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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. Is it because public hospitals have no time to wait for hours that the baby comes ?

    Could be

    Is it because private hospitals charge more for natural birth ?

    No, Caesarean almost double the cost.

    Is it because Thai want to give birth at the date and time when monks told them ? (same bullshxt as marrying a special day that a fortune teller decided for them!)

    Yes, date of birth is very important to Thais as (according to them) the date affects the personality of the child.

    However you can also induce labor on a certain date with the same result.

    Also you have to consider the pain. I think that factors into peoples decision.

    Also if you are doctor would you prefer to have a nice scheduled operation at 3pm; or get called into the hospital at 2:30am for a delivery? I can imagine that is one of the reasons doctors push Caesarean.

  2. If you want i can sell you my Jailbroken PS3 160gb, as im looking to buy non jailbreak PS3, Bored of playing games myself its time for online competition

    Now I'm confused. I was under the impression that it was simple to un-jailbreak a PS3. Just apply the latest firmware.

    It is easy you just pull out the USB jailbreak stick and update to the newest firmware (note that you can't undo this; yet)

  3. Dave,

    What are your coverage limits on that?

    Whenever I've looked for coverage levels I want on expat insurance, it's rarely below THB 100k total premium for family of 4.

    Thai policies seem to max out around at relatively low levels of coverage and seem expensive to me. I'd prefer to save the money each year, as hospital bills for most things are manageable. This year has been one of the worse ones ever for paying out, but still below what I'd have paid for premiums. Am always on the lookout tho for something that makes sense.

    To OP,

    I looked at Bupa and the Thai Visa one, ACS Asia. Neither seemed to fit what I needed.

    The limit is 500,000USD. Inpatient coverage only.

    The plan is actually ASC Expat plan (but purchased through Thai visa insurance).

    It's only available for expats (Husband or Wife); also the premiums are quite low because I'm 27 and wife is 29. Once you get over 50 years old the premiums are about triple that.

  4. Thanks TT for your reply. I agree with everything you say, how much are super blocks? They may have a short ROI on an Air Conned house.

    Below is a not so good pic of the bricks I was referring to. In Australia, these blessa blocks would be about 20cm thick, the ones we looked at near by were 7cm thick, the walls around the two holes would have been only about 12mm thick, I could just imagine drilling into that to hang a shelf or Air Con and it ripping out.

    As you said, not ta hard for a sledge hammer to made a hole to walk through on any of them.


    Are they called super blocks here?

    If not, what is the Thai name?

    Are they standard 40cm X 20cm ?

    He's referring to the big white bricks.

    The bricks in your picture are "it block" (At least that's what it sounds like in Thai). They are more commonly used for perimeter walls around land, not for that actual house walls.

    Here's a picture of the white bricks:


  5. Generally I found that Thai insurance for babies is very high (higher than adult insurance). Minimum about 16,000THB per year; this does not cover outpatient treatment/drugs or vaccines etc...

    My insurance was about 12,000THB per year, and my wife's was something like 14,000THB per year, Plus then 16,000 for baby = 42,000 per year.

    I decided to get a "family plan" from what used to be "Thaivisa Insurance" (now http://aainsure.net/), which was 32,000 per year for all 3 of us, and includes a way higher coverage limit. However does not include any of the random payouts that Thai insurance tends to cover (lose a finger then they bung you 25K etc...?!).

    Now that we have a second baby the cost will go up to about 36,000 per year for all 4 of us. Which would have been about 58,000 if i'd got 4 individual insurance plans.

    Any additional babies will not increase the cost of the insurance (so if you plan on having a big family a family plan is a must) And kids are covered under the plan until they reach 20 years old.

    Note that i have not yet used the insurance to pay out on anything as no one has gotten sick (hospitalized) yet, so I can't attest to how good they are at paying out.

  6. The logic is: I would expect that the employees would make an attempt at picking up their paychecks IN PERSON in the same way that customers "should" make an attempt at paying their bills on time IN PERSON (sans a paper bill)

    In the first case you are saying the payee should be the one making the effort; but then in the second case that the payer should be the one making the effort.

    And then go on to say that the two cases are the same?

    Whichever way you look at your example Joe Average (employee and bill payer) is the one who gets the short end of the stick because of flooding?

    My point is that due to flooding every transaction requires more effort (invoices go missing, travel difficulties etc..)

    So why should customers/employees have to put in more effort to collecting their pay and paying their bills; while companies put zero extra effort into getting paid or making payments?

