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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. I've read that there are very strict libel laws in Thailand and you can get thrown in jail just for saying something like "company XYZ is bad"...?

    Would the following action be illegal? Wearing a T-Shirt saying "My Printer Sucks", walking around in the mall carrying a printer, near to the store which sold me the printer (the official store for the brand name)?

  2. It sounds as though they are invoking:

    4. Brother is guaranteed against material damage and assembly as guaranteed under the warranty term of products. If the products are damage that caused by the use and maintenance as usual.

    and interpreting the part failure as caused by use.

    ...that section appears to say they DO cover damage caused by normal use?

    Anyway let me turn this into a general rant warning others about this printer. It is a Brother MFC-9120CN, purchased directly from the Brother store at fortune tower for about 22,000THB. It has been nothing but trouble since I bought it. It is used at our shop for printing invoices (which contain some small color product pictures).

    The first day I bought it and plugged it in, it wouldn't work, just kept coming up with error messages etc...so I carted it back to the store (this thing is huge and heavy). None of the store techs could get it printing either; it appeared to have some kind of broke toner sensor. So they pulled a "new" one out and gave me that instead. Note that they did make me keep the opened toner/drum from the original broken printer, although about 5 different "techs" had poked, prodded and shaken all of them aggressively...

    And although the new one "worked" it has never been right, always printing crap quality that has progressively gotten worse and worse, and lots of bugs that seem to also get worse and worse. Numerous times we've contacted Brother to fix it and they poke it around a bit and it kind of works ok for a few days.

    It finally has gotten to the point where EVERY DAY you have to turn it on, clean the drum, shake the toners, run the "calibration" on the menu, run the "auto-register" on the menu, run through some more drum cleaning blank pages. And then you can just about get it to print a sh*t quality page covered in black dots.

    A Brother tech came into the shop last week to "fix" it, after he left there was a paper jam and the printer will no longer open (we discover the top is now jammed shut), this is when the next tech came and told us there is a broken part in it that needs replacing...(oh and we have to pay for it)

    WHAT A PIECE OF CRAP!!! Not to mention it EATs toner big time, I thought I was being smart buying a color laser instead of a cheapo inkjet...

    I have a feeling that the Brother store may well be passing out *poorly* refurbished printers as "new", I mean what are the odds of getting 2 bum new printers in a row?

  3. I have a Brother multifunction color laser printer that I bought 2 years ago. It currently has a broken plastic part which has rendered it unusable until fixed. According to their English warranty information (and the information that I read at the time of purchase) it comes with a "3 years (onsite service)" warranty:


    Note that it even says:

    "Brother can choose to make repairs or replace a product with the buyer does not have to pay the costs of service charge and spare parts."

    However Brother is saying that I must pay for the broken part (but not pay for labor), and when looking at the Thai version of the warranty it has an additional section (not shown in the English Warranty) that states they only cover parts for 1 year:


    Can they be held to the English version of the warranty? I have not yet heard the price of the broken part...so it maybe a few 100baht and the point will be moot, but this is 20K+ machine so the part could easily be many 1000s.

  4. There is contract in black & white clearly stating the agreement, the developer has every right to enforce the contract.

    Your arguments are getting sillier and sillier....now saying that because the developer didn't enforce a height limit on someone else contract this somehow nullifies your contract...seriously <deleted>.

    I would take the 5.1M cash and run, especially when you legally can't even own the land in the first place...an others have said the exchange rate will probably even out the lose for you a bit.

  5. I've ordered a lot of vintage football shirts on ebay. I used to use regular airmail and the packages would all arrive OK, then all over a sudden about 90% started going missing...I'm guessing some guy at the post office figured out what the packages were and started nicking them.

    After that I switched to always using/asking for registered/signed-off mail, those seem to always arrive (maybe the postman is afraid to mess with those ones?)

  6. I have never seen any other polls on this subject but anyway I think it is easy for people to say "no" to an anonymous internet forum, but in reality if those 500 million most avid users (who check their FB everyday) tried to log in to find out what their friends are talking about today and found they could not access their account unless they pay 1 dollar, few would be able to resist. For many of these people, FB is not just a part of their life, it is their life.

