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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. P1p just removed his own post because he was uncomfortable with the controversy he unintentionally caused. What more could anyone ask for? Note that everyone else can remove or edit their own posts too.

    Just his own post removed? Not true, as was discussed.

    How can I remove or edit (after the clickoff time) my post?

    I said after the clickoff time.. (or after someone else posts?)

    And how to delete? No button for that...

  2. P1p just removed his own post because he was uncomfortable with the controversy he unintentionally caused. What more could anyone ask for? Note that everyone else can remove or edit their own posts too.

    Just his own post removed? Not true, as was discussed.

    How can I remove or edit (after the clickoff time) my post?

  3. No worries on the transfer, from what I can see. Your visa is no problem, and it looks to me like you only need an 'address verification' paper from immigration (300 baht, 2 photos, no hassle)

    Dealership prices aren't always so expensive, :o

    I've been helped by Thai friends many times in the past and just want to deal with this myself. Would hate to be one of those farang who use Thai friends like a service.

    The key to that independence is to speak and understand the language, as I'm sure you already know. Ignorance isn't always bliss :D

  4. Your desire for 'English-speaking' is the problem, for me... Why not simply use the dealer for your car? Toyota= Nihom Panich, etc. I'm pretty sure most any dealer can scare up an English speaker for you.

    Or, for another answer, find a Thai guy who you trust to advocate for you, and to explain things to you.

  5. I seem to remember that the first Thaivisa get-together, at Mango tree, did have a fairly good showing of around 10-15 people, mos of whom I wouldn't mind meeting up with again. The simple reason you won't find me in bars is because I don't drink, and I don't tolerate drunks too well

  6. :D

    Nice hing abou Chiang Mai is that you can double park pretty much anywhere, anytime, for limited periods. :D

    You have to beware of the clampers , though :o

    And the last time you saw a doubled-parked vehicle that had a clamp on it was... ?

    Not impossible, but extremely unlikely, I'd say

    Worse case scenario for a doubled parked vehicle not being a hazzard might be a simple talking to, in my experience :D

    You're quite right Aj! What you have to be careful for when you double park is motorikes. Always check when you open your door that there's not some speeding bike almost clipping your car. If you open the door on one of them it can cost - my friends mother just did it in CM, and had to pay out 8000 baht!

    Absolutely correct. It's a pastime fraught with its own issues of concern, but still usually doable, in my experience.

  7. Nice hing abou Chiang Mai is that you can double park pretty much anywhere, anytime, for limited periods. :D

    You have to beware of the clampers , though :o

    And the last time you saw a doubled-parked vehicle that had a clamp on it was... ?

    Not impossible, but extremely unlikely, I'd say

    Worse case scenario for a doubled parked vehicle not being a hazzard might be a simple talking to, in my experience :D

  8. Speaking of free programs, let me offer up webford 2.01 as one option I've been using for a number of years to do simple html coding, like with images, text, colors, etc. A WYSIWYG, in it's most basic form. Nothing as difficult-looking as most other html editors. Simple and fast. And free :o

  9. Thanks Chanchao.

    I made it invisible so, yes, it is still there. I felt I should not abuse my mod's abilities by making irrevocable changes to a topic in which I was personally so deeply involved. I leave the rest to other Mods or Admin.

    Ajarn, sorry about your post. It was made invisible because it vaguely referenced preceeding posts. Besides, I didn't want you to suffer due to your spelling mistake there! :o (Unless, of course, they spell the singular of "potatoes" differently over the pond.)

    Since leaving the classroom, I never suffer from my spelling, and neither should you. :D

  10. I'll own up to being in the wrong, just the obvious two-tier treatment pissed me off.

    Did you actually expect that cop to pull everyone over at the same time, and then wait their turn? :o

    I've seen the boys wave over a crop of people before.

    BTW, is it kosher to ride a scooter through the Tha Pae Gate? Farangs, I mean. I see the Thais do it all the time during the day, and I go up and around and do the U-turn. No big deal if I have to do that, just checking.

    Only when there is an officer to deal with each one, right? :D

    Yes, I've also seen many people driving through the gate. I have no idea if it is legal.

    Probably more now since they've cut out the cross-over near the police booth.

  11. I'll own up to being in the wrong, just the obvious two-tier treatment pissed me off.

    Did you actually expect that cop to pull everyone over at the same time, and then wait their turn? :o

  12. Why should I be so stupid as to insist on getting the full force of the law, if it pains me? :o

    May be I am stupid, but still think that corruption is wrong even if it is so common here. Otherwise I see it as a lack of integrity to critsice the politicians and government about it.

    I think it is wrong, too, but I'm no fool, either. :D

  13. [ the word corruption Gulliver :whistling

    Yep...and as long as Non Thai-Westeners-Foreigners -farangs...or what ever you want to call yourself.. who should know better....keep going along with it then the country has NO CHANCE :D ...right :o

    Would it make ANY difference if every non-Thai insisted on being treated with the full force of Thai law? Of course it wouldn't. Change will come only when the Thai people decide that they want change.

    Why should I be so stupid as to insist on getting the full force of the law, if it pains me? :D

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