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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. Here in my Bangkok moobaan the developer drives concrete piles down 3 to 4 meters at spacing of every few meters then lays the concrete foundation on top of these piles. Does the same thing for the home's perimeter concrete fence. Definitely no shortage of pile driving. My house is approaching 5 years old and was built this way...no foundation problems or wall/floor tile cracks anywhere so far.

    3-4 meters I'd be seriously worried!!...the piles for our house are 22meters... 18meters was considered minimum by all the builders we talked to.

    22 meters (72 feet) !!!!??? That's taller than light/electric poles. What are you building on? Mush?

    It's basically 2 phone poles stacked end on end. They bang the first one in, then weld the second on top and bang that in too. Some of the piles could have gone deeper, but met the required blow count.

    Here's a picture of the surface we were building here, and the piling being driven (note that the pile in the picture is only half of the total 22m).



  2. Here in my Bangkok moobaan the developer drives concrete piles down 3 to 4 meters at spacing of every few meters then lays the concrete foundation on top of these piles. Does the same thing for the home's perimeter concrete fence. Definitely no shortage of pile driving. My house is approaching 5 years old and was built this way...no foundation problems or wall/floor tile cracks anywhere so far.

    3-4 meters I'd be seriously worried!!...the piles for our house are 22meters... 18meters was considered minimum by all the builders we talked to.

  3. Pretty much irrelevant, as housing foundations should be piled to hard level anyway. Pile each post, cant go wrong.

    Some want to build concrete slab type foundations???? and NEED the ground to settle - forget it!! Slip form pile and rest easy!

    But you don't really want your house to be on stilts with a big sinkhole under neither after 6 months do you...

    We left our fill to settle for 1 year and it probably dropped by 20cm.

  4. Just pour some concrete on it, use some boards to keep it separated at the edges, use some pvc pipes to keep the holes and form drain groove while it's drying.

    I think concrete poured that thinly (looks like about 50mm at most) will break up without some reinforcing.

    If in doubt stick a bit of chicken wire or thin rebar in there too. Doesn't need to last forever, the next time the jail crew comes to clean the drains they will probably smash it up anyways.

  5. He has discovered, to his surprise and frustration, that the police here are not interested.

    Both of the above would be odd in a Western society and to someone with a view that Thailand is similar to a Western society. But they are not unusual for here.

    So you are telling me if you walked into a local police station in the US and said "My single-dad brother law-in, who works causal out of state odd jobs in construction (don't know who he works for or where), and comes home every now and again (but usually calls a lot), hasn't called for 2 weeks" they would do what...? Send in a squat team while you go back to drinking a beer on the couch?

    They would probably file a missing persons report in their database and then do nothing...

  6. good news is every possible avenue has been checked, i mean everything that can be done.

    LOL, are you serious? Well I guess that one is done and dusted then, back to the bat cave.

    yeah, i will explain it because many things must be spelled out here for the simpler people, good news meaning having done everything it increases the chances of finding him, i dont mean good as in hey we can stop now because its hard work.

    there are same great guys here, but some serious rejects, common sense is not in large supply here when some are reading posts, try reading between the lines a little, that way we dont have to write a virtual book each post

    So you did the following already?

    • Hired a private investigator
    • Visited previous places of employment
    • Talked with co-workers/ex co-workers
    • Offered reward for information leading to his discovery
    • Checked phone records

    If someone I cared about was actually missing I would never be able to say "I've looked at all avenues", there would always be another avenue to check, especially after only 2 weeks!

    So don't make silly statements like that, just say "I've done as much as I'm willing to do" instead.

    • Like 2
  7. my wifes not a happy girl right now, newborn is keeping her bus though.

    Do you mean to say that the brother-in-law's daughter is actually a newborn baby (ie less than a couple of months old), and if he's been missing a few weeks...that means he was only actually been involved in the baby for a few weeks? Given this fact (single dude with a newborn baby) it may be that he just decided to do a runner.

  8. Building sites in Bangkok are not exact a safe work environment; worker prancing around on bits on a bamboo 8 floors up; no harness...

    Surely you can track down who was his contact for getting work, and find out what building site he had been working on, then actually go there and start asking some of the other workers. The foreman/contracter may be keen to cover up any accidents, don't waste your time talking to them.

  9. The REAL badge of a fool is anything Samsung. While the Apple may have some problems, Samsung is pure shit.

    I've had good experiences with Samsung products. Had a Samsung flat screen TV that one of our employee managed drop when moving; Samsung gave us a brand new replacement even though the TV was over 2 years old.

    Had a Samsung Galaxy S that was acting funny (turning itself off etc..) the service center at MBK switched out a new main board in less than an hour (for free), never had any problems since. I have lots of other Samsung products and have never had any problems with them.

  10. I wouldnt be too worried about the letter of the law anyway, if you walk up and down out side the printer shop slagging the business off..I would be more worried about the shop owner and his buddies coming out and beating the sh*t out of you...thumbsup.gif

    I think having the employees of a major international brand beating me up inside a large Bangkok IT mall would probably only serve to further my cause.

  11. It does seem to cover everything !!

    If a person gives evidence against a defendant in a criminal trial, could the defendant sue for detamation, even if found guilty?

    If a judge pronounces a defendant guilty of rape, for example, could he be sued?

    Could a newspaper be sued for reporting the result of a trial?

    And not just sued, but put in jail for 2 years and charged 200,000 too!

  12. Actually this one is more pertinent to the OP's case. And yes, libel/defamation laws are draconian here.

    Section 423. A person who, contrary to the truth, asserts or circulates as a fact that which injurious to the reputation or the credit of another or his earnings or prosperity in any other manner, shall compensate the other for any damage arising therefrom, even if he does not know of its untruth, provided he ought to know it.”

    I'm not sure that section 423 applies, as that has to be "contrary to the truth"...whereas in this case my printer really does suck (it doesn't print at all). But for "Criminal Defamation" it appears that even if the statement is true and undeniable...it doesn't matter ("If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" seems to actually be the law here?)

  13. To me this is insane because the amount they pay out for votes can be many thousands of Baht for very little pay but then again I suppose there are other perks.

    Because once in office they accept ridiculously overpriced construction projects and pay way over the top for land purchases; and rake in huge kick backs for doing it, not to mention going on all expenses paid vacations around the world every month.

  14. Criminal Defamation

    Defamation as a criminal act in Thailand is defined by the Thai Criminal Code as a statement made by a person who imputes anything to another in a manner which is likely to impair the reputation of the latter or to expose him to hatred or contempt. Under the same Code, such person is liable for an imprisonment up to two years or he can be ordered by the court to pay a fine of 200,000 Baht or may be both.

    Doesn't that seem to cover just about anything? Example I say to my friend "I think ABC Pizzas taste bad"..I could go to jail for 2 years? Are things really that strict here?

  15. Sorry.ermm.gif Try the Consumer Protection Boards hotline. 1166 Open 24 hours

    Thanks I will get the mrs to call this first before I do my t-shirt protest.

    Does the printer suck or does the shop that sold it suck? If you are unhappy with the printer you selected, why blame the people that sold it to you? How is it their fault you don't like it?

    It's my fault for buying a sh*tass broken product? Hmm...ok. Note to self, don't buy broke stuff in the future...

  16. Get yourself a life! If the 2000 baht you paid for the printer means so much to you, mail me your accountnumber, and I will send you the money. What we don't need is another farang making a fool of himself! w00t.gif

    Printer cost 22,000 (I'll sell it to you for 10K?)

    I'd really like to just take a baseball bat and smash the printer up right in front of their shop...but I'm guessing this would probably get me kicked out or arrested? smile.png

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