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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. Naam i see you have been pooh poohing Bitcoin for the last few years or so (referring to it as a "lukewarm fart"). Yet it's still around, growing in value and clout. Are you still of the same opinion that you were from the start? And if so have you read or researched the topic in general at much length?

    I'd be interested to know the reasoning behind your disdain? What are the specific shortcomings that put your off this medium?

  2. We have been looking at schools around Ramintra-Ladprao in Bangkok, for our 2 1/2 year old son for when he turns 3 (and our younger daughter to follow a year later).

    I think that we've decided on Lertlah English Program at the Kaset Nawamin campus. And then transfer to an international school such as NIVA or Keerapat after primary 6, so that they get a good base on Thai, but get more intensive English before graduation.

    The cost of Lertlah seems quite reasonable, about 120K-130K a year (compared to the above international schools that are around 200K-300K) and I liked the school on touring it.

    Does anyone have any experience with this school, would you recommend it?

  3. "On the other hand, if the girlfriend does not smoke and told these people she does not, then they would / could deem he was over the limit."

    I dont ever recall that there is any requirement when buying Duty Free cigarettes/alcohol that you have to prove that you are going to use the cigarettes /alcohol yourself ! as far as I am aware most countries that allow such purchases only state an age limit depending on local laws at which age you can purchase such items and the amount allowed , therefore I would say that the OP's friend has been well and truly intimidated/scammed out of around 500+ dollars .

    Haven't you heard? They now stop you on the way out of the duty free shop, force you to puff a few of the cigarettes you've bought. If you cough they punch a hole through the top of your bowler hat and stamp on your toes.

  4. I would prefer paying 18K, than getting all kind of extra troubles like getting my visa canceled....

    It's madness to think that you'd have your visa canceled for doing nothing wrong (as is the claim in the OP). Paying 18K in this situation is akin to a random policeman walking up to you in the street and saying, give me 18,000 baht. So in this case you would also pay up because you don't want him to take your visa away?

    How about it's just a random person with a "POLICE" hat on? Still pay up? Where do you draw the line?

    I think everyone has their limit of what they would pay, for me 18K is way over that limit. For me I might shell out a few 100 in this kind of situation (being shaken down for doing nothing). For you i guess it's more than 18K you'd be willing to pay, what would you're limit be; would you pay 100K, 500K?

    Of course if there is any question in your mind of being guilty (ie you might have been over the limit) then I guess you'd been caught and better pay up, or negotiate.

  5. I'd just ignore it. The company should have withheld the first 20K of salary if they actually planned to follow the letter of the contract. Otherwise I don't see how they would plan to collect the 20K, the time/cost involved in court simply makes this pointless for the company to pursue, especially as the labor department will provide your wife with a free lawyer and legal advise.

    They are just taking a gamble, make a couple of harassing phone calls, see if 20K appears.

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  6. If you've only paid 300,000 so far, they can't have done much? Just cancel the contract and find a new builder.

    I think he means 300,000 extra to do repairs on top already

    Thanks guys, yes and it will be probably 400.000 baths, to complete the information my lawyer ask 10% of what i claim to the court and i have to pay 2% of this amount so it will be 48.000 bahts of charge for me if i accept even if i loose or win the trial.

    I'm having difficulty understanding your situation. You mean you have paid 100% of the contract amount + an additional 400,000THB? Why did you pay for the house in full if you were unhappy with the work?

    IMHO asking to having someone thrown in jail, because they didn't build your house good enough, is ridiculous. If the house is "dangerous", ie structurally unsafe, surely you noticed this at the time of piles and columns, why keep paying them?

  7. So you finally end up with a good solution like ckeditor(*) or such; There: you click a button, upload your data – and you are gone.

    ckeditor is simply a wysiwyg editor, and will not save anything you enter without a backend script to store the data somewhere (such as to database or file).

  8. I'm not sure the extra "top soil" price is worth it. We just got "regular fill" which was a clay type of mud and it's amazing how fast plants grow on it. ie 3 meter papaya trees in less than a year. We left it for a year before building, and it was totally overgrown, took a heck of an effort to clear it all. I'm no gardener, but that seems fine to me?

  9. SEO is <deleted>. Content is king.

    I provided you with some hard evidence to prove this statement is false, what evidence have you provided?

    Just logic. Wasting time on SEO is over stupid. Spend 10 hours a day writing for your website and you will understand that SEO is nothing useful (excpt the basics)

    Well lets see, in the example i provided (and has since been deleted by mods) I am position #4 on Google for highly competitive keywords (buy links) through SEO efforts. That provides me with about 50 unique highly targeted (less than 30% bounce rate) visitors per day.

