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sammieuk1 last won the day on June 16 2019

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    Hua Hin

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  1. Suppose the logic is' there is already super fast racing on every Soi in the land 🤔
  2. Ballistic missile running clothes, naked, suit,? Trump has made himself a world class idiot 🤔
  3. Trump look what a real President looks and acts like 🤔
  4. To help you all remember the last terms cluster' and where he get his word "Dictator" confusion from🤔 Nothing illustrates the hypocrisy of the Republican Party during the era of Donald Trump more than their willingness to give the president a complete pass on his bizarre statements about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Speaking at a rally on Saturday night in West Virginia, Trump revealed that he had “fell in love” with the very man Republicans labeled a “nut job” and a “lunatic” just a few years ago. “I was really being tough and so was he. And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love, ok? No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. And they’re great letters. And then we fell in love.” Nothing illustrates the hypocrisy of the Republican Party during the era of Donald Trump more than their willingness to give the president a complete pass on his bizarre statements about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Speaking at a rally on Saturday night in West Virginia, Trump revealed that he had “fell in love” with the very man Republicans labeled a “nut job” and a “lunatic” just a few years ago. “I was really being tough and so was he. And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love, ok? No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. And they’re great letters. And then we fell in love.”🤔 we fell in love.”🤔
  5. There can be no other conclusion after the last week debacle' "Trump is a red in in bed" a treasonous traitor of his country the west and civilization impeach the geriatric mental sex offender immediately🤔
  6. Master deal maker now looks more like Masterbater 🤔
  7. You can hear the welcome speech for our great great tremendous turban headed friends echoing around the oval office in tomorrow's cluster🤔
  8. "We are partners. We are very close partners. We have to be fair. We have to be very free," said Zelenskyy, sounding far more like an American president than Donald Trump did today. This is an astonishing display of statesmanship. Rather than give into ego or pettiness, Zelenskyy is rising above Donald Trump's childish bullying to serve his people. Zelenskyy isn't interested in following Trump down into the gutter. He's interested in securing a lasting peace for his innocent embattled country, a task made all the more difficult by Trump's kowtowing to Vladimir Putin. Zelenskyy is also correct that these conversations should take place behind closed doors instead of being exploited to create a media circus. Trump and Vance ambushed him in the Oval Office in front of reporters because they knew that it would make headlines and entertain their base.🤔
  9. The size of this appeaser no apology ever🤔
  10. You mean the Z' on a Russian tank 🤔
  11. Just facts🤔
  12. With Putin? have another smoke 🤔
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