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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. I'd say the best course of action would be to immediately go to flippa.com

    Find one of the websites that is guaranteeing to make you a millionaire within two or three months.

    Look at your bank account summary and enter the balance amount into the Flippa bid field.

    This way it will all be over within a few months, and you can then go about rebuilding your finances.

    • Like 1
  2. Why don't you start driving him to school, so that he no longer needs the bike?

    Well I've thought about that too, if it comes to it I would do it but it would not be convenient. Look I dont mind him going to a friends place or hanging out somewhere after school one or two days a week, on about 3 days he comes straight home. I want to in concert with the missus teach him the concept that he can say no. Because that is what all this comes down to, in many cases that I have seen Thais are unwilling to say no. The other thing seriously, is they have ants in their pants, the mere fact that a motorcycle is sitting there with a key in it is sufficient to manufacture an excuse to go somewhere, I see it all the time. This kid didn't buy any shoes. I've been waiting since Friday to see if any thing was raised and nothing has been so I will have to .

    It just seems to me that you are looking for options that require you to not actually have to put any time in? I asked my wife if she'd let out son drive a motorbike to school when he's 16...she just about sh*t herself.

    School runs are not convenient; being a parent is not convenient...but if you want to be a good dad you got to put in the time. Otherwise may as well just ignore these issues for the next 2 years and then show him the door at 18, that would be convenient.

    Think you need to decide what exactly your role is. If you don't really want much to do with the kids, then a motorbike is a small price to pay for peace and quiet at home.

  3. I notice that no where does he deny that he stole the furniture in question?

    Suppose if he did steal the "furniture" which could mean anything (Beds, couches, air conditioners, frig?) in a large house that would be hundreds of thousands...if that was the case I don't see why the landlord shouldn't file a complaint?

    Already raises red flags that he's using a residential rented house as a furniture warehouse....

  4. I often come on TV to complain about companies, so I figured I should also write a few good reviews.

    Note that I have no affiliation with this company, I am just a happy customer.

    I used Bangkok Service to translate a Thai utility bill to English for me:


    I just uploaded the scan document via their quote form and got a quote back within the same day (400 for translation, plus 50 for their official stamp). Which seemed very reasonable as the bill had a lot of Thai text. I sent the money to their Thai bank account online.

    They sent me back a translated and stamped PDF within 24 hours. Very easy and convenient, never had to leave my desk...

  5. You will need to seek approval from the Condo office first.

    But provided the Condo is built with columns and beams (as opposed to pre-fab load bearing walls) then you should be able to knock out any wall.

    The brick walls look a lot more solid than they actually are. Take an angle-grinder and cut deep lines at the edge of the wall (so that you get a nice break) then go to town on the wall with a sledge hammer.

    Obviously make sure there are no pipes or wires running through the wall first.

  6. I get a BUPA international family package from www.pacificprime.com. It's a low premium, high deductible (for expensive emergencies, not coughs & colds etc..). Costs about $1200 per year for family of 4.

    Coverage is up to 70Million THB, but with a 400,000THB deductible.

    • Like 1
  7. Just take it out of the box before you fly, customs won't look twice.

    I've traveled through customs lots of times with scrollers, never had a problem as they'll just assume there is a baby that it belongs to.

  8. If so I can understand how my use of the "Tamada" ("normal") could be confusing, as this only makes sense if there is a (premium, "not normal" version)?

    I feel you should return to said Caltex and apologise for calling the lowly paid worker a monkey, he is only there to serve the customer and in this instance it appears he was doing as asked.

    No he did not do as asked. Please re-read what I said to him. Sentence included gasohol 95, and the cheapest one.

    If he was confused that I asked him for the "normal gasohol 95" any normal "person" would communicate that did not understand, instead a monkey would grab any old pump and stick it in.

    And then when I asked him "*<deleted>* Why I did you pump the most expensive one" he smiled and said "Yes this one is very expensive"...sorry still a monkey in my book.

    And I suppose I am also a monkey for thinking there was a premium gasohol 95, but does not make him less of one.

    • Like 1
  9. So there is actually no such thing as a "Regular" versus "Premium" gasohol 95?

    If so I can understand how my use of the "Tamada" ("normal") could be confusing, as this only makes sense if there is a (premium, "not normal" version)?

    Are benzine 95 and gasohol 95 compatible (ie will not damage an engine that has only been running on gasohol 95 all it's life)?

  10. So you drive into the petrol station completely unaware of the price of Gasahol 95 and yet you need to rant about the "Monkey" pumping the wrong gas and then come here whinging you paid "30% more"............... how do you know you paid 30% more if you have no idea what the price per litre is.

