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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. For anyone who has eaten at all four, how does the Mexican fare compare among Miguel's, El Toro. Salsa Kitchen and the Art Cafe's Mexican menu (a couple of pages in the regular menu)?

    The last time I ate at Art Cafe (4-5 years ago), the were making corn tortillas made from a mixture of crushed corn and flour, then frying it. The net result was a taco that completely disinegrates in your hand. I mentioned it to the owner, with an offer of a better recipe, but I don't know if she ever changed...Too hard to cross the street there now.

  2. So waddaya think now that the new place is shut and more borrowed money has been disappeared?

    Nothing. I haven't been there since they changed their opening time to 6:30 pm...

  3. ?

    The best, imo, is at that Italian restaurant next to gekko books...

    Here is a recipe..


    6 egg yolks

    1/2 cup granulated sugar

    1/3 cup brandy

    1/3 cup Marsala or coffee

    1 pound mascarpone or ricotta cheese

    1 1/2 cups whipping cream

    3/4 cup extra-strong coffee

    24 giant Italian ladyfingers

    4 ounces semisweet chocolate; finely chopped

    In bowl, beat egg yolks with sugar until light, about 5 minutes. Whisk in

    1/4 cup each of brandy and Marsala. Transfer to double boiler over gently

    simmering water; whisk for about 7 minutes or until thickened. Let cool.

    Beat cheese until smooth; fold in egg mixture. Whip cream; stir one-quarter

    into cheese mixture. Fold in remaining cream. Combine coffee and remaining

    brandy and Marsala.

    Arrange half of the ladyfingers in 11-x 7-inch glass baking dish; brush

    with half of the coffee mixture. Spread with half of the cream mixture.

    Repeat layers. Top with chocolate.

    Cover and refrigerate overnight. (Can be frozen for up to 2 weeks. Let thaw

    in refrigerator for 24 hours before serving.)

    Contributor: Canadian Living

    Yield: 8 to 10 serving


    rec.food.cooking, rec.food.recipes


    Ajarn, sounds lovely. But if for 2 do you just divide everything by 5?

    Sure, everything but the brandy and chocolate, of course :o

    On second thought, make the whole thing, and save the biggest part for me :D

  4. ?

    The best, imo, is at that Italian restaurant next to gekko books...

    Here is a recipe..


    6 egg yolks

    1/2 cup granulated sugar

    1/3 cup brandy

    1/3 cup Marsala or coffee

    1 pound mascarpone or ricotta cheese

    1 1/2 cups whipping cream

    3/4 cup extra-strong coffee

    24 giant Italian ladyfingers

    4 ounces semisweet chocolate; finely chopped

    In bowl, beat egg yolks with sugar until light, about 5 minutes. Whisk in

    1/4 cup each of brandy and Marsala. Transfer to double boiler over gently

    simmering water; whisk for about 7 minutes or until thickened. Let cool.

    Beat cheese until smooth; fold in egg mixture. Whip cream; stir one-quarter

    into cheese mixture. Fold in remaining cream. Combine coffee and remaining

    brandy and Marsala.

    Arrange half of the ladyfingers in 11-x 7-inch glass baking dish; brush

    with half of the coffee mixture. Spread with half of the cream mixture.

    Repeat layers. Top with chocolate.

    Cover and refrigerate overnight. (Can be frozen for up to 2 weeks. Let thaw

    in refrigerator for 24 hours before serving.)

    Contributor: Canadian Living

    Yield: 8 to 10 serving


    rec.food.cooking, rec.food.recipes


  5. I doubt you'll find anyone willing to cover a pre-existing condition...

    As for meds, your best bet for keeping the price down is to purchase from a government hospital. As I understand it, they charge cost + 10% for all medications.

    Good luck :o

  6. Has there been even one person (outside of Ulysses G.) to give a good report on this restaurant??

    If you go back and look at the thread, most of the people who actually commented on the food - instead of the proprietor - thought it was pretty good and he has only been open a little more than a week.

    He got very angry that I had put him on the internet before he had time to work out the kinks, and in retrospect, he was right.

    I can understand why Mike is upset with UG. An over the top Trink style recommendation hasn't done him any favours.

    It might be fairer to shut this thread and perhaps reopen it after Mike has had a chance to get things organised.

    I agree that we should shut this thread for a while to be fair to Mike and to consumers. Open it in another month after some of us have eaten there several times and he has gotten the menu and his suppliers together.

    He still seems to be changing recipes and adding new things to the menu almost daily. I've heard that he now has corn nachos and has found good jalapeno peppers here and is trying to find a source for avacodos.

    Powers that be, could we close this thread temporarily? :o

    Hey, ya' think Mike will be nicer in a month? :D

    My voice is to allow the thread to die naturally. No need or reason to intervene, from my view.

