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Everything posted by Coota

  1. Thank you all for your replies. @DrJack54 I meant the pass was just ignored.......by the smart gate.
  2. I have a Thai Wife Visa extension. I returned to Australia the other night and used the smart gates to leave. I just realised that there are no exit stamps now in my passport and my re-entry permit is just sitting in the passport. Have I done the wrong thing by using the smart gates and will I be allowed back in under my existing extension?
  3. I may be wrong but you probably have osteo arthritis like me in my right knee. I have seen a few different specialists about it and had most of the cures from Mobic pills to injections. I have seen several ortho surgeons and it's just a merry go round of advice. You could probably find the best advice online as, short of a knee replacement, you will go through lots of appointments and lots of meds. What age are you and had you had any previous damage to the knee? Over the course of 45 years I had 3 arthroscopic operations on my knee and it is now nearly bone on bone in the joint. I'm 70 and am not interested in a huge operation and rehab period getting a new knee so I am managing it with Tiger Balm, exercise and pain killers.
  4. What a sook, a real Aussie would have just moved on from it quickly not go crying to the Fuzz.
  5. Like who? I'm open to any opinions on the next best service. I think I'm experiencing some problems with speed of delivery this morning through Wise, still waiting and it's been 2 hours.
  6. Not really as I outlined in my reply, if you read it fully instead of jumping straight in to bash a contributer, I have other options and said Bank was failing in other areas of service. Don't know why you want to go off topic just for the pleasure of attacking someone and clogging up the topic with <deleted> comments.
  7. I'm Australian, live in Thailand have a K Bank account and also received this very annoying and confusing email. I also have accounts with other banks and received nothing like this from them. The Forms all appear to reference the US fairly regularly in their questions so, hopefully, it's just aimed at US citizens. I may cancel my K Bank account as, since I have opened accounts with other banks, found that I prefer to use them.
  8. At last an answer to my simple question without going off sprouting irrelevant crap that I already knew. Thanks.
  9. All your comments are still not relevant to my question. Also it is irrelevant how many times prior to now he has travelled to Australia.
  10. He has done 3 trips to Australia using the same details as I outlined, first being in 2006, second in 2009 and third in 2019. Your comments are not relevant to my question.
  11. Read what I said, I had to be present or sign a form when he got his first, second and third Thai passport as I was a parent. It's the same if you apply for a passport for your child from your home country, the mother has to sign/agree etc on a form. I got his first Thai passport when he was 6 months too but had to sign a form or be present to sign the form. I was told as the passport office at Buriram that he was not considered an adult until 19 so I had to agree/sign for his passport as his father.
  12. There is a slight variation in his christian name, namely the English version uses his first initial as a Ch and his Thai version has it as J. Same as my wife's different versions of her first name in Thai, her ID card has W insted of V and her passport has a V. Go figure?
  13. Because here in Thailand he needed both parents to be present when he obtained his Thai passport at 18 years old. Being 18 in Thailand does not mean that you are an adult, for a start, they can't drink in pubs or, possibly vote.
  14. At some time in the next couple of months I will be taking my 18 year old son with me to Australia. I am married to his mother and live with her and our 3 children. He has dual citizenship and passports for both countries. He will be 19 mid January and we may take the trip after he turns 19. We will be returning and will, most likely, have return tickets. My question is, will I need a letter from his mother giving permission for him to leave the country with me or similar?
  15. Listen here you ah, ah, Wombat, I can't get them here in lower Issan. Good idea though, save bending my arm twice a day. Imagine the carnage I could do to myself if I had access to 150 mg single doses
  16. I am also addicted to Tramadol @Badrabbit. I have been battling with it on and off for about 8 years or so. I am presently taking 4 by 50 mg capsules a day all in about 30 minutes in the mid afternoon when my body seems to start aching and my legs and feet get restless and ache. I returned to live in Australia for two and a half years in November 2019 and was forced to give it up there as no Doctor would prescribe it. I remember I was so busy organising my family's move to Oz and actualling travelling then setting up a new home in Oz that I forgot about my daily tramadol dose so gave it up rather easily. Back then I was taking up to 7 capsules [350 mg]. However when I returned to Thailand I gradually started using it again for my various aches and pains. I have a bad back and now have rods and pins in it, I also have an osteoarthritic knee. I am in the process of weaning myself of them as I am anticipating a trip to Oz coming up. When I first injured my back in Oz around 15 years ago the Doctors were throwing pain killers at me like candy. I would get a script for 6 boxes of 20 Panadeine Forte with 5 repeats so it's any wonder I ended up addicted to opiates. Now they won't even advise you to take a panadol. Hopefully I can ween myself off them and not relapse as they are easy to get here. I am otherwise healthy, I eat well, have a balanced diet and exercise every day. I drink about 4 small beers an evening before I eat.
