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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Off to A+E for my sides to be stitched back up I would say 6 stitches in each side will do ????
  2. The Thai press can never get enough of Chuwit who had a long career in the darker side of Thai business before becoming a politician, being jailed then emerging as a TV presenter and much followed social and government critic. Just needed to be a general and he would be in power.. there is still time ????
  3. RTP earnings will be up the rich earnings will be up the poor will be crushed in debt is how I see it ????
  4. I see 6 dose Anutin has Covid the best news of the month ????
  5. Unfortunately for the cat his amulet was at the pawn shop ????
  6. They need more swamp draining trucks now ????
  7. See he is still wearing a blindfold and ear defenders at the decimation he has caused to the economy ????
  8. The cunning clever general wants the lights out so you cant see to light your spiff ????
  9. The only place where bungalow dwellers have to beware from flying cars and condo dwellers have to beware of falling corpses ????Rip
  10. With hot air from a generals mouth or bottom in reverse ????
  11. I name these submarines the Phoenix and the Pedalo a race to the bottom imminent ????
  12. Judging by the photo they were all high on the newly unregulated stuff ????
  13. Sure they will go for the rinse option before this spin cycle starts ????
  14. I want to try a new test of standing no legs face down and aroused so far its failed but I keep trying ????
  15. I would say you steered your pickup into a tree to his question. next????
  16. With all that's going on at planet earth right now a few baht here and there is not the top of my agenda for sure????
  17. Think I would have had a giant size turnout to monitor she should buy lottery number 2 ????
  18. About 2km out to sea by now I suspect ????
  19. It was once blamed on fag butts ????
  20. At least the old time keeper and undead can sleep easy for a bit longer or infinity in this case ????
  21. This is not the only monk story today one had it on toes after handing a locked safe over containing 15m as surety and asking for 2.5m only after his disappearance was the safe opened which contained only holy air its as easy as that here ????
  22. "Yes, I always knew there would be consequences. That's why (health minister and DPM) Anutin is chairing a committee looking into all of it". How reassuring he is in the chair someone plug it in to the mains first ????
  23. No wonder he cut it off was he trying to have sex with the ants ????
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