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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. Unless the "Item" was a motorbike or something that belongs in the street, then I think the OP is trolling.

    No Thai person i've ever met would leave valuable items out in the street. My Thai family wouldn't even leave what I consider to be "trash" out in the street (ie old bits of metal, or scrape wood etc...)

    I suggested getting a plastic bottle recycling bin at our condo; everyone looked at me like it was crazy...because, according them, someone would come round and nick the plastic bottles...(hmm...isn't that the point?)

  2. Sounds like a weirdo.

    You should mess with him, go in tomorrow with a t-shirt with a cross or jesus fish on it, then the next day a shirt with a crescent moon....see how his mood changes each day.

    Then the last day go in there with a t-shirt with a middle finger on the front and "f*** you" on the back.

    • Like 1
  3. D-Link are crap in general.

    Had a D-Link a few years ago and it sucked ass, had a billion modem worked great, had a few Linksys in my time all worked great.

    For some reason i let the TOT guy talk me into getting a D-Link modem again (it was only TP-Link or D-Link available) and having never heard of TP-Link, like an idiot i listened and got D-Link again. Sucks again...I'd rather have a dog turd with a car antenna stuck in it. It crashes and reboots daily, the admin area takes forever to load, the admin area buttons random disappear, it random disconnects, etc...

    P.S. I'm not sure if it's the actual D-Link hardware that is terrible, or just the drivers/software/firmware. Because I have a D-Link wireless adapter which was terrible on Windows XP (tested with a number of different drivers), always a "poor" connection. Now with Windows 7 it's full signal all the time.

  4. Have you reported the loss/theft to the Thai police and the British embassy?

    See Lost or stolen passports on this page.

    I guess I'll have to do that too. Interested that the embassy didn't mention anything about that, they seemed more concerned with telling me to call DHL (I didn't even have a DHL tracking number until they gave it to me on the phone, yet now all of a sudden it's between me and DHL?)

    I am sure that as DHL have a signature they do not have to pay,

    So they can just walk up to some random person in a Condo lobby or parking lot, hand them package, get a signature and that's them covered?

  5. I paid 5000THB to the UK embassy for a passport for my daughter, after more than 2 months I called them to track it down. They say DHL delivered it over a month ago, it shows in their tracking number as signed by some random name; no one working at the condo has that name, we don't know anyone with that name, and the condo delivery log book shows nothing from DHL for that date.

    UK embassy says it's not their problem; it's DHL's problem....DHL is still following up. Am I correct in assuming I should receive a full refund for the passport costs from DHL?

    You'd think they'd be more careful with passports, i mean there could be some Thai kid in the UK right now using my daughters name and passport?

  6. Spend the $20 bucks to get their domain name in .com and start negotiating with them.

    Play nice to start.

    It's more than $20, it's up for sale at many hundred $ from a squatter. But I think I'm going to buy that and a few other domains similar to theirs and then try to use them as a trade off to redirect these domains to them, and my domain to me.

    And if they are not interested in the trade at least I can kick back knowing that I'm stealing at least as much traffic as they are stealing from me.

  7. From a business perspective you need to ask whether you have seen a direct impact to your P&L from this activity. If you have then you might want to go down the last route. However I think your money could be better spent on actively marketing your present domain and ensuring that your online profile out-strips theirs. That would really be fighting fire with fire.

    The issue is not marketing. If you search google for us, or our keywords, you'll find us (we are 1st page for all our targeted words). But the concern is mis-typing existing customers who are trying to remember our name and type it directly into their browser.

    You'd be surprised by how many Australian users will even type their own email address incorrectly (typing @hotmail.com.au or @gmail.com.au by mistake), so I can only assume that some of them also type domains incorrectly adding a ".au"

    Good luck with it. Take it as a stimulus for growth. Maybe one day they'll be out of business and you can get your domain registration company to purchase it for you when it is ready. Most reputable businesses will only charge a set admin fee for this service.

    Note that it is a .COM.AU so I cannot own it because we are not an Australian business with an ABN.

    Maybe some Australian members can give me an idea of how likely it is that you'd stick a ".au" on the end of a domain that you're typing?

  8. Can anything be done with a situation like this:

    I own a domain, for example: ABC.com

    Another company selling somewhat similar genre products (but not direct competition) has, for example: XYZ.com.au

    All is fine and well at this point, both peacefully existing.

    Then XYZ company buys the domain ABC.com.au and redirects it to XYZ.com.au, they do not do business as "ABC" and don't have "ABC" anywhere on their website, it's just a straight redirect. So that any Australian users who accidentally add a ".au" out of habit to end of our ABC.com, end up at XYZ.com.au

    Contacting XYZ directly to complain has been fruitless, and it appears that you need to pay and upfront fee of more than $2000 just to roll the dice and have a AU domain authority rule on it (seems quite a process).

