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Posts posted by brucetefl

  1. Many have given some very sound advice. Arrogantly (and I have certainly been accused of being arrogant before) I have already thought of most of this. However, this being a forum, its likely very good information for the next person who comes along.

    I have already met with one of the major franchise-marketing organizations now. I am preparing the information they want but they seem confident this will be a hit. Time will tell.

  2. Lots of differences from the main-stream music schools, both in pricing and costs. If you can get 80 students you will earn a profit of about 90,000 per month. Cost to the student is the same if not less per hour.

    I want to open 50 in Thailand, 200 in China and 50 in other SEA countries. Doing that would require huge outside investment. I am not dead set on franchising but that seems like the best model.

  3. Thanks for the heads up on the thaifranchisecenter (US Commercial Services had made that suggestion only a few days ago) and dealfish, which I knew about but, oddly, never considered. I will give it a try.

    For those interested, this is a totally new area for me, so I literally spent the first year experimenting and perfecting things. Its taken some interesting turns.

    Its a:

    Music school, with live teachers but also all the exclusive, proprietary lessons are from the US and on video, tablets and online, both to support the teachers and to allow the students to review the lesson at home via Moodle.

    Level testing for each instrument.

    Al the students are put into bands and they are pushed to perform. This gives them social interaction with other kids and motivation to practice.

    Here is an example:

    After they have been performing we send them to the studio and have their songs recorded and professionally mixed by a prominent producer (formerly for both Sony BMG and Grammy). Here is an example of a band of kids 14 to 16 years old.


    The songs have turned out pretty well so we can get them on the radio.

    We produce music videos too, as well as our own TV show which can be shown on local cable.

    We have our own line of musical instruments (King USA) and also sell other select brands at the school.

    I am sure I am leaving some details out but thats the gist of it.

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  4. i would start with a website and youtube video in thai explaining the business in thai and put a poster up in your business location. can't sunbelt recommend a thai firm if they are only interested in farang customers? maybe start pm'ing all the guys starting topics about "starting a restaurant/bar/coffee shop".

    one last thing, what would the benefit be of starting a franchise with you be over just starting the business by themselves?

    Thanks for the suggestions. I did manage to find a company in Thailand that specializes in selling franchises to Thais. Website is all in Thai but I managed to get an appointment and will visit them next week.

  5. Unpaid salary--go straight to Labor.

    The Educational Service Area (ESA) is the place where you should go. There are 1-3 ESAs in each province. About 185 nationwide. If the school in question is a government school, it can all be handled there. If it's a private school, the ESA might direct you to the OPEC.

    Really? We contacted the regional education office some 9 months ago regarding unpaid salary. They have their own lawyer, you know?

    Several letters (as requested) later, they now refer us to some other government agency, as the school has been stonewalling.

    More to the point, it's surprising that some foreigner wants to get paid for time worked.

    This school doesn't give two hoots about the law, the TCT's license program or stuff like Work Permits or Immigration laws.

    There are all these laws & rules - and then there is what goes down.

  6. Hi! I am making a lot of short videos these days, things like music videos and short TV programs. We use an iMac and Final Cut Pro X. The work my in house guys do is... adequate. Its minimually professional. I would like somehting more. Higher production value (maybe using After Effects).

    Does anyone know where I could find some help with this? Or does anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking of giving the "finished" working file to someone who could then make it more interesting.

    But where to find this person?


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