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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. 11 killed, 22 injured in Tak coach crash

    Initial investigations pointed to an exploding tyre being the cause of the accident, he said, adding that the 44 year-old driver of the coach had fled the scene.

    --TNA 2005-01-03

    I hope the government will solve this bursting tire problem quickly. Shameful

    Take your point Ajarn :D ,but what about the driver?

    Could be shoddy upkeep ...old bald tyre..who knows?

    Good point. Who knows?

    As Lopburi said, the driver fled because it's his ass, even if it's not clearly his fault.

    None of us can speak to who is to blame in this case, but there's no denying that some busses likely don't get maintained properly, and some drivers are not safe drivers...

    If only there would be consistent enforcement of the laws that I agree with... :o

  2. termination bonus

    Doesn't sound right, to me. Is it actually a 'termination payment' ?

    In Thailand, once a worker has completed 90 ninety days, bosses are required to give an extra payment for termination without cause... Lay-off, or just want to get rid of you.... Of course, you must be paid on the spot all money due to you if you are terminated. If you quit, there is no such obligation to pay you off immediately when you walk out the door...

    Sounds to me like you got fired if you got all your money when you 'left' your job...

  3. 11 killed, 22 injured in Tak coach crash

    TAK: -- Eleven people were killed and 22 injured in the early hours of this morning when their coach overturned in Thailand's northern Tak Province, apparently due to an exploding tyre.

    The coach, belonging to Rung Roj Transport, overturned in tambon Pradang, as it made its way back to Bangkok.

    Tak Governor Suwat Tanprawat said that the coach had been full of holidaymakers returning to Bangkok after a New Year's break.

    Initial investigations pointed to an exploding tyre being the cause of the accident, he said, adding that the 44 year-old driver of the coach had fled the scene.

    --TNA 2005-01-03

    I hope the government will solve this bursting tire problem quickly. Shameful

  4. Does anyone know if there are any good teachers in Doi Saket or Bo Sang?

    Preferable some one who will come to the house.

    Again thanks in advance.

    Post an ad at http://www.chiangmainews.com/classifieds/

    I guarantee you will get many responses. I did. Price varies from 100-300 baht per hour.

    And don't forget, just because it's one's native language, doesn't mean one is good at teaching it... :D

    I dredged up this thread while trying to find info on Thai language teachers in CM and took note of Ajarn's point above.

    Can someone please tell me what one looks for when selecting a good Thai language teacher? I really don't know where to start.

    I was just thinking about putting in another ad there...

    I've gone through 3 or 4 teachers since then. One talked way too fast, and his enunciation wasn't clear enough.... One was 20, a student, waaay too sexy, and she came on too hot and heavy with this not-handsome retired Ajarn, and he got scared of this ATM Hunter. Sayonara Baby... :D

    Another figured copying off a few pages of student assignments would suffice for her teaching investment....

    I think my screening process could do with bit of work :o

    Part of my problem has been my location vs the alleged teacher's location, Most seem to be around the cmu area and don't want to travel out to Mae Jo road.

    On the phone, first I tell them upfront where I live. If they're okay with that, I ask about paid experience teaching Thai, for a start. If they give me a fairly confident response, that can count even more than experience... I go by gut reaction mostly- but not below the gut this time :D

    AUA will send someone out for 300+ per hour, but the teacher I wanted (Ajarn Oranute) doesn't do privates, and the one guy available missed two phone appointments with me... That's one thing I'm serious about. Don't waste my time. I'll just move to the next tuk tuk...

    So, what's the answer? ###### if I know. :D

  5. Maybe Pattaya prices are higher than Chiang Mai, but here, a live-in HK runs a minimum 4,000 per month... You might hear some stories from others about 2,000 baht per month, but forget it. People just don't work that cheap anymore unless they're extremely desperate. You might find one, but she'll be gone as soon as she finds something better, and desperation can get even nice folks to steal.... Also resentment of your cheap wage can cause them to try to get even.

    Make an attempt to avoid the hassle by paying a decent wage and giving her decent working conditions. Screen extremely carefully, for there are plenty of women looking for an easy victim- and many farangs fall easily into this category. Getting a housekeeping job is an easy way to get into your home and your life... :D

    When training, make sure everything is clearly explained/shown, and correct every mistake right away... Whatever you don't correct will be her SOP. Also, many people will adopt a 'minimal effort' attitude, and won't do anything unless you tell them to do it... I'm unwilling to follow her around supervising all day, so I went through perhaps half a dozen before finding a good one, who has been with me for 3 great years... I pay her 8,000 now (started at 4,000) because she does s much more than just keep house. And she's old and ugly, so no temptations...

