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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Disturbing story suggest direct contact with Anutin he said his lips don't lie in todays side splitter ????
  2. Should take about 500 years to scan and upload the rain forest of photocopies we will all be in the cloud by then ????
  3. How anyone could miss it is a mystery to me its an enormous shed apart from the blueberry cheesecake in Rimping ????
  4. The general has his beer fest outfit on already by the looks ????
  5. If his cretinous lips are moving he is lying or over testing his produce ????
  6. Wood and fire who would have thought it no one by the look of it ????
  7. If you have a covid battered economy why don't you have a covid battered Baht I wonder ????
  8. You put your left POT in Your left POT out In out, in out, You shake it all about You do the Okey-Cokey And you turn around That's what it's all about Oh, Okey-Cokey-Cokey Oh, Okey-Cokey-Cokey Oh, Okey-Cokey-Cokey Knees bend, arms stretch Rah-rah-rah ????
  9. Attack from the enemy? quick buy some more without engines for less risk of future fires ????
  10. Its a bit hot right now for wellness but smoke free compared to Chiang Mai I would say try that for a slogan ????
  11. I can see this not ending well for the pervert ????
  12. This story of trifling importance has taken over the war in Ukraine on BBC and sky news shame on you ????
  13. I will have whatever he is smoking when will the Nigerian prince's be arriving and do Homepro sell blockchains ????
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