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Posts posted by brucetefl

  1. Perhaps you think you are in the Germanvisa or USAvisa website????

    Last time I checked the window we are still in Thailand.

    I thought that there was a rule on this forum that prohibited to promote, encourage or even talk about illegal activities.

    So far I have seen several replies, including one from a administrator, that advise the OP to take the job if it suits him, knowing that the job he was offered is illegal because there will be no workpermit provided.

    Do I miss something?

  2. No. I fully understand the legalities. I was responding to Jacksam.

    None of my professors in my BS (Economics and International Relations) or MBA had a teaching qualification.

    Apparently I am doomed.

    My mom mainly taught me how to speak English. Its quite lucky she has her US teachers license. Otherwise I never would have learned to speak English! my sister, dad and the TV helped. Lucky they did not totally screw it up.

    I speak Cantonese, Mandarin, and some Thai. I should have asked all the people who helped me learn if they had proper qualifications! They must have since my Chinese is pretty good.

    You guys are so full of yourselves.


    I think you confuse people capabilities with what the law requires.

  3. None of my professors in my BS (Economics and International Relations) or MBA had a teaching qualification.

    Apparently I am doomed.

    My mom mainly taught me how to speak English. Its quite lucky she has her US teachers license. Otherwise I never would have learned to speak English! my sister, dad and the TV helped. Lucky they did not totally screw it up.

    I speak Cantonese, Mandarin, and some Thai. I should have asked all the people who helped me learn if they had proper qualifications! They must have since my Chinese is pretty good.

    You guys are so full of yourselves.


  4. I absolutely do not belive that. Sorry.

    Give us name of school, location and dates. Name of teachers would be even better.

    Otherwise I say its not true.

    In 18 years including personal experience at a school that was visited by Immigration, I have never heard of anyone being deported. I have only heard of one person being fined... 500 baht.

    Your sister's mothers, friend's cousin's co workers do not count.

    Things may change, but they have not changed yet. And its likely the schools will be punished, not the teachers (if history holds form).

    PS: My younger, good looking, degreeless friend walked into an easy job at a tech college earning 35,000. He could teach privates but would rather have the free time.

    I am as usual amazed by the amount of misinfo posted. To say that very few people are caught is entirely incorrect - at the school where my wife works five teachers were caught and instantly deported and in another school in the same town all the teachers who did not have degrees were told to leave so................as for this salary - for your qualifications it's all you'll get but you could'nt live in bangkok for that unless your girlfriend is supporting you. I know loads of teachers in Bangkok and none of them earn less than 50 and most 75 with privates.

    If you really want to teach go get a degree, then you can get a work permit and a good salary. You may have worked illegally for the last two years but I got to tell you , kiddo, those days are over. You will see inspections, raids and all sorts starting very soon and you'll be caught for sure. Don't be a mug -get legal before it's too late and they deport , fine you and refuse you reentry forever -that's my advice anyway. if you don't believe me start really reading this form and if yoyr'e very bright you may notice that in the last two weeks the tide has completely changed.

    • Like 1
  5. But no one will ever need to bail you out because, if history is any indication, there will be no real punishment.

    Hey OP

    Don't mind the jaded old farts on here. If I was young, gorgeous, have big d$ck, hiso gf, I would just take the job for spending money (makes sure your hiso gf gets you condo first though).

    If you get caught by immigration just ask your your well connected gf's family to bail you out. BTW, best to get her pregnant first.

    Just my 2 satang. Best of luck stud muffin!!

  6. Hahaha

    Not even remotely close.

    You have a valid opinion, but why not make the point without attacking others?

    I can honestly say that, from his few posts here, the OP comes across as an "unqualified, spoiled, punk kid" but its also true that most of the rest of you come across as bitter, angry old men.


    And the attacks continue.

    Whats wrong with just answering the guys question and letting him make his own life decisions.

    Its not like you are this dude's mommy!

    Thank Buddha.

    Personally, I would like to know the school is only hiring educated teachers who are qualified to teach my kids, not some kid who feels entitled to stay in Thailand because his girlfriend has a family member in the school. It's about having decent teachers, not unqualified, spoiled, punk kids.

    If you're referring to me, I'm hardly bitter. I would, however, like to see the Thai school system hire someone qualified. Apparently this matters very little to you. Lemme guess....you teach, you have a TEFL, but no degree?

  7. There is plenty of attitude going both ways.

    And the attacks continue.

    Whats wrong with just answering the guys question and letting him make his own life decisions.

    Its not like you are this dude's mommy!

    Would I want him teaching my kids? The way it works in most schools is the school hires and supervises the teachers. I expect them to do a professional job. In this case I have no idea if the guy is any good. I have seen him post on a forum. Not a very complete picture of his teaching ability or lack hereof.

    I think most people are questioning his legal status and you can see attitude throughout his posts.

  8. I can honestly say that, from his few posts here, the OP comes across as an "unqualified, spoiled, punk kid" but its also true that most of the rest of you come across as bitter, angry old men.


    And the attacks continue.

    Whats wrong with just answering the guys question and letting him make his own life decisions.