  17. I flew to Buriram from Don Muang with them about 8 months ago but just checked their website and they do not have that service anymore for some reason.
  18. I've had a cold of varying degrees for nearly 5 weeks now and it has sort of gone to my nose now. I also had a very bad cough for about 3 weeks of the cold but it is slowly disappearing. I'm in the rural lower east of Issan.
  19. I wasn't a traffic cop. I was higher up the chain so, no idea about the travesties you refer to. You sound like a typical cop hater though, met plenty of those.
  20. I entered the intersection, most likely when the light was orange but it was not safe to stop suddenly as the car behind me in the photo was too close and he may have collided with me. Entering an intersection on an orange light is not illegal. The traffic in front of me was moving but stopped suddenly when a car decided to try to turn right or do a uturn up ahead and there was not enough room for traffic to get past it. So, nothing illegal there as I entered the intersection with traffic moving in front of me. As far as @motdaeng and his comment, I do know better and post something intelligent instead of attacking the man next time.
  21. I am a retired Cop, 25 years in the job and there is no proof that I entered the intersection under a red light. The evidence cannot support the charge. The evidence photos need to show my car at the white line when the lights are red. That is the law. So what if you've been driving here for that long, that's irrelevant.
  22. How the hell can you conclude that I ran it from that photo? You are guessing or agitating. I await your reply with your points of proof.
  23. I recently received a Traffic Ticket for running a red light. They sent me the notice with a couple of photos of my vehicle in the intersection when the light was red. I was turning right and the traffic in front of me had stopped, forcing me to become stationary in the intersection until the traffic in front of me moved. I have attached the "Evidence" photos here. The problem is, the photos do not show me entering the intersection against a red light, they show me inside the intersection while the light was red. I believe they have not proven via the photo evidence that I comitted the offence. Has anyone had experience in contesting a traffic camera fine? What is the procedure?
  24. I really think you are all missing the point and concentrating too much on the air con and not the fact that the OP is exhibiting obvious signs of a sleeping disorder which may be affected by the aircon. I realised that I slept with my air con on all last night and didn't switch it off and use the fan like I usually do because it was a cooler night and the previous night the fan made me cold so. last night I used the air con alone set on 26 because I could adjust it without getting out of bed. Was comfortable all night temperature wise but woke up worse than I normally do. I usually wake up pretty rough but this morning had a bit of nausea so it seems that the air con can make a sleeping disorder worse.
  25. I had a similar problem flare up about 3 years ago, I was living in south east Queensland at the time and the weather was not as hot and extreme as Thailand. I went to my local Doctor convinced it was a reaction to my 3 covid vaccinations as the symptoms started not long after receiving my last vaxx. The Doctor told me I had a sleeping disorder. He told me my symptons all pointed to this. He gave me a referral to see a sleep specialist. I didn't end up seeing the specialist as I returned to live in Thailand but still continued to suffer the symptoms you have. I did some research and concluded that I was mouth breathing all night which was depriving my body of oxygen. As part of my research I found out I could tape my mouth shut with a small piece of surgical tape placed verticaly over my mouth but could still open my mouth a little in case of emergency. I could also break the tape seal easily by opening my mouth. This seemed to work as I was not waking up with a dry mouth but still had a few minor symptons. My sister uses a CPAP machine for sleeping as she has a diagnosed sleeping disorder and frequently stops breathing while sleeping so I bought one locally here in Thailand. It seemed to work the first time I used it but after that I found it impossible to sleep wearing it. I tried various masks but still could not get used to the thing so I ended up selling it and going back to the tape again. The tape system is far from satisfactory now and, this morning I awoke feeling the same as you described with an added layer of slight nausea so I'm not sure what my next step will be. I'm 70 and can't really be bothered trying to get this fixed. I do find that whenever I go on a holiday and sleep in a different environment I don't have the same problem but figure it would soon flare up if I stayed at the same place for a long period. I live in rural Surin. Hope this helps.
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