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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. Hopefully your boss isn't reading this forum.... as he might get even more pissed when he sees you posting about him yelling at his staff :o

    And you can't really tell without knowing what position the girl works in whether or not she is a twit.

    If she is just some secretary that someone once mentioned to her "Oh yeah, can you take care of the website", then you can't really blame her.

    If her whole job is website related why is she still working there?

  2. Works on my Bangkok TOT DSL fine.

    * True does seem to be a bit harser with their ban list though.

    I used to have True at my old apartment and alot of sites were banned, on TOT i almost never run into a banned site. Service seems about the same from both companies though.

  3. Ever seen any uprooted slum? There was a kind of shanty town slum down there street from me that got pulled up (for whatever reason). When people moved their shacks all that was left was like 2 inches of solid trash (plastic, paper, cardboard, cans, bottles etc...).

    It seems the entire time the slum had been there everyone just threw their trash under their house....

    If people dont mind living amongst their own trash how are you supposed to teach them not to through trash in other areas (where they dont even have to sleep)?

  4. Troll to the max, here's the real story rewritten:

    My #1 wife divorced me because I'm poor, old but yet immature.

    My #2 wife divorced me for much the same reasons.

    My #1 wife asked me to come back to *her* house to drop off the last 5 years allimony payments that i've missed. I think i may be able to rekindle the flame with a box of mexican wine.

    My #2 wife still hates me, but has not yet asked me to come and drop off any money at *her* house.

    My current g/f thinks i'm a <deleted>.

  5. Get extremely drunk on beer and vodka, dance around like a loony, throw up, drink more, tell my best friends that I love them and all those people I despise what a bunch of ###### they are, throw up, drink some more, tell my GF for the hundreth time how much I love her then get caught in a clinch with her sister/aunt/mum, get a slap, throw up, cry, drink some more, try to make it up with GF, give up, drink some more, get naked, try to go skinny dipping, tell everybody how sorry I am as they help me back into my clothes, drink some more, tell my GF I promise to behave, get into a speed drinking competition with the die hard drinkers, throw up, drink some more, swing from the rafters singing jingle bells, throw up, drink some more, cry, laugh, scream and shout, wish everybody a merry xmas and pass out, wake up on Xmas day and don't remember a thing.

    Just another quiet Xmas really. :o


  6. Speaking on cheeky farang beggars:

    I was at Pantip with some friends and some dirty looking bloke comes over to us with some BS story about how he needed 100 baht to buy his stereo! LOL.

    Yes thats right he was begging for money to buy a stereo!

    Obviously we told him nicely "Sorry all out of money mate".

    At which point he told us to "F Off", followed by him scampering off fairly quickly in the other direction.

    The nerve of some people...

  7. The weirdest thing about KSR is you walk down it and theres like 80% farang. Then you walk like 2 streets over and it's down to like 5%.

    That always bugs me, it makes me feel what the heck is wrong with my fellow farang, they dont even bother wandering out of the 1 or 2 street area...

  8. What would you prefer:

    1) General policy of no Indians

    2) You have to sign a form saying you don't and won't smell bad, and if you do end up smelling bad they have the right to kick you out.

    Either way its harsh, but if the people in the other condos don't want any smell...then what other options are there?

    You may say "Well some white people smell too", true. But the white people who smell tend to be lower class, fat people that probably couldn't afford to move in anyways.

    And honestly i havent meet that many Thai people who actually smell (BO), but they certainly can stink up the place with some of their dishes.

    But then again most buildings have rules about certain kinds of Thai food that cannot be cooked (Durran (sp?) seems be common on this list)

  9. If God decides it's time for me to go then so be it, but I wouldn't let him get away with it.

    I thought Buddhists didn't have a "God"?

    And also though the Buddhist philosphy was a charma type thing, as my wife says "Do bad thing, get bad thing"....so normally wouldn't most Buddhists just let the guy go and assume that his bad charma would catch up to him somehow?

  10. Has happened to me at one of the SCB ATMs at the MRT (I know, how many acronyms can i fit in 1 sentence).

    Lucky my wife was with me, so she called the service center phone # on the ATM. They weren't much help, said we needed to call our bank? (Their ATM just died and i need to call my bank??)

    We walked around for awhile, went to talk to the MRT officers, still no luck.

    Went back to the ATM just as a repair crew arriving. My wife took the issue up with them again. The leader of the repair crew called someone at the office, and to cut a long story short they reversed the withdrawl and money was back in about 5 days....lucky it was only 1,000 baht anyways.

    My advice: Wait around by the ATM for atleast 30 minutes after, and see if a the repair guys show up. If they do, attempt to explain that it didnt give your money, and try and get them to call someone at the office...

    "Mai Hi Ngun!" :o

    If you go to your bank you will have to go through all kinds of hoops (mailing in signed affidavits that you didnt get your money etc... etc...)

  11. In most cases I'm aware of, the expenses incurred for the procedures involved do not permit refunds for visa's.

    You are gutted and upset that it didn't work out.

    Fair enough.

    What's not fair enough is that you tried to cheat the system, lie to the immigration (effectively of two nations), disrespect your not-yet-ex wife, get an agency to put all these lies, YOUR lies, in their name, and the fact that you didn't get your way now has you seeking sympathy here.