  7. Corn meal is available at Kasem Store

    I've been trying to find corn meal. Could you tell me where the Kasem Store is? Was going to try and grind my own but don't know where to get the dried corn either.

    There is one on Nimanhamen (sp), and also on Ratchawong Rd, off of Chiang Moi...

  8. The ingredients Mike uses are local. .

    ...but they're a piece of piss to make yourself.


    Where do you get the Masa Harina in CM? I love corn tortillas but I haven't found any place that carries the essential ingredient?

    Corn meal is available at Kasem Store, for sure. When I used to make them myself, I would grind my own corn. Masa Harina is made with sun- or fire-dried corn kernels that have been cooked in limewater (water mixed with calcium oxide). After having been cooked, then soaked in the limewater overnight, the wet corn is ground into masa.

    Mine, without the limewater, always turned out fine, if a bit thick :o

  9. The ingredients Mike uses are local. .

    The corn tortillas are imported from the US.

    The beans are the same ones used in the US and are imported from the US and according to another restaraunt owner, are "more expensive than meat".

    Much of the cheese is imported.

    Mike did bring in spices and other ingredients from the US and was complaining about high customs costs on top of the original price and cost of transportation.

    I can understand the cheese being imported, but it sounds stupid to import corn tortillas... Not only are decent ones locally made by an American (Danitos), but they're a piece of piss to make yourself. Same with flour tortillas.

    The pinto beans are also grown locally, and I doubt there is any noticeable difference. As far as I can see, the only thing that might possibly need to be imported outside of some peppers is the mozzarella cheese, but that is also made in Chiang Mai.

    Still most of these ingredients are more expensive here than in the US, making cost comparisons difficult.

    Has there been even one person (outside of Ulysses G.) to give a good report on this restaurant??

  10. This is the reply I got about three months ago to an inquiry regarding Social Membeship....

    Many thanks for your enquiry. Presumably you've heard that the Entrance Fee for Social

    Members has been temporarily reduced. The full story, as I've been telling others, is as follows,

    although you may know most of this already.

    The Club has a 9-hole golf course and driving range, two tennis courts and a knocking wall, two

    air-conditioned squash courts, a full size cricket field and practice nets, a large snooker table, a

    library, darts board and a small gym. There is a members' bar, a restaurant (excellent Thai food,

    limited western menu), a terrace for drinks, a massive rain tree for sheltering parties and a separate

    bar by the cricket field.

    The 'Entrance Fee' for new Social Members has been temporarily reduced from 12,000 Baht to

    5,000 Baht. However, the monthly subscription remains at 400 Baht per month. (Both amounts

    are subject to 7% tax.) So, after paying the up-front 5,000 Baht, you would have an annual cost of

    4,800 Baht (plus 7%). The Club like a minimum of three months monthly subs. with the


    The reduction in Entrance Fee is for Social Members only. The fee for Full (Golf) Membership

    remains at 50,000 Baht, and 400 Baht monthly, plus 18% tax.

    Social Members have full use of the squash and tennis courts (2 each) at members rates. These

    are 40 Baht per hour. Members guests pay 80 B/hr, Visitors 100 B.hr. Social Members can, of

    course, use the Club House restaurant and Members bar.

    Only one member of a family need join. The spouse and children unde 21 are

    automatically members.

    The current reduction, which will be short-lived, was prompted by a need to stop the decline in

    membership and, more importantly, to get in some cash quickly to compensate for the loss of

    income from the golf course after the floods. The golf course has been re-opened but it is still very

    rough. I'm told it is playable, if you like an adventure! (I'm not a golfer!)

    The tennis courts are usually well used on Friday evenings and Sunday mornings. At other times

    they are quite slack, as are the squash courts.

    Membership application forms are available at the office. (The office staff speak very little

    English!) I will be happy to propose or second your application, after we've met. After a few

    drinks on the terrace you will certainly find another member to support you, although you may

    know one already.

    Best regards

  11. The interesting part (IMO) is their appearance in an area that has not been their traditional

    territory. Whether they have been displaced or their populations are increasing, I don't know.

    The relatives say there are signs of lots of pups.

    Hopefully a good news story..... unless you're eating the same things they are.


    Who says? What kind of scientific evidence have they presented, when none has ever been presented before? How do they even know what to look for?

    Sorry, but the scientist in me demands facts :o

    ...as for scientific evidence, hmmm, nope. This is all anecdotal......and that is what I find interesting, a hint that something undiscovered has yet to fall to the wayside of becoming accepted fact. The thrill of discovery....the hunt !


