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Everything posted by DILLIGAD

  1. A fellow expat here had nearly all his State pension stopped to repay the 'excess' funds paid because he didn't tell them he lived in Thailand. He has since died, so I cannot ask him more details.
  2. The country does NOT 'give it to them' . It is not a 'benefit' as its been paid for, during ones working lives.
  3. Have you tried 'Nookies Delights' . He makes bi-weekly deliveries to Surin.
  4. Taking Covid to one side, after one years expiry, you have to retest as if it were a first application.
  5. 'drive while under the influence of alcohol, people driving beyond the speed limit and those riding a motorcycle without a helmet.' Best check the Police force first!!!!
  6. Isn't it strange how there are no restrictions on the numbers who enter coffee shops or the large corporation's Supermarkets (BigC/Tesco/Makro and the like)
  7. About the same number of people who would stop at a Sisaket zebra-crossing!????
  8. Ask the same question on one of the many Interceptor specific FB pages. Good Luck!
  9. The headline suggests that the 'female trucker' burst into flames?
  10. Find the area/estate where you want to live and go visit the nearest 'mom n pop' shop as they usually know everything that's going on in an area. As a westerner, you may be best to keep out of sight too!
  11. Its considered a 'Super Power' here, just like forward planning.
  12. True, but many don't seem to have a BA in English Studies. In my 'neck of the woods' there are many South African/Eastern European kids teaching. What salaries they get, I have no idea. Just one thought for the OP, Schools and Universities tend to have different 'rules&regs' here so it might be worth considering both?
  13. Agree. I did it 10 years ago, but the problem right now is that the borders are closed and as Joe mentioned above, it needs a couple of days to be processed.
  14. Saw a FB advert on Saturday so I guess its for very soon.
  15. One hours drive down the road to Rajabhat Uni vaccination centre, Surin and they are giving them away.
  16. Wot, no one-legged non-binary midgets? (joke)
  17. I can think of at least 2 SSK residents but I'm not going to name them on open forum.
  18. It depends on whether the sellers knows that a 'westerner' is involved
  19. Some of my adult (Uni) students are there, giving the jabs so I will tell them.
  20. Your experience is different to mine. You haven't answered my question about when was it that you opened your accounts? A friend went to every bank in the location that he was staying-in (a non-tourist venue) and everyone had similar rules (if over 50, they wanted a pension providers letter. If working, they wanted to see a WP, which is a bit 'Cart before the horse' IMO. ) This situation made him, resort to using a Pattaya visa agency to get him a bank account.
  21. How recently was that? Things have changed because of covid.
  22. Can you check your spelling for the title, as I seen nothing on IMDB called that???
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