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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. If your visa says 'good until the 9th', then on the 9th, you are overdue. I understand that the standard policy is to forgive the first day, but its fine is included if you are later than that...

    come to think of it, its getting a bit confusing. but nevermind.

    I see what you mean.. Anyway, it worked out well for KhunMarco. :o

  2. If your visa says 'good until the 9th', then on the 9th, you are overdue. I understand that the standard policy is to forgive the first day, but its fine is included if you are later than that...

  3. the new Rimping Supermarket is experiencing heavy losses

    I don't believe that for one minute, no matter what your 'very reliable source' says.

    You want to argue with the guy who owns Rimping!

    The owner of the Rimping never said a word to you, did he? And you didn't hear him say a word to anyone else did you? So, what's with your statement, ' You want to argue with the guy who owns Rimping', clearly implying he said something you heard ?

  4. The highway from Tachileik to the Chinese border is already complete, meaning you can drive from Mae Sai to China in one day now. In order to cross the border there, however, you'd need special permission in advance from a Chinese embassy or consulate.

    Think you need special permission to do that route in Burma, too.

  5. Only open Monday - Friday. I believe 8:30 - 5:00.


    If you have a serious problem the Immigration office in International Departures at the Airport will try to help - If you can find them that is during the times there are no international flight departures!

    Thanks ,good to know!

    In my case nothing serious, foolishly forgot my visa expired on the 9th.

    First thing tomorrow morning I'll go to the office for an extension.

    Hope not to find someone asking me to show my passport on my way to the office :o and get away with a 500 baht fine (the new daily fee...umpfff).

    Total should be 1500 baht fine for three days. They count the 9th., too.

  6. how can that be when the thread usually degenerates into claims, counter claims and general abuse

    Easy to ignore those types of posting, and the posters... Most posters give themselves away, as to their credibility, pretty quickly, in my experience.

    The credible posters are an easy read, I feel. :D

    I try to respect other peoples opinions at all times but this subject is still warm and you are being negative already - why not give it a chance?

    Not being negative, maybe just not positive enough for you, it seems :o

  7. What do you call a Thai food establishment?The Secret Garden serves mainly Thai food and is owned by a farang and Thai?. :o

    In the end, no direct connections can be made, it seems to me. I still feel one can learn more from an individual poster, rather than the group, as a whole.

  8. Why not try the Kafe? A good crowd of locals in the morning for breakfast, and lunch time. Good music, and reasonable food at reasonable prices.

    Forum disclaimer! I have no financial interest what so ever in the above mentioned establishment!

    I agree with the Kaffe. Nice spot for relaxing and watching the world go by. :o

    Where is the kafe? It's one place that I havn't made a complete tit of myself...yet! :D

    On Moon muang, across from Mikes.

  9. Why not try the Kafe? A good crowd of locals in the morning for breakfast, and lunch time. Good music, and reasonable food at reasonable prices.

    Forum disclaimer! I have no financial interest what so ever in the above mentioned establishment!

    I agree with the Kaffe. Nice spot for relaxing and watching the world go by. :o

  10. Unlike most here, I moved here cold, from California. Only knew Thailand from what I had read... Plus, while living in Hong Kong in 1980, someone mentioned Chiang Mai in passing, simply telling me that it was in Thailand, and you got there by overnight train. Something clicked, a bigger 'click' than for anywhere else. I decided then and there to explore that 'click'. I figured there was good reason for that click, and that I would never know unless I went. Something was destined for me there, I felt sure.

    So, I moved here in 1986 and headed to Chiang Mai. Not sure what I'm destined for, but I'm still enjoying the ride. :o

  11. Next time, try google before asking, please :D

    ajarn you do seem to be getting grumpy with your replies! :o

    I have not been able to locate them

    please :D

    Grumpy? Not at all. Just a gentle reminder to people asking such questions that can be answered on google in 5 seconds (if you look).

  12. I left CM, but now might return (because it's proving impossible to find a decent apartment at a moderate price in any reasonably accessible area of Bangkok).

    If I came back now, I'd have to stay in a guesthouse until I got an apartment in CM. Are all the rooms booked up and prices higher in anticipation of Songkran? What if I got there next week, before Songkran?

    Since nobody here owns a guesthouse, and your questions can't be accurately answered by us except by guessing, how about you getting on the phone/internet and finding out yourself? :o

  13. FedEx Express

    77/1-2 Sriphoom Rd., T. Sriphoom, A. Muang, Chiang Mai

    tel.: +66 (0)53 418 451-2


    9 Soi 7, Ratchadamnoen Road

    Tel. 416351-2, Fax. 416352

    Next time, try google before asking, please :o

  14. error

    Hi Flupke,

    I knew you were an errorist! But I didn't tell anybody.

    I have always had a weak spot for errorists.

    Be sure that you are under surveillance from now on!

    Be extra careful when you bike in the Ban Du area :D

    By the way, about the expat photo exhibition:

    One American, two Dutch, two Thai (guest-expats), one Irish and one German showed interest already.

    So if everybody shows up with an average of four pictures, we already have 28 pictures.

    The idea is to collect about 80 to 100 pictures.

    Can I add a Belgian to the list?


    Limbo :o

    Hi Limbo,

    Can I get some info on this photo exhibition, please?

    Like, what size prints to give, and how?


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