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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Get your kids off my road or I will mow them down as seen in the video of this act of abject negligence online yesterday ????
  2. Rollie Rolex for the next unelected PM when you thought things couldn't get worse ????
  3. Its in a state alright with the emergency bit in a generals head ????
  4. He has a bright career in burning pickups when can he start????
  5. Congratulations you crashed into a world class hole here's an apple case closed ????
  6. The pot baron is making a stonking profit so all is well ????
  7. It started a randy triangle and ended a red triangle and stop parking on the pavement ????
  8. Still waiting for my Samsung strap to arrive posted in the UK 4 years ago £30 if memory is still right and that was for half a strap as I later found out ????
  9. Yes go for the scattergun approach BJ and stay away from police corruption and your Lexus will be spared further ventilation ????
  10. These guys will make a fair unbiased constitutional decision (stich my sides up) won't they ????
  11. And here ended the lesson from general Prayut Putin by the sound of this ridiculous rambling ????
  12. Inactive post must pay well and probably a share in the spoils from the station ????
  13. What do you mean "could " he's won the next election it cost a bit but a clear landslide winner ????
  14. This guy is depicting the size of the wedge required to fill the hole after disbursements ????
  15. The chief said that the authorities were doing the bidding of PM Prayuth Chan-ocha, DPM Prawit Wongsuwan and the chief of the RTP and his deputy. Are they buying or selling answers to confused .com ????
  16. Been on inactive posting. wonder where he buys his clothes asking for a friend ????
  17. So the palm oil owner gets planted by a grudge holding vegetable by the look of it????
  18. Can slime run uphill? in this case of course it can ????
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