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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. i guess that I should point out that these diapers are for babies :D You guys crack me up on this sometimes.

    Some may thought it silly of you to ask where to buy pampers for babies... :o:D

  2. Never heard of diapers for water? I guess it's a North American thing - they usually don't allow infants in pools without them. Too bad about not finding them here.

    Nice pool Ajarn - which brings up another point. Has anyone here been to a swimming pool here that is more than one degree above freezing? If so, please tell. Thanks.

    I'm North American, and I always thought they were just plastic pampers :o

    In that case, try Pharma Choice 053-215-379. If anyone has adult diapers, they'll have them.

    As for heated pools, can't think of any. Thais seemed to be trained to accept the cold. My pool is 'warm' 8 months of the year, which ain't bad. I'd assume it the same for most other outdoor public pools. Maybe the pool at the Orchid Hotel is not too bad...

    Good luck :D

  3. I've never heard of such a thing before. I doubt they would be readily available. You might try contacting a hospital with Water Therapy (Ram?) and ask them what (if) they use...

    That's why I got my own (Pool).

    That's very nice Ajarn! Do you ever get lost trying to find your house or is that whats' the arrow for? :D

    Never heard of pool diapers here either.

    Hey, watch those quotes :D

    Yeah, gotten paranoid and 2nd guessing myself now since that "other" topic started. Put it in one place then changed it then ... and then just said screw it, TV is supposed to be fun. :D

    Gave me a chuckle, too :o

  4. I've never heard of such a thing before. I doubt they would be readily available. You might try contacting a hospital with Water Therapy (Ram?) and ask them what (if) they use...

    That's why I got my own (Pool).

    That's very nice Ajarn! Do you ever get lost trying to find your house or is that whats' the arrow for? :o

    Never heard of pool diapers here either.

    Hey, watch those quotes :D

  5. They're popular in North America but I haven't seen them anywhere here. Does anybody know if baby diapers for swimming pools / water exist in Thailand? If not, you better hope that you don't go to the same pool as us :D

    I've never heard of such a thing before. I doubt they would be readily available. You might try contacting a hospital with Water Therapy (Ram?) and ask them what (if) they use...

    In Thai public pools, I'd wonder about their water safety with or without your presence :D . Proper water care takes discipline and knowledge. And constant care.

    But there are some interesting dichotomies in Pool Care....

    The recommended response in California Public Pools to an incident of 'feces contamination' is to.... Add a bunch of cholrine.... Not even empty the water. :o

    That's why I got my own.


  6. It appears that the culture 'gap' is alive and well, but not exclusively between the Thais and Farrangs, but between the urban and the rurals as well. Rural people generally don't see the smoke as a major concern. You burn because the leaves have fell and it is dry enough to make them burn well. They know the rains are coming and the smoke will be gone soon enough. The new growth will emerge quicker and more abundantly. As I mentioned before, it has always been done ....because it works.

    Consider my brothers in law, they log , hunt , farm and build. They stay in their valley and follow the seaons and the opportunities that the new season offers. Someone comes in from Chiengmai and says stop doing what you've been taught by your fathers to do, harvest less wild food, struggle more on the hillsides, deal with more snakes, etc. just because some Chiengmai folk have got smoke in their eyes.

    You're the same people who have raised the price of farmland, raised the price of food and drive through their villages in your window tinted 'Benz. The boys in the bush just don't feel sorry for you.

    Chiengmai has become a rather unpleasant place to live (in my opinion), but you can't stop the cars, you can't stop the development and you can't stop the influx of people........so you focus on the actions of some farmers while you reach for another pack of smokes ?

    This is not directed towards Farrangs or Thais, just them damned Urbanites !


    Wouldn't it be nice if all urbanites and all rural folks thought/acted the same...

    Then, I might buy your quaint scenario of life in Thailand.

  7. Hey lads, if we get much more heated I may have to pull the plug on this thread. A real shame, because it is a subject worth discussing in a calm manner.