    I just don't understand how you can see a poll that says only 14 people out of 105 would pay for something and you say "That is totally wrong, really 104 out of 105 would definitely pay"...without any stats to back this up...hm...

    • Like 1
  7. I read your post, and understand it. You're trying to justify the convoluted bidding process used by Ebay. In contrast, I'm longing for plain speaking and a return to how Ebay was for the first years it operated. Ebay realized it could make more money (from commissions) if it had a clandestine bidding system. I still maintain Ebay is being deceptive.

    The 'high bid' should be shown as the 'high bid' - instead of an actual unshown high bid, that the buyer is supposed to guess at. Ebay suggests the 'next highest bid' but it (or it's bot) knows that's untrue. It's flat out deceptive and I resent that. Am sure there are many others who also don't like such deviousness.

    Ebay has been running this automatic bidding system for a LONG time (at least 10 years)

    Their bidding processes saves you (the buyer) money, because you only pay what you "have to pay", not what you are "willing to pay".

    Why would they "deviously" conspire to make you pay less?

    If you want to pay the price you see then look for the "Buy Now" items, as the price listed is the price you pay.

  8. The demographic of the membership of this site is not representative of the 500 million FB users who are active on it everyday. By definition, FB is a big part of these people's lives and they would not forfeit that for the sake of 1 baht per day (especially as their FB "friends" would see this).

    I am sure 99.9% of those users find a way to pay for their mobile phone, and would find a way to pay to keep their FB account live. Given the size of FB they could sell credit via top-up cards (same as mobile phone network providers) in virtually every grocery store in the world.

    We currently only have the poll presented here as evidence of what users are and are not willing to do (which refutes your claims). Or do you have an alternate poll which you feel more accurately represents what the average facebook user is willing to do?

  9. Ebay shows the current bid, and then, just under the blank space for the client's (your) new bid, it very clearly states: "enter US $ xx.xx or more"

    $xx.xx is a dollar higher than the highest bid listed. When the bidder enters the suggested amount, it's very often met with red font saying: "You've been outbid. Don't let it get away - bid again!" .....and it happens over and over.

    It's false advertising (calling it an auction site) and deceptive business practice, because it's suggesting the next highest bid amount, but it knows that's not the next highest bid. It's also deceptive because it states clearly what the highest bid is, but it is in fact NOT THE HIGHEST BID. Where I come from, we call that lying.

    You are confusing the "Maximum bid" with the "Highest bid"

    The "Highest Bid" is the current amount that will win the item. The person with the "Highest Bid" may be will to pay more than that amount, this is their "Maximum Bid".

    Lets says an item is for sale with a reserve of $10. Bidder 1 comes a long and says "I'd be willing to up to $25 for that". Initially he will only be required to pay $10 because there are no other bids.

    Bidder 2 comes along and he can see that Bidder 1 has already bid $10; but he cannot see that bidder 1 is willing to pay up to $25.

    Obviously he must "enter US $ 10.xx or more" anything else would be below the existing bid; if he enters "$12" ebay will log this bid, but then see that Bidder 1 is willing to pay up to $25, so automatically logs a bid for this Bidder 1 of $13, and thus Bidder 2 has been out bid.

    You will only be the winner of the auction you are willing to pay more than all the other bidders are willing to pay, this is the nature of an auction. Ebay uses the hidden "Maximum bid" so that you don't end up paying more than you have to for an item.

    There is nothing deceptive or "bait and switch" about this. They don't say "If you enter more than $xx.xx you will win this auction"

  10. I think most of the 500 million daily users (and some of the 300 million sporadic users) would find a way if it was that or lose access to their account (especially if their "friends" would see that their account is locked).

    I strongly disagree.

    You only need to look at the stats on this poll to see how far from accurate your assumption is, and this poll does not yet take into consideration the number of people in that 9.86% who are willing to pay, but not actually able (credit card rejected etc..)

    There are a great number of ways Facebook can (and is) monetizing their site...directly charging the end users will never be one of them.

  11. This question has another aspect which is "how would you pay that $1".

    If a guy showed up at your door each month collect $1 and you grabbed up some coins off the counter and paid it...most people would probably be fine, but it doesn't work this way.

    You'd need a valid credit card, and then your card gets randomly rejected because your IP doesn't match the address...your got to get on the phone with your bank, got to get another card? Got to remember to go and pay at counter service...? At which point it's not just "a dollar" it's a hassle.