  7. Well, if I'd expect that employees would come and pick up their paychecks anyway, even without 'form 52' then yes, that would be the same as companies expecting payment from their customers even without a bill in hand.

    Surely you can see the flaw in your logic here.

    You said that paying employees and paying service provider is a comparable situation, however then go on to say:

    The employee is the one receiving money: You would expect them to pickup money

    The service provider is the one receiving money: You would not expect them to pick up money, but in fact have money delivered to them.

    Therefore employee and service provider are not comparable; at least not in the way of your original analogy.

  8. I'm sure there's somewhere halfway that both parties should be meeting. I don't agree that it's wholly on the customer's side of the bridge though for a lot of goods and services. If it were reversed to me it's like saying I don't need to give your paycheck unless you formally give me form 52 each month... and yes, mailing it to me must be your primary method of doing so. I know I've been paying you the exact same amount on the exact same day for the past 5 years, but I really need that paycheck request slip.


    You would at least expect employees to come to pickup their paycheck though wouldn't you?

    If employee said "I don't want to pick up my check, I don't want to give you any forms; I want you walk to my inaccessible house and hand deliver my payment", would that not be a more accurate analogy?

  9. I just came back 3 weeks in Hua Hin because Condo is finally accessible.

    I expected to find a mailbox full of bills, but it's totally empty, no mail received. I'll be pretty pissed if companies start cutting my services for bills that have been delayed to flood.

    Of course i do expect to pay for the services, but i'd expect most companies to at least extend the payment period until bills can actually be delivered.

    I wouldn't considering expecting customers to wade through knee deep turd water in order to go pay the non-received bill in person as an acceptable policy (for example there is still water in front of the electric department, not sure if they are even open).

    A "When we can get a bill to you, we'll expect you to pay it" policy would be fair i think.

  10. The PAD has been under appreciated for the service they did for the country. They are about to be appreciated again. I didn't necessarily agree with their methods, but having seen how much worse the reds were, I guess the ground rules are now set as to how this game will be played.

    If I'm the PAD I'm going to go after sea ports and railways this time. Bring the import/export market to its knees. Given the floods have already crippled industry the damage there will be minimized, but killing the supply chains will have a dramatic effect on the population. Force the government to look incompetent or fire first. Then the yellows become the oppressed demonstrators, and the civil war can begin between the red government and the yellow freedom fighters.

    I hope their next move is to go through the mail ripping up pension checks and burning bed pans; maybe then some of the armchair analysts on here wouldn't be baying for blood so loudly.

    Seriously why would you support any group that does damage to innocent 3rd parties to further their cause (whatever color shirt they are wearing)?

  11. We have been seeing Dr. Kitti for the last few weeks, seeing as we are stuck in Hua Hin. Normally we use Vibhavadi hospital in Bangkok, but it is flooded at the moment.

    My wife is 41 weeks at the moment and will induce labor this week if baby doesn't arrive. So far Dr. Kitti seems fine and can speak good English (seems to speak more English than Thai).

    Bangkok Hospital is very nice, everything is brand new and top of the line equipment; I was relived to find out it's about the same price as Vibhavadi (32000 for normal delivery).

    Note that their billing system is pretty unreliable; on our first visit the check up cost 6000 (we figured it was just an expensive hospital and maybe they charges us for transferring records or something). The next week the checkup was only 800; turns out they had overcharged us by 4500 on the first visit for an IV drip that we never got. They did refund the money, but make sure you check your bills.

  12. So after 2 years you decide it's about time you lent a hand gave your daughter a bath? You then realized, to your chagrin, your wife has been doing wrong!

    I think it's best that you sit her down and explain the importance of being a good parent; including how to properly bath a child.

  13. Today i saw a lot of motorbikes driving around with a bit of tubing stuck on the exhaust, acting as a snorkel.

    Is this all you need to do in order to run a bike in deep water; is there no air intake that also needs a snorkel?

    I have a Hondo Wave (ironic i know) that i'd like to modify just case the water does come and i need a way out.

  14. bought it on Saturday (ps3) and haven't been able to play online due to a 'online pass check failed'.

    Anyone else had and solved this issue?

    You have to go "Store" from the main menu, then press triangle and it will ask you enter your Pass Code (comes inside the PS3 game box).

    Weird/pain in the ass i know...you'd figure it would ask you for the code when you start up the game...

    As for the game, i'm not really blown away, it's Ok. Not that much different from previous Battlefield titles.

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