looked at that file for the first week or so, but never found them making any mistakes, so now I don't bother checking any more... Sure is nice now :o

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