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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Its purely for internal consumption no one out side the zombified nation that is fed an endless diet of B/S and appears to still be eating it would give a nano seconds thought to any credibility left in the Kremlin ????
  2. He then fled the scene DRIVING off in a car... priceless????
  3. A water festival without water then eat some chicken instead and have a frying festival ????
  4. Dazzled by the paint on the kerb Somchai fell into a micro sleep only to wake up to find his brakes had failed ????
  5. Welcome to Thailand please collect your stab vest before you enter the baggage claim area ????
  6. Looks like he showing the only teeth available for any watchdog here ????
  7. Enforce the law not reenforce the button on your trouser pocket he means ????
  8. Think many people would like to see this TikToker turn up in person to try ????
  9. To avoid the accusations of more Thai bashing comments this is all perfectly normal in LOS ????
  10. Dirty Anutin will have to clean up his act and increase the price paid per vote surely ????
  11. Can't China supply Some cutting edge oars instead ????
  12. Never mind the governments work is done for another year ????
  13. 900 Here? do they call you the cat with 900 lives????
  14. About everyday unless you live in a condo a field or bury your head in a bunker ????
  15. Sure she would give me the red card for playing offside ????
  16. And how do we remain in power with our corrupt record ... Just extend covid our savior ????
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