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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. Seems to be a lot of posts about "keep it to yourself", but its the nature of the religion not to keep it to youself. If your Christian, and believe all non-believers will end up going to hel_l, then you are obligated to try to hep them.

    The thing that does bug me is those "Preaching" who do not actually know enough about the religion to be doing so.

    Until you know your religion inside and out stay away from the Preaching, and continue learning. People do have questions, and when the street Preachers just stand there bemused it doesnt really help anyone.

    But i'm not sure that Christianity is the same thing in Thailand anyways. My wife got roped into going to a Christian church group meeting and people just kept saying "Do you accept?" , "Do you believe?", despite the fact that no one had yet told her anything about the religion.

    She said they just kept saying "Oh My God" repeatedly.

    The funniest part of the evening was when some woman said to her:

    "You should accept, I accepted and now i always get the good parking space whenever i go to Central"

  2. So we called TOT again today, and this time they said "Sure we have plenty of lines available, just fax us a map of where your condo is and we'll hook up the phone and hi-speed"

    I guess we just happened to catch some lazzy b*tch last time we called. Hopefully we will be all set now.

    We also went into True (instead of calling), but they still said you have to wait until there is a cancellation.

    I also looked in the IPStar satellite broadband by CSLoxinfo, but this is 2,500 baht per month just for the 256kb connection....so this will be a last resort.

  3. I just bought a condo in the Ratchada area (BKK). The condo is about 2 km from the Ladprao MRT station.

    But yet my wife called True to get a phone and hi-speed hooked up and they said "No numbers available, we'll put you on the waiting list".... So according to them its not possible for me to get a phone or internet until someone else in the area cancels theirs?

    And they could not give us any time estimate, could be a month, could be a year type of thing.

    So then we called TOT and they just said "Too far from the box" whatever this means...?

    So i'm at a loose of what to do in order to get internet hooked up there? As i required internet for my work, are there any other options apart from TOT or True. Or other internet options which do not require a phone line?

    The whole thing just blows my mind as its in the middle of tons of condo and appartment buildings, and they are telling me that no one else in the area can get a phone number??

  4. My wifes family has never asked me for any money, but has offered to lend me money many times. My mother in law just offered to lend us the money to renovate one of the bathrooms, and just said pay it back whenever you get the chance.

    I probably wont take up the offer, but never the less...

    So far i've never been asked by any Thai if they can borrow anything.

  5. Can we know also where is your really address now? In Bangkok or in Rayong? This is an important question for the 90 days address reports!

    My real address is in Rayong i guess, as thats where i told immigration i was going to stay when i applied for my Type O and when i arrived in BKK.

    But actually we are staying at an temporary appartment in BKK, we told the immigration officer this when applying for 1 year, and they just said "Coming back here in 90 days".

    So i'm not sure if it really matters where you apply or check-in?

  6. ...i'm constantly shocked by how much easier it is than i expected.

    I would wait with this statement. You did not get your extension yet. Right?

    Figured i'd post the outcome:

    I went down to immigration, (1 month after i filled the application). 15 minutes later and i'm walking out with my 1 year stamp :o

    So to all those readers who may in the future be applying for the same thing, i'd just say don't worry about it, the process is way easier than you might think.

  7. Even if you paint your own house and you are caught you are deem as working. So you helping your wife is working. 50,OOO Baht minimum fine and they could even deport you. Be careful.

    This makes no sense? Even if you had a word permit to work at ABC company it would only allow you to work at that location, so this means that any foreigner doing repairs on their home, or cleaning their home, or even... making the bed, would be subject to 50,000 baht fine?

  8. even beckham was surprised; he threw up on the pitch right after the celebrations!

    Yes, what was up with Beckham? He looked sick as he11 for the second half? Hopefully he's in full form for the Portugal match.

  9. Perfect, cheers. I will definately have to go there this week.

    Best advice...