    Thais and farangs should be in the same boat when it comes to 'curing' pollution. :D

    And apparently it's not the case as the biggest polluter is reluctant to do any effort in this way. That's the point. :o

    The fires here are contributing in a ridiculous amount of the world pollution, while some others are deliberately threatening our life. :D Like extinguish a fire in the garden when the house is in fire. :D

    Of course, it can be annoying for the expat's comfort. :D

    Incidentally, can anybody translate this into sense for me???

    American/farang bashing

  8. Possibly because Flour tortillas were invented in Sonora, according to some sources. Also 'Sonora style' cooking is quite popular. Outside of the Sonora area in the rest of Mexico, most tortillas are made from corn, not flour.

    Though I've never heard of one style being referred to as 'Sonora Tortillas'

  9. Air pollution brings out the exhaust police

    Preeyanoot Jittawong


    Officers checking black smoke from vehicles.

    Chiang Mai Municipality has requested policemen and environment academics to set up checkpoints on every main road in the city to check black exhaust smoke from diesel vehicles. The first route to be checked is on the Chiang Mai-Mae Rim Road, in front of the National Bank. These measures were decided after air quality in city was measured and found to be as much as 90 percent unburnt carbon particles. Further campaigns are in the pipeline to attempt to reduce Chiang Mai’s rapidly worsening pollution.

    On March 6, Boonlert Buranupakorn, Chiang Mai Mayor, said that the main problem causing pollution in Chiang Mai city is the large amount of dust that occurs especially on waysides of dense traffic routes. This dust is constantly stirred in the draught caused by passing traffic and mixes with the unburnt carbon emitted from the exhausts of poorly maintained diesel engines.

    If any vehicle is detected emitting excessive black smoke, measured at more than 75 percent, that vehicle will be considered to be below the minimum standard and the driver will be fined 1,000 baht and the vehicle put off the road. Vehicle owners will be forced bring the engine up to standard and have it checked again before it will be allowed back on the road.

    It is hoped that these measures if rigorously enforced, will encourage vehicle owners to spend more time keeping their engines properly maintained and reduce the life threatening pollution in Chiang Mai Province. Drivers who do so will find their efforts well rewarded when they discover that the price of keeping a well maintained efficient engine will be amply offset by reduced fuel costs.

    Now, that would have been a good idea, except that it didn't happen the way it as planned in the news release.... :o

  10. Most shops that sell glasses will also deal with these batteries. There's a good shop just up from the Irish Pub, can't remember its name. Some of the better photoshops also carry a supply of batteries.

    Den Chai Trading, Ajarn, almost diagonally opposite the pub coming back towards the Klong...

    There is also a great shop for all kinds of obsolete batteries and the real odd ones. The first shop on the left as you enter Icom Square next to Computer Plaza

    Not Denchai... The place I'm thinking of sells glasses. It's on the same side of the street as Irish Pub, going towards the moat

  11. I'm shocked to say this, but in the last 6 months, I'm down 50 kilos! From 200 to 148.5 yesterday. I knew that I had lost some weight, but I wasn't sure how much- try to find a scale if you are over 200 kilos...

    Anyway, I bought a scale in NY, and it arrived on Monday via FedEx. When I stood on it the first time, I seriously assumed it was broken. It wasn't. :o

    The last time I was at this weight was at least 30 years ago.

    Makes my losing the last 50 kilos look to be easy :D

    This was the key. Every day for one hour....

    Here's a photo showing some facial transitions..


  12. One of my favorite fastfoods

    Stir-Fry is best.

    Hamburger, bacon, potatoes, green onions, peanuts, a touch of ketchup for color, So many variations on nuts and other ingredients, and also many ways to cook it... My favorite is to fry up the small-chunked potatoes, add the hamburger and cook until almost done. Drain 90% of the oil. Cook bacon seperately, then add to the beef. Add the green onions and peanuts, followed by enough ketchup to give it some colour... Cook a couple of minutes to get the ketchup throughout.

    Great comfort food :o

    Yeah, it's not traditional Thai food... :D

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