    • Like 1
  12. Maybe the OP is Thai and doesn't understand what a western auction is. I have bought many vehicles at Thai auctions and they handle everything very differently.

    For example Suziki Finance use a system where bidders make one bid only, which they write down on a slip of paper and place in a basket immediately before the auctioneer opens the bidding for that lot. The auctioneer's assistants then quickly unfold each piece of paper announcing the bids out loud. Each piece of paper has the bidder's reference number on it. The highest bidder's slip is then immediately stapled to the vehicle paperwork. The bidder is not identified. It is quick and efficient.

    Auctions can take many different forms, not all of which follow the conventional western format.

    That sounds great for the seller, awful for the buyer, as you might end up paying a lot more than you needed to (ie if the second highest bidder was 50K and you wrote down 100K, but could of had it for 51K)

  13. Old versions of Joomla are always notoriously vulnerable to hacking. If you are going to use Joomla you need to be using 2.5, and you need to keep up-to-date with all patches; this is easier in 2.5 than previous versions as they now have an automatic update system (long over due).

    I would not advise "Upgrading" from an older version Joomla to the new Joomla. Do a fresh install and then "Migrate" your data, install all new plugins/modules etc...don't copy any plugins or templates directly from your old site (these could be the security hole). Make sure you install only new plugins designed for 2.5, install as few plugins as possible (if you don't really need it don't install it)

    Personally if I was going to start again I'd use Wordpress instead of Joomla (simpler, better updates, more secure, more pluggable), and then a plugin like WP e-Commerce. But if you are already pretty familiar with your Joomla sites then sticking with [a new version] of Joomla is fine.

    • Like 1
  14. I need some advise about water heaters in my house that's currently under construction.

    At my condo I have a multi-point 6000W Fujika heater which works awesome, very hot if you put it full heat without mixing any cold you'd literally burn yourself badly.

    The heater is installed on the wall outside on the balcony, which was a good idea as the connections have zero corrosion after 6 years (which I'm assuming that would have if box was inside the steamy bathroom all the time)

    At my house I have 4 bathrooms, and was planning to use 2 multi-point heaters, with each heater powering 2 bathrooms (as the bathrooms are group one above the other). I plan to only be using 1-2 points at a time, but maybe 3 points MAX. I also plan to install the heater on the outside wall.

    So I figured a couple of 10000-12000W units should work good.

    But I went into Boonthavorn and the sellers now have me confused. They say that multi-points are no good for this situation (I figured if 6000W is boiling hot for 1 shower, 10000W should be pretty hot for 2 or 3 showers? no?) Also we have a 3 phase power hook up to gives us the option of using a 3 phase heater....but when I asked about the 3 phase unit they were making sucking-lemon faces and kept saying that one was "for a factory"...hmmm ok? They kept saying that I should get a water heat tank instead.

    However I'm concerned that the water tank is going to use more electricity as it is keeping the water hot all the time, or is this an incorrect assumption? Also if the tank runs dry then you're going to have to wait awhile to get more hot water right? (Not to mention that it will look big and ugly mounted on the wall)

    What would you suggest, here are a few options I am considering:

  15. A lot of United fans are hailing this as a fantastic signing, but personally I’m not so sure…I can see another Berbertov on the horizon.

    Van Persie is a great striker there is no denying that; winning the Premier League golden boot with an impressive 30 goals last season, however this is a player with some “baggage” attached.

    Firstly he is extremely injury prone, since joining Arsenal in 2004 he has been injury an incredible 27 times, and has meant an average of only 26 starts per season. Based on his history, and the fact that he is already 29, I can’t see him even making it to Christmas before he picks up his first injury at United.

    Read full article and see full RVP injury list

  16. Why am I a troll? I asked a perfectly reasonable question, which was "what would YOU do in that situation", but instead you make silly statements about leaving "valuable" items in the street. I never said the item was valuable, however, it was useful, which is why they went to the trouble of stealing it.

    If you had posted in a normal manner, such as "someone stole my <roof tiles>", you'd get maybe 5 replies, but instead you use mystery and vague descriptions to get as much mileage out of the thread as you can... that's is considered trolling.

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