    The hide of some people, seriously.

    I normally don't look at the price per litre, but know that it costs about 1100-1200 to fill up my car....once the totally starts to hit 1600 i'm thinking <deleted>! At which point I stop the guy and specifically point and ask the price for each pump (which is still not displayed)... at which point I discover the regular (that I specifically asked for) is 37baht, the premium that he put in is 48, by my calculations that is about 30% more.

  11. I normally go out of my way to fill up at a Caltex station, since I think they are superior to PTT, but that's a personal opinion of course.

    However I have never noticed they had a premium Gasohol 95 and a regular Gasohol 95.

    I think Shell they have something like that but last I recall from it is that it's an about 3 Baht premium, which I hardly would call 30 % , since 95 Gasohol these days is close to 40 Baht a liter.

    The one I was hit up today was 48baht per litre, compares to the 37baht regular.

  12. So who is the monkey then, the guy pumping or the one taking zero notice of what is being pumped................

    50-50. But also let me point out that even when the per unit price is displayed only the one being pumped is displayed, the other pumps still remain blank (so you have no reference point to compare the price to).

    Anyways I will vote with my feet and make a more serious mental note never to stop there again.


    I never normally use Caltex, but when I do have the misfortune of stopping there for gas I always manage to end up with the premium.

    Firstly there are no prices on the pumps, and the gas has various names like "Hi-techo" and "Gold" etc.. position of the pumps seems to have no bearing on the price.

    No matter what I say to the pump monkey he manages to do a switcheroo and start pumping the premium gas, which is about 30% more expensive. I say in Thai "Gasahol 95 tamada tuuk sut, dem tank" and some how he manages to translate that into "He wants the most expensive one".

    And then when I see the final price and piss and moan about it they always tell "Oh, this IS the normal one, did you mean the other normal one?"

    I just despise companies who's marketing strategy is to trick, con and bamboozle customers into buying a higher prices product that they did not want. It happens every time at any Caltex station so is obviously a directive handed down from the top.

    I normally stop at PPT and have never been conned or tricked, and get a couple of free waters each time.


    • Like 1
  14. I agree with Thailaw's posts.

    In my experience here's a quick price guide (prices per year), these are prices in Bangkok, Pattaya may differ a bit:

    State Schools = You will end up with kids that think Norway is next to Sudan (seriously)

    30K-60K = Acceptable Thai language only schools (which may be difficult to get into due to limited places and high demand, additional back handers required).

    60K-90K = English Program schools with "50% English"...but most kids can't actually speak English.

    90K-150K = Good English Program schools with international curriculum "50% English"...where kids can speak English

    150K-350K = Good International schools with English as primary language and international curriculum

    350K-800K = Must have golden toilets seats installed or something? (Out of my price range so never visited)

    800K+ = They allow you to drive your car over 1 security guard per week.

    To be brutally honest if you can't "sustain" £100 per month for your child's education (basic EP school), then this move is really not in your child's best interests at all, and parents being very selfish.

  15. Bit coin, like PMs, has the limited supply and creation rates, so I like it in that regard. But I don't like it due to its non physical nature; it just feels wrong. Eg if a solar flare took down the net or some one hacked it etc. I can see how for ease of trade it across distances it can be useful though. Not something I would keep money in but good not to be a part of the bankers system.

    I would wager CIA etc who ever gov IT cyber bods are working hard to destroy bit coin as we speak.

    The limited supply (fixed limit of 21 Million which will be hit around 2030) does mean that it's a deflationary currency by it's nature, but that is not inherently bad, just a reverse in thinking (ie prices will go down over time instead of up). The system currently utilizes 8 decimal places, so real world items would probably end up costing small fractions of "a bitcoin" and new words would be coined (ie bitcents, bitsatang etc..)

    The internet going down would only pause the currency while the internet was down, once the internet was back up bitcoin would continue, seeing as all the transaction records (the blockchain) is duplicated millions of times and stored on all the users computers (it's not stored "on the internet"). But the internet going down would take everything offline, not just bitcoin (think you'd be able to go and get money out of your bank during a global internet outage?).

    As for "a hacker" they would really be targeting individuals (ie trying to get into your computer and steal your coins), in the same way current hackers try and get into your bank account, instead of trying to hack the system as a whole, which is mathematically impossible as it's not possible hack (reverse) one way encryption.

    Massive attack is really the main threat, but to do this you would need at least 51% of the computing power of the entire network, at which point you could basically bring everything to a halt, but still not steal money. However the more users there are the likelyhood that one could obtain this kind of power is extremely unlikely (ie US government would need to commandeer every computer in the US and turn them all against bitcoin)

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