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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. The whole point is privacy!! They do not ask you if you like their policy change, they force you to accept it.....

    "Our new Privacy Policy makes clear that, if you’re signed in, we may combine information you’ve provided from one service with information from other services. In short, we’ll treat you as a single user across all our products, which will mean a simpler, more intuitive Google experience."

    Some (most?) people like that idea, but I for one want to make my own decisions and I might have a good reason to be treated as multiple users across products (my choice!).

    What and how I surf and where I go on the internet is MY business! If I choose to share with others, I will do so, but that should MY decision, not Google's (or Facebook for that matter).

    Big F...kcing Brother is already watching enough angry.png

    Do you not understand the fact that google is providing a free service that you are choosing to use? How are they forcing you to use it? How is you surfing on the internet "Your business"...when you visit a website your request travels through 100s of servers/routers/networks, some owned by ISPs, some owned by data centers etc...none of which are owned by you...

  2. Completely depends on context, as with any insult.

    A lot of things get said in the heat of the moment. Worse case context for Buffalo in Thailand i'd think would be if you overheard your wife calmly calling you this to someone else behind your back. That would be a problem; but if it's just something someone yelled in a heated argument then probably can be ignored.

  3. Try Proplugin. Great Shop opposite the JJ market. Google and then call them.

    One guy named Aran speaks english.

    yes i just found that shop yesterday, they have the mic i want, that is in ladprao right?

    Is it near Mochit?

    What is JJ market? is that flea market near mochint bts?

    It's on Ladprao Rd. next to Homepro...(not walking distance from JJ Market). Note that Proplugin has a lot more stuff on their website than they actually have on hand in the store. So you may as well just order through their website because chances are if you go in the store you'd just have to order it anyways (they will probably not have a show model to look at either).

    I went in there looking for a guitar amp on their website. There were about 4 or 5 they that i was interested in, they didn't have any of them in store.

  4. If I caught you hosing my dog down under the same circumstances I would have punched you right in the nose!

    And you would swiftly be arrested for assault; maybe it's better that you stay out of the country for long stretches if this is the kind of thing you'd be teaching your kids.

    "Let your dog poo on peoples lawns, if they object punch them in the face"...classic role model.

    • Like 2
  5. I don't think the initial topic has much to do with race.

    It's just an asshol_e neighbor; they exist all over the world, their dogs poop on lawns owned by people of all races.

    Next time continue hosing the dog and tell the neighbor to <deleted> off.

    I don't really see why you had to get into with the wife about culing dogs in Bali to please the tourists...seriously <deleted> does this have to do with a neighbor dog pooing on your lawn...?

  6. Hi I have been using Filezilla and keep getting viruis on my websites

    More likely to be security holes on your websites. If you are running any kind of popular software on your sites (Joomla, osCommerce, Wordpress etc..) then you can be 99% sure that's where the virus' are coming from; not someone hacking your FTP passwords.

  7. I'm no expert on this, but maybe there must be a note outside your shop that says that there are CCTV cameras inside.

    Something like this.


    I always figured those signs were just to act as an extra deterant (ie "don't steal stuff we're watching you").

    Is there actually a law in Thailand saying you have to have a sign saying that you have CCTV? Seems strange that the security company installing the camera system did not make any mention of such a law, or provide any signage with the camera package?

  8. I went in there yesterday and it was a mad house; so many people, the kind of crowds you'd expect at an amusement park not a funiture store. I'm guessing this is the reason for so many "out of stock" signs... I mean i can't imagine that any of their sales projections could have predicted those kind of turn outs.

    I was quite impressed with the kitchens, a lot better options/quality than modular kitchens offered by Index/Homepro and more reasonably priced than the "custom built" kitchens at places like Boonthavon.

    Also the modular wardroom systems were quite good and reasonably priced.

    The lack of employees is a stark contrast to the normal business model in Thailand. Maybe i've been here too long but there did not seem to be nearly enough employees...I mean how are you supposed to get stuff down from the 3 or 4 shelf in the warehouse area? I saw a sign saying something like "Why are there no employees? Because it saves you money"...i suppose it does save me money if i can't get anything off the shelf and go home empty handed...?

    Also something that struck me as weird was that they block you from bringing the trolley to your car, and instead you have to drive your car to pick up your stuff... but what if you go there by yourself? Are you supposed to just leave your stuff unattended while you go to get the car? What's stopping someone nicking it?

    Hopefully by the time i actually need to buy a kitchen they will have bedded in and sorted out their stocking issues.

  9. Any disc that is available at Pantip will also be available via Torrents (where did you think they get all the software at Pantip? They don't rip it from original discs themselves)

    Or maybe I'm wrong; just did a quite torrent search for "EPrime" and "E-Prime" came up with nothing; did you actually find these CDs available at pantip

  10. Always rent first for a month, if you cant rent 1st you are taking the risk of not knowing about the noisy neighbours or dogs etc, if they wont let you rent for a month or 2 or 3 they probably have a good reason for it.

    Seriously who does that?

    Even houses for rent you are going to have to pay a 2 month deposit, and 1 month rent up front and probably sign a year contract...? Yet houses that are not even available for rent are going to give you a better deal?

    I would say that if someone is willing to rent you their house before buying it, their price is probably too high and they have had zero other people interested for a long time.

    Or at least visit it at least 5 times a day, at different times of the day and night, over a period of several weeks.

    This seems like a more sensible approach.

  11. Not really related to the cost; but i really hate those tacky finger paintings the monks draw on the walls, over doors, on elavators etc...

    So when we had a monk party at our shop, instead i had to monk do his finger painting on a black paper sheet (which he was quite happy to do); had it framed and looks a quite good.

  12. "Tracking" for these kind of packages usually only shows up in the USPS system once the package has been delivered. So it might be a month before it actually shows up on USPS.

    However this works fine as proof of delivery for Paypal because they give you like 2 weeks to provide the tracking number for dispute, then they take a week or so to even look at the case; so by that time the tracking info is usually up on USPS.

  13. Sorry, yes I was unclear, it works for letters but not for parcels.

    Parcels registration numbers start by RR, not RF.

    That was a parcel; RR and RF are both register mail codes, there is no distinction in the code between parcel or letter. They have a roll of register mail tracking stickers, they stick the same sticker whether it's a parcel or letter.

    Just incase you don't believe me: http://trkcnfrm1.smi.usps.com/PTSInternetWeb/InterLabelInquiry.do?origTrackNum=RR000302765TH

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