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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Will be expecting my first bill in 4 months having been left connected to village supply until 3 weeks ago I paid for the new house meter connection in November the village stated calling in February complaining of very high bills wanting me to pay a contribution I said no meter no bill no pay . Then 3 weeks ago a couple of guys arrived with a large roll of heavy duty cable and pulled in a new cable from where the meter would go through all through the underground trunking then through the complete length of house roof space to the main board all day job. Why I asked is a new cable needed its a new house transpires PEA would not connect a new meter to the sub standard wire used in construction so not only did they have to pay my I don't care how much it is bill for 12 weeks it cost them 20k on top Kama ma ma ????
  2. Indeed the ability to have your foot to floor of and not on the brake when sleeping is world class suggest swoping the pedals around in Thai owned vehicles as a future prevention measure ????Rip
  3. Putin was quoting passages from the bible before being cut off bizarrely mid rant looks like he goes to church on Sunday genocide on Monday a real deranged nutcase ????
  4. When the drug of hell meets the driver from hell it will be the day from hell no one will be safe by the sound of it ????
  5. I banking terms its still in the 80's the app for the baht account is ok'ish where it all falls over is if you have a FCD then no access no checking of balance no FX services the only way to do anything is at an FCD branch with your paper book all of which I found out locked out for 19 months I hate but have to unfortunately live with it ????
  6. Well done lads you can fire another one in 2032 a cheaper boomerang model hopefully ????
  7. Will this incident be in the 2022/23 TAT tourist brochure sure it will be in many like the Sun/Mirror/Mail Star ????
  8. What ever a democratically elected government dose within its own borders is really up to them and the majority of its people however thin skinned your psychopathic dictator next door neighbor quoting history is as simple as that????
  9. Subs for sale cancel F35 gas guzzlers put hold on lunar rockets remove the wealth of some unexplained wealthy generals and police are just a few suggestions ????
  10. Xi says that's the way to do it and you will to my little one party friend ????
  11. Looking like your more likely to get shot than mowed down and wiped out by a pickup lately its hot and a full moon barricade the house ????Rip
  12. Shares in Russian undertakers is a safe bet right now the rubble who cares a flying ????
  13. Beware of any peace now or ever with pathological liars ???? The "peace talks" is a tool of choice for Moscow when conducting offensives. The negotiations can last as long as possible while regrouping forces and building a wartime administration in areas of control. The Kremlin has no intention of withdrawing or giving concessions.
  14. Zero about Russians in occupied areas being killed by insurgents. There wont be they are indigenous ????
  15. Covid the control gift that keeps giving and can never be given up by a masquerading military ????
  16. CCSA director must be very proud of what he has done in the crisis and the tourism wasteland it is now ????
  17. One problem of course is the 500+ planes on lease stranded in Russia that Putin has seized tearing up the Canadian agreement of airlines being able to reclaim them without borders rendering them useless for external flights outside of Russia as they would be impounded just about anywhere on arrival ????
  18. Is 81 headless corpses in return a possibility ????
  19. The bravest Russian of this war lets hope it starts massive civil unrest ????
  20. Some good news today ???? https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3430198-ukrainian-armed-forces-eliminate-another-russian-general.html
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