    Its not like you are this dude's mommy!

    Thank Buddha.

    Personally, I would like to know the school is only hiring educated teachers who are qualified to teach my kids, not some kid who feels entitled to stay in Thailand because his girlfriend has a family member in the school. It's about having decent teachers, not unqualified, spoiled, punk kids.

    • Like 1
  9. And the attacks continue.

    Whats wrong with just answering the guys question and letting him make his own life decisions.

    Its not like you are this dude's mommy!

    Would I want him teaching my kids? The way it works in most schools is the school hires and supervises the teachers. I expect them to do a professional job. In this case I have no idea if the guy is any good. I have seen him post on a forum. Not a very complete picture of his teaching ability or lack hereof.

    • Like 2
  10. Sounds like a very boring life where you would achieve very little.

    If you get caught overstaying, you will wind up in a detention center. Hopefully for only a short time, nobody knows for sure. Visa runs, no one knows if they will be possible in the future.

    The only thing we know for sure is changes are coming down the pipe. The future is uncertain. Perhaps, in a few short months, everything will become clear and the actual impact will be minimal.

    The problem is if, by luck of the draw, you happen to be the one to be made an example of. The question is “Why take a chance?”

    If things go south, you will pay the price, no one else. So, to protect yourself, expect the absolute worse that could occur when you are making a decision. Better to be safe than adventurous.

    It is much smarter to stay legit.

    • Like 1
  11. We have been over this before.

    Apparently very few people are even caught teaching illegally. And those that are caught are occasionally given a small fine.

    Only a few people know of anyone getting caught. And the only fine was for 500 baht.

    Some people know people who have been deported, but those were the result of fraudulent documents or serious overstay.

    You can believe this, the reality, or the fear mongers.

    • Like 2
  12. I don't know about OP, but anyone who tries to deny that young and good-looking is not important in Thailand is just being dishonest. Every year it becomes more obvious--looks are just important if not more important than teaching ability. Sad but true. Maybe I wouldn't be sad if I were young and handsome.

    30,000 is not very good in Bangkok. Even without a degree. 35,000 is the normal starting salary. Degree or no degree.

    • Like 2
  13. Do you guys think these kind of projects happen over night?


    It took me 2 years of work before we had our first class of the BA TESOL.  I have already been working on this for nearly 2 years including numerous trips to the US.

    It will happen.  Just looking for some input and ideas.

  14. In my opinion, the biggest problem with Thai universities is that they overvalue their degrees. A PhD from a Thai University will run you around 800,000 baht. An international program will run you roughly 500,000.

    When I was creating the BA TESOL I received a great deal of flack from the administrators of University because at 1,000 baht per credit the program was far too inexpensive. They insisted it should be twice as much. And took a great deal of time for me to explain to them that the market would only support approximately 1,000 baht per hour, or 3,000 baht per month. The students only earn 30,000 to 40,000. In the end its a market.

  15. I guess there goes that whole "a thesis is never more than six credits" theory?




    Not Snarky, just seems like a lot of guess work and not as much personal experience.  A thesis is never more than 6 credits.
    All that is required for a teacher's license is a Bachelors in Education, a teacher's license in one's own country or a Masters in Education. Not sure if they accept them anymore but they used to accept the Praxis tests.
    "I could be wrong on this, but most M.Eds I've heard of seem to focus more on leadership/managing a school"
    There are so many specialties with a Masters in Education. Some are for management and wouldn't have a practicum but most that are for licensure require it.

    " For programs requiring a thesis, a maximum of 12 credits of thesis (699)/research (698) (with a minimum of 6 credits of thesis) may be applied toward degree requirements. For programs requiring a project, a maximum of 6 research (698) credits may be applied toward degree requirements. A student may enroll in as many thesis and/or research credits as needed to remain in good standing."

    Information taken from here. http://uaf.edu/catalog/current/graduate/grad2.html

    " Thesis Credit

    During their degree program, a student completing a thesis must enroll for a minimum of 6 thesis (899) credits and may enroll for a maximum of 10 thesis (899) credits. The exact number of credits within this range to be applied toward the degree will be determined by the faculty of the individual programs. "

    Another one : http://www.unh.edu/grad-catalog/gi.cfm?thisid=196&masterid=190&headingid=125

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



  16. Here in Rayong the "best" school is Rayong Wit. The competitions are always held at their school and they always win. And I mean ALWAYS win. But last year, it was so obvious that my daughter was better, I think the judges couldn't do it. They had to finally give it to my daughter. Then she went on to win the national competition in Muang Thong Thani.

    But she barely won in Rayong.

  17. The cost of getting a degree in the US has increased 1,120 percent in the last 30 years.

    That was not a typo. Twelve fold increase in 30 years.

    It gets to a point where the investment cannot pay off.

    So, yes, the move to overseas education is happening and will continue to happen.

    Some of the better Engineering schools, especially Computer Engineering are in India.

    Its true Thai universities do not have a great reputation (and I am being kind) but people buy all kinds of cars. Some buy a cheap Suzuki. Some buy a Mercedes Benz.

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