    Play it again, Sam.

    Seems like an unfair comment.

    If the expenses dont permit refunds then they should not advertise refunds.... (it being too expensive is no excuse if you promise it to your customers)

    And you make it seem as though he went through every agency until he could find one that would lie and cheat the system....

    I'm not sure if we are reading the same post, the OP clearly says that the agent PMed him, promising a Visa, and was also the agent who came up with the hair brained lies.

    Its true you could accuse the OP being a bit gullible, but thats about it.

  12. I told him that he failed to get us the visa and he should refund our money. He said that his guarantee didn’t include “regret” and that he wouldn’t refund us.

    I dont get it? What does he mean it doesnt include "regret"? :o

  13. I've taken a ride in a meter taxi with a cop that was working evenings as a taxi driver.

    Didn't think too much about it except, "No wonder the police take bribes if they need to drive a taxi at night to make ends meet".

  14. Remember that b*tches like that usually get their b*tchiness from having some money and being able to treat people like sh*t.

    And naturally being Thai she will want to "show her power", and the only way to "show your power" at a Thai wedding is by a LARGE size payout at the "Rap Why" (sp?).

    So atleast if she does come, you may be able to pocket a decent size check.

    Obviously i know it's not about the money, but if your d@mned if you do and your d@mned if you don't then you may as well end up with some extra $$ in your pocket.

  15. My method for curing stomach problems is boiled eggs.

    Eat as many as you can (i'm talking like 2 or 3 per meal, so around 6-8 a day)... has worked for me everytime.

    I first attempted it when i had a similar situation as the OP.

    I had been running to the toilet every 5 minutes for 5 days. My stomach was hurting so bad i couldnt sleep, just lay around the room all day. I'd tried all kinds of different pills, some from Thai doctor and some that i had brought with me.

    But nothing worked....until the boiled eggs, 1 day of eggs you'll feel alot better, 2 days and you'll be completely better!

    Its worth a try!

  16. That truck is that Thai's entire life probably. He likely keeps it pristine and immaculate. Then a bumbling balcony cleaner dumps a bucket full of scum water onto the truck. Thai goes ballistic, can't blame him. OP cleans truck but he won't have that truck back the way it was. Thai makes reasonable demand for pittance amount of 250 baht. Amount should have been paid immediately w/o hesitation. everything that happened after (actions by OP) and suggestions in this thread are insane and ludicrous

    So where do you draw the line?

    What if someone stepped in a puddle next to the truck and it splashed some mug to the side, they should we also be required to pay money?

    What if someone poured some water in the street, and he drives over it causing dirt to be flicked up onto the truck. They should have to pay money?

    And not just pay, but pay all demands instantly without hesitation?

    Personally i just dont see why money needs to come into. We took the time to apoligize and made it right by cleaning the truck (and it was spotless).

    In my book (and most people i know) that would be the end of it.

  17. Thanks for the responses. Sometimes a good slagged of the bloke helps me have a laugh about the situation...especially after hearing some of the suggest methods of revenge.

    (Especially the condom under the door, nice one :o )

    A few people mentioned calling the police. At the time i did say to my wife maybe we should call the police. But she said no.

    Later she said that if the police had come, seeing as there was no damage to the truck, they probably would have told the guy to <deleted> off. But she said that guys like this always try and get you back.

    And also that she was a much easier target, and it would probably be her that had something happen.

    It does not seem that Thais have a problem exacting their revenge on a defenceless woman.

  18. My first almost violent run in with a Thai person:

    I was cleaning the walls of one of my balconies with my wife, as we're going to repaint it tomorrow. Some of dirty water ran over the side of the balcony and down the building, and landed on a pickup truck that was parked below.

    We had not noticed this until the angry owner (a guy about my age; early 20s) came to our door demanding 2000 baht.

    We went downstairs to take a look, and the truck was quite dirty, so we understood his frustration, apologized and offered to clean the truck for him.

    He was still yelling, and i didn't understand most of what he said, but my wife later it was mostly swearing.

    So we washed the truck off until it was spotless. And the guy comes back outside still yelling...saying that now he wanted 250 baht (i have no idea why it was now 250 instead of 2000). At this point i kind of switched into "What the <deleted> is this pr*ck's problem" mode.

    As we'd been down apologized and cleaned the dirt? But apparently this was no enough for him.

    He kept demanding 250 baht, which i kept saying no too. The whole time my wife was saying to me, maybe we should just give him the money.

    He then went into his truck and got a stick.

    Bare in mind that this bloke is literally half my size, and it was going to take a lot more than a stick to beat 250 baht out of me (a gun or knife would probably have done it).

    I still said no to his 250. My wife was worried at this point, and his hooker-looking g/f had now come outside to join the party.

    After about another 15 minutes of his standing there yelling. My wife managed to convince me to just fork over the 250 baht and be done with it.

    I wish he had actually tried something with his stick so i could have had good reason to kick the sh*t out of the little pr*ck.

    Really pissed me off though, and then when we went back to the room my wife started crying as he was a "bad man", and she was scared, which pissed me off even more.

    I still feel like going to his room and beating the crap out of him, but as my wife says (and i've read at TV many times), Thai people like this will probably get all their friends involved.

    There, just had to get it off my chest...

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