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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Unless your buying one for 239bt ????
  2. Nike buy one get ne free at Tesco is acceptable @239bt ????
  3. No fly's on the general his finger has an inbuilt pointing mechanism for the epicenter of the disaster ????
  4. I once ploughed a load of cash into Wassana but it was well worth it at the time ????
  5. I'm a believer cull the monkeys hateful things ????
  6. The motorbike show with Henry Cole Milliard rebuilds a bike every series I'm still waiting for a Triumph X75 Hurricane rebuild one day hopefully ????
  7. BJ just doesn't want his Lexus shot up again especially by foreign crims that's bad publicity taking away a job a Thai could do ????
  8. He's got his pea back in his whistle but no puff left to blow it good luck Chuwi ????
  9. Yes you can have fun with Olaf and his chainsaw along with the outlaws or don a tee towel and ride a moped like a lunatic vroom vroom ????
  10. The whole country's a race track where being ground into the tarmac is almost a natural cause of death ????
  11. I would think a lot of people may start to get nervous when elevation gets mentioned here ????
  12. It all goes to show why has an unelected PM been needed for the last 8+ years then ????
  13. Remove all sheets and towels from hotel rooms as part of the crackdown ????
  14. The further treatment will sound like a call to Lufthansa ????
  15. What a cunning little stunt what ever it was ????
  16. But its policy to amend the lèse majesté law is what the electorate wanted that's why they won! its now looking like some kind of plain clothes coup is underway that will be swiftly be followed by a uniformed one ????
  17. As the last grains of democracy get ground down to dust up goes the Baht in this bizarre land ????
  18. Were the 3 foreigners surprised with something unexpected and kicked off????
  19. The one thing that will emerge from this swamp is a thing you never voted for ????
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