    Should I fight fire with fire; as I noticed that the .com for their domain is available for sale at a lot less than the $2000 arbitration fee, and reroute their mistyping Australian customers to us.

  9. GB Olympic Football Crests

    I have not heard it mentioned or debated anywhere else; but does no one else think the British Olympic football team badge is very odd?

    The Great Britain football team is wearing a plain white crest with a dark blue lion’s head logo and some Olympic rings with text “Team GB London 2012″. I think this logo really cheapens the team; it looks a like a logo that a pub team might wear in a one-off testimonial friendly match. It screams to me “we just threw this pick-up team together for a bit of a laugh”....


  10. Amazon is weird about book shipping costs. The shipping cost to send a few childrens books was going to be more than the cost for them to send a 15kg stroller...

    It seems like some items are shipped from US and other items are shipped from somewhere in Asia, obviously the costs will be reflect this.

  11. I have a security camera system ( http://www.averusa.c...vrs/eh1116h.asp ) in and around my house ( 12 cameras ) which are connected to an digital DVR with IP address.

    I can watch all my cameras from the television or Iphone / Ipad application or any computer.

    I think that this is an easier and better option. As i have wifi in my house i can use the ipad everywhere in my house to check the cameras.

    This is what I'm planning on doing. Buying a cheap tablet and having the camera's hooked up to the internet. I can take the table with me anywhere around the house, and can also see them when I'm out via my smartphone. My friend installed cameras with microphones so he can chat with his wife and family while he's away on biz! Freaks his wife out when he starts asking her what she's doing....laugh.png

    The problem is what if the alarm is going off at 3AM, your in the bedroom but you left your ipad in the living room? Assuming living room is on a different floor and far from the bedroom, i'd like to be able to survey the situation first...if it's 5 gun-welding guys it may not be a good idea to venture out in my boxers.

  12. Do not daisy chain the mdulators together, instaed feed them in to a proper RF combiner, the sort that is designed to take multiple antennas and feed them to a single TV. These can be both passive or active (with built in amplifier) Use the same combiner to insert the signal from your TV antenna. This common feedcan then be fed in to the system that currently gives the RF feed to all your TVs.

    That's what I original wanted to do but i wasn't able to find any single RF Combiner/Modulator that could handle 9 inputs (actual system will have 8 cameras + DVR). Do you have any link to where I can find something like that?

    Also note that the modulators cost about 1000THB each, so total 9000THB for this setup, would the combiner be in a similar price range?

    Why do you not just get better cameras and they connect wireless to network camera manager like this:

    Because I want to be able to view the cameras from standard TVs (i don't plan to have a smartTV or laptop in every room just yet)

    The DVR will be connected to the network/internet so that I can view cameras online also.

    extremely weird set-up to get this working. may i ask why you want to get the sources on different channels instead make the tv remote control work on the dvr?

    Because the TVs are all in different rooms, connecting them all directly to the DVR would require buying an IR Extender and extra DVR remote for every room to change camera views, and would not allow different cameras to be view simultaneously from different rooms.

  13. This is no new one. It is around for quite some time. These capchas are not deliberately hard to read. There are generated by the Google Book Project. Word combinations which can not be recognized by the ocr software are converted into graphics and given out as captchas. If a crucial amount of similar answers has been reached, the result is than transferred back to google books.

    Exactly. Quite often on of the words is already verified by other users. The another one is 'new to the system'.. and once enough people write is the same way it will become verified word.

    Also for this reason often only one of the words has to be correct. The other one can be wrong (or slightly wrong).

    Great idea to combine digitizing old text/books an fighting spam!


    Wow i've used RE-Captcha on dozens of sites but never realized that it was actually helping to digitalize books, what a great idea; putting the internet to work.

  14. It's getting about time to put the wiring in for our new house and I want to have the security cameras setup so that they can be viewed from all TVs in the house. So by selecting "Channel X" you can view "Camera X" on any given TV.

    I've been in a few camera shops (ie Fujiko/Watashi) and am just getting blank stares at this request.

    After doing some research I think it would be possible to achieved in this manner (see diagram below).

    The feed from each camera would be split and each connected to its own RF Modulator would which assign each camera to its own channel frequency. The RF modulators would be daisy chained together to build up a single coaxial cable which contained all the different channel frequencies. (See example of RF Modulator that I plan to use)

    The DVR would also be wired to its own RF Modulator that would output the multi-camera view on one channel.

    The single coaxial containing all the feeds would be split and wired to all the rooms.

    Does this plan seem correct or are there problems that I'm missing?


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  15. I have heard of the status symbol thing...but i thought that was for Chinese women like 100 years ago?

    It's doesn't seem to apply here in Thailand. The only people i've seen with a long pinky nail seems to be anything but "high class", in most cases they are tuk-tuk drivers, delivery guys, sexy movie guys at Pantip....doesn't really make sense for them to be making a statement of "I don't need to work"

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