    Go to the showroom of carpet international on Petburi road. They are the manufactory but at the show room the help you as well..... very friendly and very good prices as the sell you the left overs from big projects.

    Address: 2054 New Petchburi Rd.

    Website: www.carpetinterthai.com.

    Ask for Mr. Nattapong...speaks brilliant english and very helpfull. Mobile: 098959005

    They also do you a free design on a computer so you can look how the results will be before they install.

    Hope this helps

  10. Other wise International Carpets on New Petchaburi on the left going toward Asoke after Soi 39 turn off, if I remember rightly.

    Thanks for the tip, i will try to track this place down.

    I also found this website:


    Which seems to have a list of carpet sellers, so i guess i'll start working through that list too.

    why would you want filthy dirty carpet in the tropics,in the rainy season it stinks,if you spill the cofee,it stains,do yourself a favour and put some nice tiles down,and then a nice rug.

    Its a condo in Bangkok, not a hut in the jungle. And i'm pretty sure coffee will stain your carpet in any part of the world.

  11. Anyone know of a good (*and cheap*) place in Bangkok to buy carpet?

    I've started looking for a place to get a fitted carpet for my condo, but it seems that no where sells it, except for homepro that only sells the crappy office-style carpet.

    Also if anyone knows of a place do you also have any ideas about price ranges that i should expect to pay?

    :'( i really dont want tile on my bedroom floor, just doesnt seem natural :o

  12. Do all Thai tv channels (non-ubc) show King related programming from 8pm onwards all the time? Or is this just because of the 60th anniversary?

    (I have no idea as until the world cup i had no reason to tune into the Thai channels)

  13. After some consideration i have come up with the best way to get your money back:

    Follow these steps carefully:

    Step 1) Go to your friends house/appartment just to say "hi"

    Step 2) Invite yourself in and start a conversation

    Step 3) Scope out the area and try to find something of 7,000 baht value which is portable

    Step 4) Make up a reason that you need to borrow the item ("I'm have some people over this weekend, do you think i can borrow your rice cooker/TV/stove/DVD Player/etc...?")

    At this point they know they *Must* lend you the item because you lent them the 7,000 baht. They also know at this point that they will not see the item again until they give back the 7,000 baht.

    So they must choose whether they have the item or the money. There will be one of 2 outcomes:

    1) They lend you the item and you never hear from them again. You sell the item and get your money.

    2) They show up the next week to pick up the item, with your money in their hand.

    Either way you get your money, without so much as mentioning it.

  14. I also have Bank of America, and the way i get most of my money here is by using Paypal.

    Bank of America charges $5 per every transaction here. Whereas if you get a Paypal debit card all debit/credit card transactions are free, and ATM withdrawls cost $1 (and no cost on the Thai end)

    It actually works out cheaper to take the money out of Paypal using an ATM than to wire transfer money from bank of america to a thai bank. (which is ridiculous)

    (Bank of America charges $45 per wire transfer to Thailand)

    The only downside to the Paypal card is that you are limited to withdrawing of $400 per day at the ATM and $2000 per day for debit/credit card transactions.

    And its free to transfer money from Bank of America into your Paypal account. Plus you earn 4.8% interest from Paypal.

  15. More than a few thousand baht,

    UBC from the Guy: 4,000 baht

    UBC from UBC:

    Installation: 9,500

    Deposit: 2,000

    Equipment: 150 per month

    UBC PLATINUM PACKAGE: 2,000 per month

    Thats savings of 33,300 baht in the first year and 28,000 in each subsequent year?

  16. So the tech in my condo asked me if i wanted UBC hooked up for a 1 time fee of 4,000 baht *for all channels forever*.

    Obviously hes just going to hook me up to someone else's dish with an descrambling box etc...

    I know in the US if you get caught stealing cable you get totally screwed (5 year jail and like $100,000 fines), is it the same here? For example if my free UBC was somehow discovered how much would it cost me to make it go away?

    Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing, as i wonder if UBC changes their encyption then is my 4,000 baht down the drain?

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