    Okay, thanks for your response. I just wanted some clarity on the issue before anyone decides to go dog hunting. :D

  12. Problem two are his prices. Tacos are 50-60B, burritos are 130B. I spend 4 months a year in NYC which has a large population from Puebla. I can get better tacos with much more variety (lengua, cabrito, real chorizo, etc) for $2.00 each at dozens of places. Huge burritos are $4.00 and the quality is definitely better than Miguel's. $3.00 will get me a quesadilla the size of a hubcap, with real Mexican cheese, in all those places

    I think it can be said that in America, Mexican food is cheap food. Here, it's Farang Food. Tortillas, cheese, avocados, beef, etc., are mostly more expensive here, too, as they should be. There is not nearly the market here like in America, so I think that price and ingredient comparisons aren't really fair.

  13. The interesting part (IMO) is their appearance in an area that has not been their traditional

    territory. Whether they have been displaced or their populations are increasing, I don't know.

    The relatives say there are signs of lots of pups.

    Hopefully a good news story..... unless you're eating the same things they are.


    Who says? What kind of scientific evidence have they presented, when none has ever been presented before? How do they even know what to look for?

    Sorry, but the scientist in me demands facts :o

  14. Now, if someone would open a San Francisco-style Chinese restaurant, I would be truly happy! :o

    I'll vote for that Ulysess. Forgot the name of the Chinese restaurant in Diamond Heights. It was the best.

    New Mexican Mexican is my cup of tea tho.


    anyone remember Sam Wo's (in Chinatown just offa Grant...you had to go thru the kitchen and up the narrow stairs to get to the dining area)?...open 24 hrs and the best noodles in town (you can forget about the other stuff on the menu though)...put any noodle stall in CM or BKK to shame...and not a tad of nam pla and chiles in sight...

    Sure, I tremember Sam Wo's. Remember Edsel Ford Fong, the waiter? When my dad used to take me there as a kid, Edsel would force me to clear customer's tables as soon as they left. Great Sweet and Sour Pork.

    Thanks for that memory :D

    i had a terrible experience there today.

    miguel was swearing and shouting all the time. 15times i counted him saying "she have to go"(about one of the serving girl, whatever she did or did not do it was wrong) and talking shit about customer "she´s not even spannish she´s puerto rican" and loads of shit.

    scream and yelling the whole time, we customer was looking at each a bit surprised by the unexpected show.

    This is situation normal at all of Mike's restaraunts when he is on the premises. Yelling at the staff and customers is considered to be part of the floor show.

    It sure sounds like a bad Business Model to me...

    I love Mexican food, but I surely won't be going to this place.

  15. :o

    have a question for you in chang mai, in the states they sell these all-region dvd players, i am told that you can play your dvd's from the states any where in the world as long as you have a converter, how do you bring your dvd's from home to thailand


    I would suggest that you buy here. No converter needed, and prices are under $100..

    Mine plays all dvd's no problem at all, and most of them are from the States.

    I say just put them in your bags. No reason to be worried :D



    Likely because the agent wants their percentage from you, now, rather than getting the hotel to pay later :o

    Note: On the charges, I see '3%' listed, I assume that's the fee to process your credit card. On most cards, if you can document the charge, you'll be reimbursed by the credit card company

  17. I just mentioned burning in another thread in the general section and then noticed this one. I think the only way to get the thai people to stop burning is find a way to recycle what they are burning.

    If they were paid for alot of what they would burn then there would probably be a lot less fires.

    At least in the North, there is a pretty good system of recycling most household refuse, including plastic bags..

    But there really is not much you can do with old grass and weeds.....unless someone can come up with a way to turn it into fertilizer.

    Easy one. Let nature takes its natural course.Or if you're in a hurry, feed it to cattle and use their poop for fertilizer :o

  18. :D

    Hey all,

    I am so looking forward to Song Kran, every year I say its horrid and every year I return! CM is such a good place for Song Kran.

    Anyways I will be the one with the battery powered water gun that pishes you off.. I know you all hate SongKran so lets see your replys., either way it wont stop you getting wet!

    Cya :D

    Are they powerfull?Where can I get one? :o

    I want one too! :D

    I asked first! :D

    Unless it's the size of a car battery, I wouldn't bother :D

  19. On adjacent land, locals are burning plastic bags. That kind of says it all.
    I'm not quite sure what this says for you, but for me, it is another reminder of the varying degrees of education here. Surely this scenario is not limited to one international school. I imagine that any school teaching such a program can find extremes nearby

    I'm sure you'll agree that a few years ago, there were no programs on environmental awareness, bit now, slowly, there are many more people sharing their environmental awareness with others. It's just that it has a long way to go before it's as effective as Lady Bird's. To my eyes, it seems to be a lot cleaner, in terms of roadside garbage. I figure that's due to networking going on with recyclers... I remain hopeful of change

    As we've learned as kids under Lady Bird's program, we can learn to care about our environment. I'm feeling sure that will happen as soon as people get their heads out of the sand.

    Newbies here might get the impression that nothing ever changes here, but it does, as time shows.

    It's all a matter of priorities.

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