    Finally, don't hire with your dick. That is the quickest way to major problems, in my experience. :o

    Good housekeepers are worth a lot, and so is your life. Take great care with both of them :D

  6. I also agree. Best to get money matters settled upfront. Everyone can then move on without the stress of later dealing with it- and it's possible repercussions. :D

    As for amounts, follow your heart. Don't do anything you don't want to do. If it feels good to you, go for it. Why should you care what some other farang thinks about how much you chose to pay? :D

    If you feel very pressured by the family, pay attention to the clues :o

  7. Though NST folks might not smile as much, I'm sure you and your money will be welcome. :D

    How are you arriving in Hat Yai? By bus or van? If so, wherever you're dropped in Hat Yai, there will be busses or vans goig to NST every hour, at least. Less than 3 hours travel time, as I remember... Personally, I would prefer the bus if I were you, since the train station isn't so convenient to downtown, where it seems you want to stay...

    In NST, transport is available everywhere, as one might assume in Thailand. Like Hat Yai, the main transport are small songthaews.

    Lots of attractions right downtown, like temples and museums, and lots outside, like beaches, parks, waterfalls... Get a tourist map at the NST bus station, or at most of the better hotels...

    Have a fun trip :o

  8. Maybe I've been living here too long, but who's to say these guys weren't doing exactly as advertised (not real cops, but collecting for puu yai), and when the shit hits the fan, they become the patsies... I thnk many who've been here among Thais for a long time can see the logic here, based on experience, or past stories heard...

    Maybe the soop. didn't pass it on, boss caught on... Or maybe the soop was not actually getting his share... :D

    Or it could be a scene in a much larger power play... :D

    Just find it mighty hard to believe this could be so widespread and the cops wouldn't have their fingers in the pie, too TIT :o

  9. I've seen a few of the full-sized Chevy vans tooling around... 3 million, fully outfitted, is what one owner mentioned....

    Those huge fancy double-decker busses (living area on bottom, seating on top) are only about 4 million.... Would make a wonderful motorhome to tool around Thailand in... I have actually given some serious consideration to this idea (dream) :o

    I'll bet those babies would drive Neeranam nuts. Even more than he seems already :D

  10. On the topic of putting a set of big high-beam searchlights on the roof ....

    Thanks for all the tips! I've been meaning to put a couple of spotlights facing back on the top of my little Toyota Hilux Tiger. (Sometimes we go visit the g/f's aunt in Rawai and she lives down a windy dead-end dirt track with loads of trees and overhanging branches and nowhere to turn round. I'm bu99ered if I can get out backwards without hitting something! I keep saying that I won't drive down there at night again, but I always do. :o

    Here's the question: how much do you think I should pay to get his done?

    Every shop I've ever bought such spots from has installed them, too. No extra charge....

    If you want more than the basic 55 watts or so, you can change the bulb inside with a 100+ watt bulb available seperately in the shops I've used..

    I also remember reading here of a couple of people who reported being fined by hiway cops for having those high-mounted spots uncovered...

  11. "Keep on beating that dead buffalo if it helps"

    Actually, it helps immensely. The one I saw today just made me laugh, which is great progress. Maybe one day, I can look at one and feel nothing.

    If you don't want to read this thread, as it sounds, don't.

    I bet you would really like a benz!

    Personally, no. For the same reasons I earlier outlined above. But, I assure you, if I wanted a Benz, I'd buy one. Choices aren't always focused around money in my case :o

    I've enjoyed reading and contributing to this thread. I do hope you conquer your personal problem with these big vehicles, and even bigger problems it seems with those who drive and enjoy them. :D

  12. My main question on this thread was, however, why the need for the giant ones in a city when the guy is a bank-clerk

    Then I'd answer that there might not be a need, and it's even more unlikely that a bank clerk in most any city has one of those 800,000 baht+++ trucks. :o

    Keep on beating that dead buffalo if it helps :D

  13. Reminds me of when I first came here and looking for my first HK... Being a relatively normal man- and single, I figured I'd get a beautiful young Thai girl to do my bidding and give me some eye candy, and maybe (fill in fantasy of your choice)- all for 100 baht a day... :D

    (I'd bet a million bucks some of you are saying YEAH!! right now)

    Well, if your intention is to lead a quiet and relaxed life here, this definately will not lead you down that path! :D

    I never did find a trustworthy HK, but I did get about a million headaches between the scheming going on by all parties concerned, and they came and went through like a revolving door. I learned that the ones who were willing to go further weren't willing to do that for 100 baht a day, and if you pay more for the extras, your house gets dirtier...

