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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. I think the only sensible way forward is to fly in Boris Johnson and Liz Truss to finish off the country they have had great success in it already ????
  2. Follow the silk road straight into Xi's pocket now hurry up with that high speed train track boats take to long you Muppets ????
  3. Sure to be a lot of sympathy for a RR driving Chinese woman on here what's the Mandarin for go swivel ????
  4. No criticism allowed otherwise I'm making my own tea/coffee and food and that is never going to happen again ????
  5. Doubt the mutt was so forgiving really he only wanted a bone to chew on ????
  6. Wish I hadn't read this story but hopefully adults will get harmed severely ????
  7. No idea why I have the urge for a sausage sandwich right now but I think she dose ????
  8. Is the snake spelling out "W" for winner in the next lottery ????
  9. There only two things left that are legal here coups and recoups ????
  10. Unfortunately closing the coffin lid will also be a problem if the bite is fatal ????
  11. Going to cruise until the wheels fall off my 2010 lancer mainly due to the eye watering price I paid for it in 2011 ????
  12. A few years ago my PAYG CC provider said they were withdrawing the Orange service I had £5k on it with a week to get it off and cash limits of £250 per day the only fast way was gold 5k in one hit so yes you can ????
  13. The 2.3 billion profit comes from a single ticket sale from the prices they are charging these days ????
  14. Just come to visit uncle Fred who smoked in bed and some scoundrels robbed us blind ????
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