    If I were to buy those clicks from adwords, that would cost about $15 per day to get those same click throughs. That is $450 per month (or $5400 per year)...still seem like a waste of time?

    And despite a few people saying that "Content is King" no one has yet to provide any references to show that their site is highly ranked for competitive keywords. And i'm sorry there is no way that you can start a site, do nothing but write good content, and within 2 months you are getting $450 worth of targeted traffic per month for free.

  10. Note that your actual database will not be PHP, the database will, in most cases, be MySQL.

    So you need to learn PHP and MySQL together if you want to build your own database driven site.

    it doesn't harm to have an idea about jquerry and java as well. unless you wanna do dumping stuff direct into the tables or fancy db syncs over multiple sites, there is no need to dive into sql. knowing a bit about phpmyadmin should be enough. IMO there is no need to learn sql when all what the average user does is: create a db , add a user and the rest is done by some front-end.

    How would you display data (ie pages, products, prices etc...) on your site from the database, without having any knowledge of how to write an SQL query?

  11. I'd say Wordpress with a cart plugin has a much shorter learning curve than Joomla or Drupal (and Joomla Virtuemart is buggy at best, or do you suggest a different Joomla cart extension)

    Although most the sites I do these days deal with Wordpress, or Joomla (Joomla becoming less and less so), I'm still an osCommerce fan for a purely eCommerce site, but I wouldn't start an osCommerce if I didn't know anything about PHP.

  12. what would you have to do to increase prices by 5%?

    Most database driven carts will have a script to allow you to do this, and if they dont it's very easy to add, it's just running a query against the database, for example something like:

    UPDATE products SET price=(price*1.05)

  13. My code is clean I have 1st page 1st result on many pages.


    Here we go againsmile.png ! How about a URL ( link to a website) for one of your 1stpage1st than?

    © UOA

    • Both Dreamweaver and Drupal are tools for developing web sites.
    • Both require training to create a site and enter information into a site.
    • Depending on how the site has been set up, adding new content does not require knowledge of HTML, but it does require understanding of the tools being used in either Dreamweaver or Drupal.
    • Both can deliver the same end product (that is, you cannot tell just looking at a page if it is a Drupal site or a Dreamweaver site).
    • Drupal is driven by a database. The fields in a database (such as events) can be used in multiple parts of the site, and only have to be entered once. If there are a lot of updates to a site, it is better to have a database behind the site.
    • Because anyone with Internet access can be given access to a Drupal database, with the approval of the administrator, more people can be involved in providing direct input into a Drupal web site, without purchasing software. Input to a Drupal site is done through a web browser. Special software does not have to be on the local computer.

    Im not interested in flexing my seo muscle to show off, but i will if enough of you bug me about it and your going to feel stupid when i do it. I know where i rank and its good. wink.png

    So the main advantage is input to a database where information can be extracted. So if i have 2000 items, i would still have to enter information 2000 times, then i would have to have a script to retrieve it im guessing. Then i would still have to spend time writing that script correct?

    I can see where this would be helpful for something like a dating website that pulls up multiple profiles according to criteria...or a product search on a website. So its beneficial for dynamic pages. But for static pages it actually looks like more work.

    I still cant figure out how it is better for updating a site. << really, not being a smartass.

    With a database driven site you could put all 2000 products into a spreadsheet and then import them, and your site has 2000 new pages.

    Say that you want to increase all your prices by 5%. With a database driven site that would take a few seconds. How long would it take you to update the price on 2000 HTML pages?

  14. Bringing $100,000 in cash into Burma is interesting thing to do. I wonder if he would declare it to the authorities.

    100,000 Baht, let's not get carried away. If was $100,000 I have a feeling the story would be very different.

    For a 100,000 I'm not sure that I'd want my photo plastered all other the place as the "old fart who forgot his money".

  15. And the kind of developer who is willing to sit around drinking coffee with you for free, is the kind that doesn't know how the heck to build a website anyways.

    Thank you for the flowers!

    I sit with clients because I want to work with them long term, for example a businessman who wants me to take over the technical/internet side of the business.

    Obviously I don't go sit with people who just want a job done.

    And are you the one who actually does the development? As all my clients "sit with clients", but then they just outsource the work to people like me (or people like me within their company). My point being that the actual coder is rarely a person who wants to sit down with a client who knows nothing about web design and shoot the breeze. (Spending 3 hours taking to explain what a screen resolution means etc..)

    It just seems to me that if you are an actual developer and your schedule is so empty that you are able to go out and meet face to face with potential clients...maybe you are not very much in demand?

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