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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. Why are people leaving. Most of Bangkok is dry and most of the predicted floods simply haven't happened.

    I agree. Most of the news reports and maps seem to be full of sh*t. Seems like every day we are getting someone calling us saying "I just heard on the news that your area is totally flooded now"...there is not a drop of water round here.

    For example maps like this: http://www.floodthailand.net/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=55

    Has shown a big flood blob on the map at the Ramintra - Phahonyothin roundabout for the last 4 days...THERE IS NOT AND HAS NOT BEEN ANY WATER THERE. So i can only assume that the rest of the map is also wrong, seeing as every area I frequent are marked incorrectly.

    Seems like there a lot of bitters on here who chose to buy land out in the middle of no where for a couple of baht a rai to build on, and now they are hoping Bangkok floods so that their crap choice of location doesn't seem so bad.

  2. For some reason my wife seems to think it's a better option to get evacuated in the back of some military truck and then to end up in some evacuation center sleeping on a mat-roll...

    For me i'd prefer to stay at our condo and eat tinned food in the dark, and poo over the balcony.

    I did 2 weeks without power in an ice storm in Maine '98; unable to move the car and drinking water out of a hole we cracked in a frozen pond. I think could handle a few weeks without power in Bangkok...

  3. You say City didn't do much but truth is they didn't have too. They bossed the midfield from the onset and Ballotelli and Aguero were in a different league to the defence selected to deal with them.

    Were we watching the same game? I can't find the match statistics online, but i would highly suspect we had more possession in the first half. City certainly didn't "bossed the midfield from the onset"; they may have done in the second half, but first half...no way.

    Aguero did almost nothing in the first half; he had what 2 touches maybe?

    Again i'm talking about the first half, second half it all pretty much fell apart and any City player could comparatively be described as "in a different league"

  4. My line up would have been



    Young Anderson Clevery Nani

    Evra Jones Smalling Fabio

    De Gea

    To be fair in the first half City really didn't do anything, we pinned them back but they scored a good goal against the run of play.

    Then the senseless red card came and everything just kind of spiraled out of control, the last two goals were just stupid...why only 2 defenders back when you are losing 4-1 in injury time? From the looking on Ferdinand's face i was half expecting him to run off down the tunnel crying with 3 minutes left to play.

  5. There is only one thing stupider than sticking 70K in a bag and putting it in a bus storage area...and that's completely forgetting about the bag with 70K and leaving it at the airport instead...

    What a moron; doesn't really deserve the money at this point does he?

    What will the next story be? "The bag didn't actually contain any money, just a bunch of used scraps of toilet paper; and the tennis balls off the bottom of his zimmerframe"?

  6. Really can't understand the starting line up...Fletcher, Jones, Park, Giggs in the middle...we were playing Liverpool for f*sake..not Barcelona...

    Don't get me wrong they are all top players (we did not put out a B team)...but where's the spark?

    I'd prefer to go to Anfield and lose fighting, IMHO is pretty shameful that we went there and parked the bus.

  7. You tell the "Tidin" that the buyer has agreed to pay all the tax. The Tidin then issues a bill for the full amount to the buyer who has to pay it before the sale goes through. Then the name is changed and the buyer hands over the Bank draft to you...

    A ) The land department guy doesn't care who "agreed to pay the taxes" he just hands out a bill and someone pays it (doesn't matter to him if the buyer/seller/or monkey's uncle pays it) The bill does not specify who has to pay it.

    B ) Only a moron buyer is going to get handed a full tax bill at the land department and agree to pay it.

  8. My mistake, it is not a check indeed but a Bank Draft (not my native language, sorry). And Dave, sure the bank will lend only 80%, but 80% of which price ;) ......... (if you get my drift)?

    Krungthai will lend 80% of their own "valuation" which is always a sh*t value. They NEVER overvalue a property (in my experience you have to give the surveyors a backhander just to give a reasonable market value).

    Unless you are selling your house for a crazy low price (way below the government standardized value) then there is no way they are borrowing 100% of the value from Krungthai.

  9. Yes you have to pay the cash first. Why don't you ask the buyer to give you how ever much it is you need in cash and the rest by bankers draft at the land office.The tax MUST be paid before the paper work can be completed.

    Their bank (Krungthai) refuses to pay until after the paper work is done, according to the buyer. And then only by check payable in cash to us. Not even in real cash.... :(

    If neither you or the buyer can come up with the cash to pay the taxes then the transfer cannot go through.

    Doesn't make sense that the buyer would only have a check from Krungthai as they will only lend you 80% the value of a secondhand home; so where is the other 20%?

    I suggest you borrow the money from a friend/family member and return immediately after the transfer and the check is paid in (have them come to land department on the day with you if they don't trust you enough).

  10. No chance. Why you bought that usb stick anyway? FW 3.55 and 3.41 can be modded for free to play those games.

    Any game requires over 3.55 can't be played on PS3 Jailbreak / Custom firmware. However, they have modified eboot.bin files for some games to trick them to work in 3.55

    But newer games doesn't work that way.

    Bummer, i guess i've got to choose between upgrading the firmware and buying new real games, or sticking with my current old game library.

    I be honest out of the 50 or so games I only ever play 2 or 3 of them, so might be worth upgrading.

  11. I have a PS3 with a jailbreak USB stick that I got from MBK with a hard drive full of games; works great.

    However the current firmware is 3.41 and it seems that all the new games (ie FIFA 12 etc..) require 3.70.

    Does anyone know if the shops at MBK (or elsewhere) are able to upgrade the firmware to make the newer games playable with jailbreak?

  12. MIL wants to buy a new car, and the government is currently giving big rebates for "first time car buys" (you get like 100,000 back).

    She has already owned a car so would not qualify for the rebate.

    I'm assuming that the rebate doesn't apply to foreigners, or maybe it does?

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