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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. If your brave enough to go in the sea here you may find jelly fish a fair way down the list just behind floaters for hazardous things to look out for ????
  2. You don't have one bad apple here you have a rotten orchard ????
  3. All good news for the Teflon Baht so only the poor will be affected have a look again next year ????
  4. He will now find out that scamming can work both ways meet the professionals ????
  5. Identified as police in the loses term, any plastic bags found Lieutenant-General ????
  6. Let see if any sword fish now get arrested in this farce ????
  7. I'm trying to understand why my army is retreating from Kiev..????
  8. Get a wise or similar pay as you go card is the workaround that works ????
  9. Never volunteer any change of location to any government or financial institution is my motto unless it benefits you????
  10. Pity it wasn't guns getting crushed with the amount of gunfights and shooting lately ????
  11. Home pro super wind up one excellent for a change ????
  12. Disturbing story suggest direct contact with Anutin he said his lips don't lie in todays side splitter ????
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