    Either marry them, or work them. And rarely do the twain meet :D

    I've played it much smarter in the ensuing years....

    My current housekeeper has been with me for 3 years. She's older, not pretty, old-fashioned, and never had even met a farang before me... I hired her on the spot! For the first month (she lives in) she was only willing to address me through another worker...If I said something to her, she ask the other worker, " Farang waa aray" :D

    But, she has earned my trust and respect over the last three years. Takes care of everything and anything with never a complaint (though a bit of a side-glance sometimes :D ) . She also is a great cook :D

    I also pay her a salary commensurate with her efforts, room and board, pay the school tuition for her two kids (who live with her father), and pay my share of employer taxes so she has Social Security insurance, too.

    It was fun sometimes in the old days, but, a good housekeeper is hard to find, and even harder to keep unless you take reasonable care with them.. :o

  14. The other thing to remember is that the people who are doing the taking by the roadside are rarely the ones who keep most of the cash. Most of it gets paid up the line to their superiors, in return for the promise of cushier jobs later down the track.

    If the cops follow their proper procedure, they get bewtween 25-50% of the fines collected, depending on the station....

    They don't pass on the money for promises of cushier jobs, they pass on the money to keep their jobs, and possibly not get a shittier assignment.... Lots of police assignments offer no real chance for enrichment... Like school crossing guard, for example. :o

    Cushier jobs cost big bucks.. Reported amounts I've seen written about in the press include...

    10-30 million baht for Station Commander

    1-3 million for Inspector

    100,000- 1 million for transfer to a grade A station...

    50,000- 100,000 for transfer to a grade B station

  15. Now I'm feeling guilty as I just gave mine an extra couple of thousand...

    Tell her you made a mistake :o And get up with the rest ( lest she pee's in the soup )

    Though I certainly follow that way of thinking, it should be pointed out that not all maids are equal... If she's been with you less than a year, that makes a difference. If she's just part-time, that makes a difference, too, and a couple of grand might be appropriate.

    If you want to offer other compensation, one way is to offer to make her a legal registered employee so she's eligible for benefits under the social security system. Their health care system is far superior to the 30 baht scheme.

  16. Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!

    Come on, you know better than that... :o

    QUOTE(Bkk_Bound @ 2005-01-03 15:11:35)

    Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!


    Some very poor generalisations here guys, especially after the last few days ... and RDN I see you live in Phuket also :D

    You're right - not "Maak maak", but certainly "Nid noy". And this is in no way connected to the disaster here. But people in the South - and I'm not talking about the very south, or the troubles there - but the southern Thais just don't seem to be so friendly, or happy as those from the North.

    Yes, I agree that many southerners don't have the ready smiles you'll find in the north, but having lived and taught in the south (Songkhla) for a couple of years, I feel much differently in regards to judgements about them.

    I always liked the fact that many southerners speak very straight- forward, and in my experience, once a southerner warms up to you, you have a loyal friend forever... Maybe I see a lot of myself in many of them, and vice versa, so that's why I've never had a problem making good friends in the south...

    Though I love Chiang Mai, it certainly does seem that many of the smiles here are no more than a facade, and often reason to be more on guard... Part of that stems from the heavy tourist scene that abounds with shifty folks (as I'd imagine you'd find in Phuket, too)

    In any case, these Thais are still individuals and don't derserve to be mass-painted with a brush of any color. Our experiences are bound to vary but, again, these are individuals acting as themselves, not as people who act in such a way based purely on geographic location. Mass judgements may be easier and make us feel better and less connected to those individuals who've ripped us off or whatever, but that still doesn't make them right or true, nor does it contribute to keeping one's mind open, a necessary survival skill here, I firmly believe.

  17. Try Dr Narong, after 6.00 PM on the Chiang Mai gate side of the moat, outside, next to the Dental Hospital and close to the 7-11.

    Dr. Narong doesn't specialize in Paediatrics., but he's a very good guy and a very diligent general practice doctor, in my experience. One of the seemingly rare good ones... He's been my main doc for about 4 years. Weekdays, he's at Chiang Mai Ram 2 until about 3pm. His clinic number is 053-202-292

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